TAMAR FINAL EPISODE 31 Written by Amah’s Heart

Tamar Final Episode



That same day Zity got to know of little Jon and cried her eyes out, Vim later surrendered all of himself to God, it was a gradual step for him, he wanted to hear how God did it for me, because the physicians told him I was dead, I was confirmed dead to him by the physicians and they took me to be buried, he has questioned and I was ready to answer him all his questions,

as we all gathered in the master’s chamber that day, Abel filled everyone present on how God works. Vim was in shock and couldn’t stop looking at me all through out the time we gathered there and talk about God and his great wonders to mankind, Vim rob his eyes severally hoping that everything was a dream but I was right there despite how many time he rob his eyes or hit himself,

he wanted to come to reality, he thought he was going insane, he became afraid of God, because he has never seen anything like this before, it was hard for him to believe I was truly alive,

he thought he was hallucinating on seeing a suppose dead person alive again, he has wish for me to be alive and has carried my memory in his heart but now that it all seem real he still can’t settle with it, as Abel told everyone about God.

The following day Abel baptized The Reese family, Vim inclusive who was still afraid, he was so eager to learn to know about God and Abel was more than willing to fill him in,

It continued that way as Vim humbled himself to Abel’s teaching, I wanted to go and visit the Adolfo’s, on my way out I heard Abel’s teaching and I have to stop by the door to listen for sometime before proceeding, he was not only speaking to Vim this time, Zity sat beside her brother as they have finally reconcile and their parents sat at one end, Vim and Zity were bonded again, and Zity was so happy to finally have her brother back after several years of hatred and unforgiveness.

“…I am a Christian, I am not perfect, I make mistakes, I mess up, do not judge me with the mistake of others who claim to be God’s followers, because God’s grace is far too bigger than my sin, we fail thousand and one times but God’s grace got us covered,

we fall short of his glory unknowing but he is always there for us, but be careful in this things, when we see the wrongs we are not suppose to do yet we do it and then say within us that God is a merciful and forgiving God, he will understand, do not take God for granted,

he knows your heart and see your secrets deeds, though God is kind and so ready to forgive and wipe off our iniquities but we should not see fire and put in our hands or lead someone into doing so, because on the last day, when we all finally breathed our last and we are presented to God to be judged, he will open up our record book….

I walked past as he kept on speaking, and everyone of them where attentive, Vim turned and looked at me before smiling shyly, I returned the smile, he has being so quiet and also seem shy ever since he came to know that is be me all this while, he was becoming a listener more than the speaker that he use to be.

As I told everyone where I was headed, and asked if Zity if she can join me and she was glad to tag along side with me, so we visited Adolfo on a fine chariot that was assigned to me by Vim, which will take me to anywhere I decides to go.


Eura quietly informed me that she was five weeks pregnant, I was so happy for her and Adolfo, I asked Zity to tell Adolfo about little Jon and she did, at the end, Adolfo was so happy, Eura also, as we all visited the Merchant and his new loving wife Rhonda and also the twins, and they were happy to have us and Rhonda handed little Jon to Adolfo, it wasn’t so smooth parting with little Jon but Adolfo said she can always visit and he will sometimes brings him along and she agrees.

After few weeks Abel got married to Zity in a quiet loving wedding, as Vim and I were no more in a haste for ours, Vim was not so carried away anymore with fantasy of having me, he knows he got me already like i assured him, but first he needed to find his footing with God, he was fully sold out for God, it wasn’t preteens, it was a realness that comes from deep within, I love him more as I watch him grow spiritually.

He said one day at one of our gathering that he wanted to build a house for God, to everyone’s amazement, we were all happy with the news, since it has being declared all over the kingdom that anybody can worship whatever god that they find pleasing to them, both the Christians and pagan worshiper, whatever you desire,

you are free to serve in same manner, every law against the Christians has being lifted off, we don’t need to hide anymore. Vim said he will like to build a house where all the Christians will gather together without fear and worship,

I was so happy with the new development, so we proceed with the plan of building the house for God, and it was a huge project, it was the first building before the other houses in the Reese Estate. An easy asses for everyone coming from different district, and we both agreed to wait until the church building was done before we get married.

Eura gave birth to a girl and they named her after me, Tamar, it was a great blessing for me, and Zity conceived for Abel and just when I was getting the news for Shamara, who gave birth to a son for Tedran, Zity brought fort a beautiful baby girl who they name Leah, everything was going so well, and Lord Reese invited the Cozam family down to the big estate, they occupied one the houses in the estate, Tedran and Shamara with their beautiful baby.

After the church was completed which took almost a year, our wedding plan proceed, Abel was going to be the first pastor in the church, and it was officially opened with me and Vim’s wedding, Abel wed us in the Lord, we became husband and wife.
Vim couldn’t hide his joy, at last we are husband and wife, after a long battle.

Lord Reese died and it was more of celebration of life than mourning, even lady Phin followed in celebrating the fact the husband came to know God before departing,

Vim became an assistant pastor along side Abel, people began to trip in from different places, it was the first church ever built in the kingdom, and people from different district came in and we welcomed them in love, the merchant and his family,

Adolfo and his family, The Cozam family, and we the Reese were always present, worshiping God wholeheartedly as thousands of others joined our gathering and it became a big fellowship and as the year goes, church were planted in all district of the kingdom, where believers who can’t come down to Reese estate because of distance are able to worship within.

In the second year of our marriage we welcomed our twins, God did not just bless us with one but two at same time, it was too much of a miracle, God bless us with twins, a boy and a girl, it was really glorious, as I held my own flesh and blood in my arm,

I cried out with Joy, tears run down my cheek as I stare down at my little one, God did not just give us one but two at the same time, my heart wanted to burst out with joy, Vim was happy and also everyone around, as we all celebrate the twins arrival, an addition to the family, it was wonderful.

Each family keep increasing in number and more people came to know God, the Church became over thousand as people keep coming to Christ and embracing their new found faith, leaving darkness and coming to the light.

Today as I sat in the pew with my children both on my side, as my personal maids helps me with them, i listen to Vim talk about God to the people seated, we sang worship and praise together, and our voice went so high to heaven, I felt a tear drop, Vim was really on fire for God and God was using him in a great way, I looked at him and shut my eye for sometime, all I wanted to tell God is “Thank you”,

I know father and mother, with Joe my brother, Kath and Deb my two sisters, Chakan and Lord Reese and also other believers who had passed away onto glory are all resting in heaven, someday we will all join them but for now we have to pasture the flocks and lead as many people as possible to Christ.

I touched my face and robbed my scar, the mark of the lion was still there, which is a clear evidence that God never forsake his own, when I left my deserted home town at a tender age, and being sold off to different slave dealers, I never knew that I was a miracle going somewhere to happen, I was angry with God for stripping me off, and when I thought I was going to loose my faith after being through so much, God used Abel to rekindled me.

I know forever all glory and honor will be given to God, who had started this race with me, it was not an easy race, a very long and tough journey, it was not easy at all and yet he kept me and lead me till this day, he blessed me with a God fearing husband and beautiful children, whenever i look around all I see is his blessings,

and I’m most grateful to the man who helped me and supported me through prayer and counselling, he hears from God and speak only when he is asked to speak, he was ready to remain single until God calls him home, but God got another plan for him and he blessed him with a family of his own, Abel who God set on my part to help me through I thank God everyday for him.

It was not easy yet God made everything beautiful in his own time. I remain humble and grateful to him for using me to bring joy to many.

As for me and my house, we will serve the true living God till eternity. Hallelujah to him alone forever and ever, Amen.

TAMAR Written by Amah’s Heart


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Thanks for always reading our stories, please no matter what, encourage the writer Amah’s Heart with comments (Shes BLESSED) , One Love ❤.

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Mayowa Temitope
Mayowa Temitope
5 years ago

Wow…… Nice ending
Really happy for Tamar

Tola Tayo
Tola Tayo
5 years ago

As for me and my home we shall live for signs and wonders in Isreal

5 years ago

I am a vessel in God’s hands.
God is not yet done with me, fix me lord, take the wheel.

Thank you Amah and Opra

5 years ago

wonderful story

5 years ago

wow this story has really bless me.thank you Amah and Opre

5 years ago

May his name alone be praise. Wow!!! Its awesome. Thanks dear

Agborie Vivian lroro
Agborie Vivian lroro
5 years ago

Happy ending am so pleased with this story thanks Amah for writing and a big thank you Opradre for posting God bless you really good.

Aloy Esther
Aloy Esther
5 years ago

What a nice story… I hope n pray that my Faith in God will b strong like that of Tamar in Jesus name amen

4 years ago
Reply to  Aloy Esther

Me i want that of Abel

5 years ago

Learnt a lot from this story. Lord, use me for your glory. Thanks Opradre and Amah.

Mercy seun
Mercy seun
5 years ago

Wow…as for me and my family we shall serve the true living God…thank God for God.

5 years ago

Is good to serve the living God

5 years ago

I And My Household Will Serve The Only True God Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday,today And Forever. Tnx So Much To Amah And Kudos OpraDre

5 years ago

Wow nice ending..
I really love this story. Thanks Opra and the writer too. Our God is great and mighty.

5 years ago

In His time he makes all things beautiful.

5 years ago

His ways are always different. Thank you for this beautiful piece. God bless you.

5 years ago

Do to me what u want lord… Am a clay in d hand of the mortal……
More insight and inspiration Amah…

5 years ago

Wow…what a nice story…God bless d writer and opra

Anukwu Kosiso Chukwu Chinyere
Anukwu Kosiso Chukwu Chinyere
5 years ago

God bless you Amah.

5 years ago

Wow! The Lord works in mysterious ways

5 years ago

God be praise, Thanks for this amazing story,God bless you ijn.

5 years ago

God bless the writer for this has elevates my faith and work for hallelujah amen

Obodo Ogechukwu
Obodo Ogechukwu
5 years ago

I really thank God for this story.. It was a great blessing to my life.. God bless you Amah

5 years ago

I will serve the Living God! thanks Amah for this inspirational book,

5 years ago

I’m inspired. God bless the writer and the poster. As for me and my household we shall serve the Lord

5 years ago

The word of God is yes and Amen….thanks Amah you really lifted my spirit, in all I do I will seek the Lord

5 years ago

Thank you Lord for a wonderful and inspirational story and may God bless d poster and the writter more greese to ur elbow and may God strengthen u more

5 years ago

Kip me burning for u o Lord
Tnx to Amah n opra…

5 years ago

Wow so nice story I’m so glad to read such a wonderful message. as for me and my household we’ll forever be for God

5 years ago

Comment:as for me and my house we shall serve thy living God

Ngwuta Eriv
Ngwuta Eriv
5 years ago

Beautiful write up may his name only be praised

Egbeaso Onyinyechi
Egbeaso Onyinyechi
5 years ago

Wow wow wow. The story left me speechless. God bless u Amah for in ur own way u have made my faith stronger in the lord.

5 years ago

Comment:wow ! the lord is great may his name be praise

5 years ago

Amah thanks , this is an inspiring and eye opening story for me.God bless.

5 years ago

Am impressed

5 years ago

God bless the writer. So many food for thought.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ada

God bless the writer, and I thank God for giving you this great inspiration. I pray for Grace is continue in the Faith. God bless you Amah

5 years ago

Actually in tears, praying dat God uses me for his work cos I was brought into dis world for a purpose and it must be made manifest in my life and am a Divine project which will never be abandoned, amen.

Ekigho Aiwhenotai Grace
Ekigho Aiwhenotai Grace
5 years ago

What a story,i feel blessed, strong faith and belief, this story has help increase my believe and strength in God, God Bless you Opradre for sharing, God Richly Bless you Amah ….more wisdom and more grace…i love you

5 years ago

Lovely story… Thank u

Nike tuyo
Nike tuyo
5 years ago

God is the only true way, no one ever follow him and suffers any lost

Nike tuyo
Nike tuyo
5 years ago

God is the only true way, no one ever follow him and suffers any lost.God the writer.

5 years ago

this is a powerful story. thanks amah more wisdom to write more. opradre thanks for sharing

Success Akpezi
Success Akpezi
5 years ago

God bless u opera for posting and Amah for writing… Am blessed. Thank u I read through all and I would tell others this story to change their live’s by Gods grace

5 years ago

God is great

5 years ago

Comment: I love this. God bless you.

Sandra Gora
Sandra Gora
5 years ago

Amah,u are blsd.This story has really kept me hooked to it.I pray God use me as he used Abel and Tamar.What a happy ending.

5 years ago

Have never seen anything as beautiful and captivating as this beautifully put together story…A life changing one
A big thank you to the writer more wisdom and to Opradre one love

5 years ago


5 years ago

Wow this story is something else. God is good.

5 years ago

This is the best story I have ever read. Thanks Amah for giving me something to build up my faith, and thanks to you opradre for being part of the process.
God is good

5 years ago

I’m blessed to learn of the whole story. May everyone who reads it be blessed also. More power to His chosen hand!

5 years ago

Best story ever, kudos to the writer