The Day I Went For An Interview – JACINTA CHINEMEREM

The Day I Went For An Interview - JACINTA CHINEMEREM

The Day I Went For An Interview – JACINTA CHINEMEREM

Let me gist you what happened on the day I went for an interview 😂

Story storrrrrrrry!!!

Once upon a time?

So I went for this interview which was scheduled to hold by 10:am.

Because I really wanted the position I applied for in that company I really prepared and equipped myself with necessary information about the company and about the job position inquest.

I’ve not been to the area of the venue before so I left my house early in other to beat holdup and as well arrive the venue on time. I had some funny encounters on my way but let keep the story for another day…


I was the third person to arrive. I was ushered to seat at the reception where the first person, a lady in her late thirties and the second person, a man also in his late thirties were seated. Three more persons came afterwards and joined us. They were all men and all dressed in their respective style of corporate wears.

The receptionist came and offered us a pen and paper to write down our names according to how we arrived and then she collected our CV.

Few minutes to 10 o’clock, a guy in his late twenties, dressed in an expensive suit arrive; spoke to the receptionist, wrote his name, submitted his CV and then came to where we were seated and sat.

At exactly 10 o’clock, the receptionist answered a call and went into an inner office. Then she came out and told us that the time has been shifted to 11 o’clock that the MD who was the chief interviewer was still on his way. She apologised and retires to her duties.

That minute, a man in his early forties dressed on a blue jean trouser and a blue-check long sleeve with a long white tie came in, wrote his name on the job seeker list; submitted his CV and then camw and sat with us as if he was also a job seeker. We didn’t know he was the MD and that our interview has begun 🤧🤧

To be continued. ..

#OpraDre An Interview An Interview An Interview An Interview An Interview An Interview An Interview


My brain bleed stories 🤕🤕 and your emotions makes my emotion feel emotional

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