THE EVIL Part 1 – Sire Prince Jhay

THE EVIL Part 1 - Sire Prince Jhay

THE EVIL – Sire Prince Jhay

One Friday evening, I and my friends were playing at the stream, suddenly a big crōcōdile appeared and swållõwed Francis and swiftly divēd back into the water immediately

with an utmōst and unimaginably speed, we found ourselves home in a twinkle of an eye.

our scrēams and criēs for help are so loud that it could possibly blōck people’s eardrum.

“what is it? why are you guys shouting” people appeared asking including Francis mom

“it’s Francis ooooo” we wailed chorusly rolling on the ground

“what happened to Francis” Francis mom asked out of shock leaving her palms hung in the air toward us

“we were playing at the stream …”

“ehhh en? what happened?” Francis mom cut-in impatiently, she held my shirt roughly and squeezed it as if we both had a fight earlier

“A big… I don’t know exactly what it was, just like a big fish, it appeared to us suddenly and swållõwed Francis away” I said feeling extremely frightened

“whatttttttttt, swallowed who, my own Francis? ahhhhhhhhhhh” Francis’s Mom’s reactions and scream overshadowed the shock and exclamation people made at the moment. she shouted at the top of her voice stamping her feet on the ground

she ran down to the stream barefooted. we followed her, her wrapper got loosen and dropped down from her waist but she was subconscious and never cared about it, now her purple underwear was being exposed to public.

she got to the stream and started wailing bitterly

“ahhhhhhhhhh, who ever that did this to me will nêvêr seê pe@ce in his entire life, you will forēvēr encōūnter the wr@th of God, you toōk my only sōn awåy, I sufērēd, spent a lot, sacrificed, pass through a lot of challenges and tribulations just because of this boy after his dad had left us for years. but you took him away from me all of a sūddēn. now all of these I did are now in vain. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. God, what have I done to deserve this?, who did I offend?, who did this to me?, this shouldn’t be real…ahhhhhh. Francis, come back to me please.” Francis Mom cried bitterly that made almost all her vains visible

there was a lightning and a thunder strike the moment Francis’s Mom plåcēd those cūrsēd. that was what båffled us the most even up till now. A thunder strike with no sign of rain. as a matter of fact, the day was extremely sunny and bright

moments later, sympathizers from different angles, streets and communities came visiting the stream. the government, journalists, and some Nigerian Force were also present with some cameras, microphone and some other gadgets to examine the stream

I was captured and filmed, interviewed by the journalist. I narrated my side of the story as I was ask to.

Francis’s Mom was also interviewed. the chief and other important personality

all of a sūddēn, the crocodile appeared from the stream again. within a second, the whole place got disorganized. everyone took to their heels.

to my greatest surprise, the Nigerian armed force and some other brave men waited and attåckēd the crōcōdile

fortunately, the crōcōdile was captured and caged. People became so happy.

We all surrounded the crōcōdile. All of a sūddēn, the crōcōdile turned to a human body

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” we all exclaimed shockingly

You can’t believe who the crōcōdile was


Story continued in the next post

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