The Dream I Have Part 1 – Odewale Adenike

The Dream I Have Part 1 - Odewale Adenike

The Dream I Have Part 1 – Odewale Adenike

Balo a young graduate of the university of Lagos is a woman to be described as a lady with so much story to tell she hail from the remote village of Ajegunle one of the suburbs in Lagos state. She was the daughter of a fisherman that knew his skills so well but failed in so many areas too. Though her story is not a beautiful beginning but it meant a lot to me to see how much beautiful life can offer to us if only we don’t give up on our dreams and just believe..

Mama I am off to school to hawk the left over oranges and I think for now I am satisfied with my no going to school just like my friend Sharon is , we really want big things for our selves I dream of becoming a doctor some day but I don’t know mama ,she went close to her mum and drew her wrapper I know I will become great one day that doctor I will be as long I live like you and papa she said smiling Her mother Alake just started at her and pulled her by her ears go and sell your oranges Balo we need the money. She was somewhat sad , her younger brother Kelvin just came back from his regular routine of a bus conductor he was still to young to be on a full shift so his master allows him the privilege of driving the street of Lagos very early in the morning that’s from 3am till 7am .Lagos could be that early. Mama I don come back he shouted oga say make I give you this bread and akara , me I don chop my own he showed her the snacks they both mulched it together and gave the leftovers to Balo to devour .

Mama when I go be like my friend Benjamin you know sey he dey go school he looked at her oilly hands and offered her his shirt to wipe them off they were already dirty she took them and wiped her hands with them . Kelvin, me, and your father are doing all they can do to make you and your sister fine no school for now . You wan here the truth we need money for house rent your papa no dey drop money for our feeding like before ,she said. Kelvin kept quit and knew all his hope to be like his friends is lost he wiped the sweat off his face .

I am going to play at baba Obinna mechanic shop I am learning too since I cannot go to school I no one dey useless he said in pidgin english she hugged him tightly and showered her usual prayers on him..

Alake couldn’t just believe the thought that were running through the minds of her children were will I get all the money they need to push through school I thought they understand the situation we are in now without me saying a word she just couldn’t forget about there throbbing questions maybe it’s high Time  I think of the offer my friend Margret told me yesterday she bent down to ransack through her ward- robe it must be here she told herself. I thought I dropped the paper in the pocket of this my shirt she said to herself she searched again and letter found what she was looking for, it was a white sheet of paper that contains the phone number of an agent. Margret only said his name is agent that I should call him that he can help us immediately and as long I am ready to follow some rules she said too.  she quickly ran to the phone boot close to the kiosk by the bank to make the phone call. After two rings a male voice picked up and asked her what does she want , his voice was so deep and firm . she replied I thought I told that foolish woman to stop bothering me with people I am not the richest man in lagos I know you need money he said oga she said you dey help poor people she said stammering I don’t have time for this your request this hot afternoon I hope you know what we deal in, this is not a small business for small minds he said .

Oga I will do anything you say I just want money for our house rent and to send my children to school two of them she said then you have come to the right person he said as he cleared his throat meet me at #89 street avenue at Mushin you must come alone he said . Oga I am scared hope I will be safe she asked I will come with my husband she said the phone ended. she stared angrily at the phone , she knew he ended it in anger how can a man, a grown up one for that matter be asking another grown up woman to come alone to a secluded area she hissed with a long sound as she trekked back home the weather wasn’t friendly she stopped by to get some vegetables to make the family night meal after pricing for so long she settled for the meat with so much bone since it was cheaper and could help add some flavor to her food no one will know it’s bone self she said to herself as she collected the pieces of meat from the butcher he gave her change she was so happy that she had some money left over . She walked home in a hurry packed the dried clothes on the clothes rope and called out to Balo but there wasn’t no response from inside . This girl is not back yet how many oranges did she carry out for sale that he is taking the whole day I will have to prepare the meal with or without her help she should expect a little potion of food this night I wouldn’t tolerate that nonsense from her again . Alake said as she walked into the house . Adamu was back from his fishing trips he was lying on the bed so tired and hungry too . I hope he brought

some money home this time we are tired of hearing his tales by moonlight stories she said. I will just make what I brought from the market so that we can all have peace tonight . After preparing amala and efo tiro she served her husband first and kept Balo portion in the cooler. Kelvin was sleeping close to the television set he probably was watching papa Ajasco that boy cannot get tired of seeing that man on Tv.  He so much loves to watch movies maybe he will be an actor one day. she said to herself as she cleared the table. Adamu was staring at her he knew she was  angry at him for not bringing in some money home today he came back with some fresh fish instead enough to last two weeks if they are well preserved  maybe that’s enough to show to her that I am man enough he said to him self. She is really getting dark and round he stared and took his face away immediately she caught him staring at her. Balo entered the house with her yellow dress soaked in rain .

Mama abeg no vex na the rain cause am and the traffic again she said in pidgin english. You know i have been warning  you about this your late arrivals I will leave you to your father sabi you are the man of the house she lashed at him. Balo come here he said sorry don’t be late again, have you eaten anything since he asked gently no papa she said. Take this piece of meat and add it to your own food it’s my own sacrifice to you don’t be angry at your mother she is like that sometimes I know she loves all of us. Adamu added. Me I am going to take some fresh breeze outside and drink some Palm wine you can join me when you are finished he said she smiled Papa I will watch the television I like to see all those nice things on television you know na  the oyinbo and their fine everything anytime I see them on television e dey give me joy she smiled as she ate  her meal in a hurry. Adamu stepped out and closed the door behind him.

Ngozi come balo called out I thought this man I mean that man we use to sell oranges too has changed . How do you mean she asked can you imagine he is asking me to be his girlfriend . I can’t believe that, what does he take me for  Ngozi. Balo clapped her hands and shaked her hands I think he is admiring your inner and outer beauty you are attractive .Ngozi said. You need someone like him to take good care of you Ngozi said I just don’t like all of this things it makes me angry at my situation I wish I was in the classroom now instead of selling oranges she said to herself then we are not going to make more money then Ngozi said. He will stop buying our oranges Ngozi said . Balo stared at her and said  his he the only person in Ajegunle I know dey look person face she said loudly as she walked towards the bus stop. This time around I must not go home late , my mother was not happy with me yesterday I hope she has forgiven me Balo said to herself as they both sat quietly in the molue bus .

Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I

They were always several young children on the street hawking just like her and she didn’t like the pictures she sees in her heart anytime she remembers them in her sleep . Mama I am home she said I hope there was no problem today Alake asked . I sold all the oranges and here is the money she handed them to her as she bent her knees . Mama can I go for bible studies this Evening at that church close to baba Obinna shop she asked which kind questions you people have been asking me this days I don’t understand were are you getting all this ideas from, yesterday you said you want to go to school and now it’s church Alake screamed. Mama I am not a baby again oh I can now think for myself Balo said . You better get out of this place before I slap that your face I mean to the kitchen,the plate are dirty and now you want to go to church she hissed . I am going to sell some fishes to oga benjamin so make sure you smoke those fishes the once I kept outside then you make the okro and eba too And no church I didn’t forget so I just want to warn you . She left the house with the dishes in a small bowl.

Balo hurriedly smoked the fishes and did all she was asked to do and sneaked away to church she knew she couldn’t be caught as long as she got home early. The walk to the church was fast as she tried to walk so fast she could have ran if she could. She sneaked into the back sit and sat down quietly it was already time for sermon she knew she had not made a wrong move this evening though she knew her mum will be mad at her if she find out .

She tried to squeeze the thought down her throat and focused on the preacher’s sermon . I will tell her anything if she finds out ,I pray papa will be at home this time again papa is always understanding .The service was almost over when a man in a big orange suit walked towards the pulpit and made some announcement he said so many things but one of his point caught her attention and she stared at the huge fair man with his pointed nose asking asparents send their children to school through the first education charity organizations for street children most especially. She couldn’t believe her ears she felt like standing up and screaming at the announcer that he has an applicant . She sat still on her chair and the rest of the service passed before her eyes with little or no attention. After the grace was shared Balo walked to the man and pulled him by his suit he turned back in a hurry and stared at her. Can I help you young lady he asked. My name is Balo and I want to be a medical doctor can you help me she asked I think you are referring to the free education he smiled I will like you to come with your parents, this will enable you get the form and proceed with your application.

Balo felt slightly sick, sir ,she wanted saying something but couldn’t go further , he looked at her and asked do you need some prayers too he asked she said noo then I will see you next week Sunday and this time with your parents he said.  she nodded her head in agreement. She couldn’t just believe that the answers to all her prayers to go to school was in the hands of one tall  man and any of her parents. She just have to be brave now she thought to herself weather her mother like it or not she just had to do this for her or else there wouldn’t be peace in the house but I can’t just stop obeying her she is not that easy  how do I get mother to support my passion to go to school I am 18years , she still thinks I am a small girl and it’s not my fault I am not growing fast like my friends  , well I can’t kill my self I am a human being. she said to herself .

She peeped through the door to see if her mom was around but she wasn’t, I think God just heard my prayers, I mean the once I have been praying since, I didn’t pray today she said. She walked majestically into her room and pulled out her savings box. I think I know what to do I will just ask Ngozi sister to act as my mother on Sunday she taught as she laid  on the bed ,no ,I can’t do that what If they start asking more questions like how was I born , or what happened on the day of my delivery who will answer the question, then I get to loose the scholarship form she reasoned to herself .She curled to the other side of her bed and tried to catch some sleep but she couldn’t she opened her eyes and saw her mother staring at her with all her eye ball wide open . She jumped up the bed , mama I don do everything you tell me to do she said in pidgin I know her mother smiled the soup you prepare taste better I like am she said in pidgin I hope say you dey learn new things every where you dey go even though say you no dey go school Alake said Balo replied yes the though of talking to her mother about the scholarship available came to her since her mother seems to be in a good mood today she thought .

#OpraDre Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I Dream I

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