** Lia’s pov continues **
“what are you doing here” I said to Amanda as I got close to her
“Come-on.. Amelia don’t ask me that, aren’t friends suppose to visit friends” she said and I gave her a look.. While she rolled her eyes and said
“fine, I know we aren’t really that friends but still, I just want to know where you live” she said and sat down ..smiling

“and by the way, Logan is so cute i can’t believe I’ve finally met him” Amanda said happily and I rolled my eyes..

“okay seriously, not that I like you being here, but what exactly are you doing here” I asked again..
“well nothing actually, let’s just say I just kind of missed you, there’s no one to compete with me again and it’s kind of boring” she said and I sighed..
I know she just came here to see Logan, she’s a fan,
“you Gave you this address anyway” I asked

“well it’s Derrick” she said and my heart twitched by the name..
Why would derrick even do that..

“he didn’t want to give me the address but I had to beg him like forever” Amanda said and moved her hair backward, we don’t even look alike why do people say that..
Just then Logan walked down the stairs and up to us.. “so Lia, I made dinner care for some” Logan asked me and I nod

“and what about you, Lia’s friend care for dinner to” Logan asked Amanda
“it’s Amanda, and yes I would like dinner” she said and smiled
“okay then its in the dinning room” he said and walked away..
“oh my god, he’s charmazingly hot” Amanda said and Logan kind of heard it I think..
“seriously?” I ‘said and gave her a look while she smiled and shrugged.. Amanda is being awfully nice, but still I like it..

The three of us sat down, and Amanda just couldn’t stop talking about how friendly I am, she’s trying to impress Logan, and that is kind of making me sick to my stomach..
“oh and Lia, the school’s given me your position” she said with a smile..
“oh really, well it’s good cause you’ve finally gotten what you wanted” I said and she shrugs happily..
“what position?” Logan asked and when I look at him, his hair was dropping to his face,
“oh I was the___

“Amelia was the school’s president” Amanda cut me off
“wow” Logan said and shared a smile with me.. And I smiled back, forcefully, I’m kind of uncomfortable with Amanda here. ..

“and I was the school’s vice president but now I’m the president” Amanda said proudly and Logan smiled at ‘her’ and I felt a bit angry, Why did he smiled at her..
After dinner Amanda was all set to go and boy was I glad..

“so I hope to come again next time” Amanda said as she stood by the door and me opposite her and Logan behind me..
“no need, you really don’t have to come” I said and she rolled her eyes “don’t be a Debbie Downer, I will visit sometime again” she said and hugged me, forcefully..

After letting go of me, she gave Logan a look that says “can-i-hug-you” I didn’t expect Logan to do so, but he did, he actually Gave Amanda a hug and I felt..
“finally, she’s gone” I said as Logan and I head upstairs
“What you don’t like her” Logan asked
“I do, but not really” I said
“by the look of it, you two may actually look the same but you guys are Way too different” he says and I scoffed and said “tell me about it”

“but why did you hug her?” I asked as we entered our room
“cause I had to” he replied with a shrug “she looked like she really needed one”
“that doesn’t mean you had to hug her” I said and sat down on the bed..
“wait! Are you jealous” Logan smiled

“jealous! What that’s absurd, no way” I said nervously, of course I’m jealous..
“by the look of your shivering lips and wide eyes, it looks so much that you’re jealous” he said and I rolled my eyes
“okay fine, maybe I am a little jealous …but still you shouldn’t have hugged her?” I ponjured and he smiled and moved closer to me cupping my cheeks in his hand..
“don’t worry, no one’s ever gonna still you away from me, if that’s what you’re worried about” Logan said..

“I’m not worried about that” I said and he gave me a look and then kissed me.. But I did not reciprocate.. After he pulled away he sighed and sat down right next to me.
“did you know, we had a pool at the backyard” he asked and I suddenly turned to him..
“really?” I said
“yep… I just found out today” he replied and I smiled..

“but what are all this for” I asked gesturing my hands on his books which were lying on the bed..
“oh I was reading” he said proudly. I glanced at the book and saw a comic book under one of his text books and I grabbed it while he pouted.

“rise of the teenage Mutant Nin.. What the hell Logan, what are you like twelve?” I said glaring at the comic. ..

“hey all boys read comic, don’t call me twelve years old” he said defensively and I rolled my eyes..
“what do you want me to do, aside from reading comic, read a diary?” he said sarcastically
“they don’t read diary, dummy, they write ” I said and he scoffed “well I don’t care, and I’ve seen your Pink flowery diary In the closet, you’re lucky I didn’t read it” he said and gave me a sly smile
“oh you’re free to read my diary only if you get to find the key, which is totally not going to happen” I seethe

“whoa, you lock your diary, what do you guys keep in there?” he said surprisingly and I laughed…
That night we both played poker till we fell asleep…


The next morning I woke up and Logan wasn’t there, I went to brush my teeth and went downstairs and gosh the aroma I persevered made me smile…
As I entered the dining room there was pasta in my plate and I smiled…

“okay you really should be the wife” I teass Logan while he laughed
“stop whining ” he said and sat down on opposite me
“I mean you don’t allow me to do anything ” I said
“Lucky you” he replied and smiled..

“here taste this” he said and poked his fork to his meal and then directly to my mouth..
“Uhm.. No thanks I’ll just eat min–
“aww come-on just open up” he said while I shook my head negatively.. And said “sorry” I faced my food and began to eat it..

He brought down his food slowly and sadly I know he’s disappointed but I can’t do anything…. We both ate the food in silence cause he wouldn’t say anything,
I went back upstairs immediately I took my plate to the kitchen, I even offered to take his plate but he said not to worry..

I laid on the bed depressivelike and sighed tiredly ..
Just then Logan walked in with his lips all mushed together, and darn it, he looks too cute…
and I sit up.. ..

“hey LIA,” he called and I turned to him..
“do you want to go to the pool with me?” he asked while I shook my head negatively..
I don’t know anything about swimming..
“but… Well never mind” he said sadly and was about to walk out when he stopped on his track and turned to back me..

“why do I feel like you don’t love me Lia,” he said and I suddenly stood up..
“what” I said lowly
“why do I feel like, what you told my friends that day about you loving me was a lie” he said sadly and I was starting to get emotional..

Oh no..
“it’s-it’s not true, I do love you Logan” I said, with my voice shivery and I took a step closer to be more close to him….
He looked at me with his sad and poppy eyes and I swallowed my saliva …

“I didn’t think i loved you, but I actually did, because I do, Logan so much, I show love and affection for everyone around me but I don’t know how to act like that around, you because I’m shy and inlove with you, Logan for me a kiss is just a kiss until you find the person you love, a hug is just a hug till you find the one you’re always thinking of a Dream is just a dream till it comes true, and love was just a word till I heard it from you.. I love you Logan, so much..” I said and mean it with tears in my ears..

Logan’s lips breaked into a smile and he hugged and sniffed ..
“Lia that means so much to me coming from you, I love you too” he said and I smiled and hugged him even tighter…



T. B. C

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4 years ago

Awnnn….. I go love o

Omote Judith
Omote Judith
4 years ago

Thank you opradre I can’t Wait for the next episode

Egunjobi Omolola
Egunjobi Omolola
4 years ago

Wow nice one Lia

4 years ago

Ooops?… finally they’re in Love ?