THE BAD MOTHER Episode 1 – Remi the writer


Written by remi the writer

There was a woman named Rosa who lived in a hut.

She raised four children with her husband, two sons and two daughters.

Her eldest son was named Francis. Joseph was next, followed by Maria and the youngest, Lucia.

Those who knew Rosa said that she was a nice woman, but after the death of her husband, she slowly began to go insane.

Little by little, she began to treat her children worse and worse.

The young boys and girls were terrified of her, because whenever they did even the slightest thing wrong,

Rosa would fly into a rage and hit them so hard that their cries could be heard echoing throughout the house.

The neighbors were aware that Rosa was a bad mother, but they had no way of knowing just how bad she could become.

One night, the weather forecast on the radio predicted heavy hail, heavy snow and widespread thunderstorms.

It was very cold and Rosa told her children to take the axes out of the woodshed because they were going into the forest to chop some firewood.

The children knew that their mother would get angry if they didn’t listen to her. Within minutes, they were waiting outside, armed with flashlights, bags and axes.

Remi the writer

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