TAMAR Episode 5 by Amah

Tamar Final Episode

TAMAR, Episode 5.

Abel traveled the following day, he traveled to the master’s Port, to supervise work there, he won’t be back till after five weeks, I Will really miss him while he is gone,
When Zity doesn’t need me I help other slaves to work around the house

When Vim had his friends gathering, different dishes were cooked and I was among the maids that served at the gathering, i noticed he was looking at me, when I took the tray of spiced gizzards to him, I knelt down while serving him which was normal but he didn’t pick any immediately, and when I looked up to see if I should leave I saw him looking at me, the tray started shaking in my hands and almost fell off from my hands, and he quickly dismissed me,
When I was out of his sight I breathed deeply, I wondered why he looked at me that way and why I shake vehemently at his gaze

Zity, lay in bed that morning and didn’t bother standing up, I prepared her bath yet she didn’t get up from the bed, I know something was bothering her, she has not being so active since yesterday, I went to her

“My Lady is there a problem, you have being in bed since morning and is past your bath time..

“I can’t seem to get him off my mind, he looked exactly like he was truly carved out from Mars…since that day I kept thinking about him

” who could that be my Lady…

“Chakan, that’s what he said his name was, the handsome young Man we met at the museum, I think I’m in love with him, I don’t care what Zain is going to say, but I want to see Chakan again, I could have told him my name when he asked but I wasn’t interested in him at first, until I got home and remember the way he smile and look at me, he said my beauty is like that of Aliah, the goddess of beauty, I have heard people say that to me but chakan said it in a way I admire, he looked at me like I was a god, I need you to go and search for him, either at the museum or anywhere, when you see him tell him that I sent you, and I Will give you a note to give to him..and some money to go to the merchant, who deals in Jewelry close to the museum, tell him that I need a gold jewelry with goddess of luck inscribed on it, also buy another so that I can replace the one I gave to Zain, if anybody, be it my brother, Vim, mother or father sees you and ask you were you are going to or coming from just tell them I sent you to the jewelry shop don’t ever mention Chakan to any body… Do you understand…make sure you find him

I quickly left as she ordered me, I went to the museum and searched everywhere for Chakan but no sign of him, I went to the temple of their different gods and goddess, I stood outside and waited as people tripped in and out yet I didn’t see Chakan, I went to the market and different places no sign of Chakan, I returned back to the temples hoping he Will come and worship but when I didn’t see him I decided to turn back and go, I saw Vim ridding on his chariot with his friend, before I could hide among the crowd he saw me, he looked at me and I bent my head, he rode and passed without a word.
I quickly ran to the jewelry shop and bought all I’m asked to buy before heading back home
Immediately I got home I saw Vim standing outside,

“Where are you coming from, why are you at the temple of twail, the god of thunder and storm, do you worship at the temple of twail, that’s Mostly a god for men, don’t you see women are hardly there, there are so many female gods and goddess you can chose from what do you want in the temple of a god you are not in need off, or do you go there to pray to twail so that he can send thunder to strike your enemies, are we your enemy, do you go there to worship or what..speak up

” I…I, no, my lord, i didn’t go there to worship… i lost my way, I was going to…buy jewelry For Lady Zity, and here they are, I don’t have enemy…

“Everybody has enemy, most especially a common slave, run ahead now, I think Zity needs you, you can ask other slaves the god they worship if you are looking for a god to pitch your tent in..

I bow and ran off, my heart was beating as I got into Zity’s chamber, who was up from her seat the moment she saw me enter her chamber, her face light up joyfully,

” oh Tamar, I have being waiting for your return, I know the gods most have favored you, what did Chakan say, did he smile when he read my letter, tell me, I’m eager to know, speak up now

“I couldn’t find him my Lady, I searched everywhere and went to all the temple but no sign of him, I also..

Before I could say another thing she stroked me across the face, then another heavy slap to my cheek, she was cursing me and threw a worden carved god close to her bedside at me and ask me to disappear from her presence and I did with my fore head bleeding from the wound, I went to the out house and washed my bloody face,

I later came back and sat close to Zity’s chamber after attending to my wound, waiting for Zity to need or summon me and it was until in the mid night she called me into her chamber and ask me to tell her a romantic story, and when I started she shouted at me to stop

” i have heard the story before, how many times do you want to say it, I’m tired of all your stories, they are becoming boring, everything about you is becoming boring, I asked you to go and find Chakan and you still can’t Carry out simple duty, get out of my sight now.

I went to the fountain, where Abel use to sit and pray, everybody was asleep, the moonlight was bright, I have no one to talk to, my heart was very heavy as I pulled down the shawl off my head, I knelt down and spread my hands wide and started speaking to God,

“My strength fails me, I lack word to describe how I feel, I derive strength from Abel now he is on a journey, God I’m grateful for this household you put me in, but serving Zity can be difficult sometimes, I don’t know how to reach her, i have told her all the stories from father and mother, I don’t have any again to tell, I miss Kath, Deb and Joe, I miss father and mother too, I need your help to remain Strong, help me God, help me through every difficult time, help me to see you in all I do, I kneel before you with my hands spread wide For you to see in and out of me, withholding nothing from you Lord, fill me in with your love and help me to know you more, in my weakness please be my strength, when I’m afraid help me to remember that you always with me, I live for you lord, only you, not the different gods of this land, I worship you Lord… I adore yo…

” what are you doing out here by yourself… By this time of the night, while everyone sleeps, kneeling with your hands spread wide, your hair shines with the moon, crying out to an unknown god, what god do you pray to?

I was shocked as I saw Vim, I quickly stood up and covered my head with the shawl, he was standing under the Moon light in his night wear, I startled as he came close to me. I didn’t know what to say or do.


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1 year ago

Amah the GOAT