Terrible Final Part 2 (A Short Story) – Fan Fan Ukeme
So, I drove back home…My heart was beating as if it was about to leave my chest. I almost cried but I just parked the car at one street… I sat in there and I started shouting and crying. How do I move from here? Was my friend lying to me? Who are those kids in my house? A million questions flooded my mind. I didn’t av an answer to any of them. All I did was cry and shout.
Thirty minutes later, I decided to head home. My wife and “my kids” were all at home. They were so excited to see me. I looked at them… I was like “innocent kids”. They don’t even know I am not their father. I turned and looked at my wife… She was smiling and was so innocent. I almost slapped her but I had to keep my cool.
I cldnt eat dinner. Wifey was worried coz I don’t miss dinner. I always look forward to her food. She asked “honey, is everything OK?” “this one that you have refused to eat my food, I hope another woman is not feeding you”…My heart skipped but she just smiled. I was so angry and sad all at the same time. I needed answers to a billion questions and she was the only one who could give them to me.
I was off to bed by 8pm. I always sleep by 11pm coz of movies. That’s when wifey knew something is wrong. She cldnt bear it anymore. She started bugging me around 9pm after putting the kids to bed. She asked if she did something wrong and I said no… She asked if I did something wrong and I said no. I almost screamed at her but I just stood up and went to the restroom.
When I came out, she started crying. I asked her what’s wrong? She said that I was keeping something from her and this could damage our marriage. WTF. Oh, this was my door and i had to use it immediately.
I then sat her down and asked her the one question that set my life back 13 years…”Baby, am about to ask you a serious question. I already know the answer to this question but I need to hear from you. You owe me the truth.” She said . I told her I went to the doctor few weeks ago and did a “general test” on myself. He (the doctor) demanded that I give him a sperm sample to conduct test.
That was when her face changed. She started feeling uneasy. I knew something was wrong. So, I continued “the doctor told me this after that I am sterile.” I then asked “My love, pls tell me…who is the father of our three kids: David, Racheal and Prince? My wife broke down and wept bitterly. I have never seen her cry that bitterly. When her parents died, she didn’t cry this much.
She answered “Baby, you are the rock of my life. This life is not complete without you in it. I fell in love with you from the moment I saw you and when you asked me to marry you, I was the happiest person on earth. However, two years down our marriage and there was no child, I got worried. I went to my doctor and I did some tests and I was informed that I am OK. I didn’t have the nerves to ask for a test from u. So, I met my doctor, and he said he needed your sperm sample to know if your sperm cells can fertile an egg.”
“How did you get my sperm?!” I asked angrily. She just hissed and replied “Baby, I am your wife” She continued “I took your sample and went to the doctor…few days after, he requested to see me. When I got there, he told me that you were sterile and that “your boys can’t swim””. She said “I knew this was the end of my marriage with you. The doctor requested that I bring you for medical advice but I refused. I wept that night bitterly in the sitting room after you went to bed”. She continued “I knew my marriage had ended before it had began.”
I then recalled that I read something about artificial insemination few weeks ago. I immediately called my doctor and discussed it with him. He advised that I discuss it with you first but I refused. A decision I regret till this day. I then instructed him to get a donor for me. At first, he is refused but I pleaded with him as my marriage was about to crash.
He requested to see your full picture…he needed to know your physical…and I told him. Three weeks later, he found someone with your close physical match. I paid handsomely for the procedure but it was worth it. I can’t forget your face when I told you I was pregnany with David. You had told me that you needed three kids, so, I knew that I had to do it thrice. So, those kids ain’t yours but a product of artificial insemination.
Dear reader, I didn’t know what to say or do, she looked totally different after the story. She started begging for my forgiveness. I just left her in the bedroom and headed for the sitting room. I couldn’t stay in the sitting room… It was as if the whole house was choking me. So, I picked up my car key and dashed out of the house.
I needed a fresh place to think and so, I went to a hotel and lodged. A lot of things crossed my mind. I didn’t come up with a solution to this. Wifey was calling my line endlessly. I didn’t pick. I felt so betrayed and used. I honestly don’t know what to do… I have to go back home and face the music.
#OpraDre Terrible Terrible Terrible Terrible Terrible Terrible Terrible Terrible Terrible Terrible Terrible Terrible Terrible Terrible Terrible Terrible Terrible Terrible
Terrible Terrible Terrible Terrible Terrible Terrible
Do I quit my marriage or do I continue?
I need your sincere advice…
Read this Awesome inspirational Story > TALITHA CUMI!
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