STRANGE TWINS Part 1👬 – Sire Prince Jhay

STRANGE TWINS Part 1👬 - Sire Prince Jhay

STRANGE TWINS Part 1👬 – Sire Prince Jhay

I couldn’t believe my eyes the day I saw a total strånger that looks exactly like me.

The moment I saw him, I was extremely amazed,  He glanced at me too and he was surprised as well.

We both stood gazing at eachother intensely for a long time and I felt gōõsebumps all over my bōdy all of a sūddēn.

“who’s this guy? or is anything wrōng with my eyes” I muttered within myself, I rubbed my eyes roughly and widened it to check again, it was still the same guy. I started getting worried

I knew he must have been thinking the same as he kept staring at me in amazement too.

“Hey, can I have a word with you please?” I beckoned to him and he started coming over immediately without hesitation.

The more he was getting closer to me, the more I started confirming the resemblance. he also has a pointed nose and nice walking step as me

His face, hairstyle, height, complexion and stature and mine has no difference, the resemblance is just too much.

“Woowww, dåmn, I’ve been looking at you from there, I can’t believe this, how come we look so much alike, infact we look like twin brothers” he said with amazement on his face and I affirmed our voice sounds alike too

“I am very surprised too,, I am so confused right now, you were approaching me and I could see everything that’s in me in you too already” I responded to him

“Like, (chuckle) I’m very, hum,  (mouth agåpë)ah ah, I don’t even know what to say, like…” he was slippìng in tōngues while looking at me in surprise

“Anyways, my name is Michael, every one call me sire prince jhay” I said smiling and stretching my hands forward for an hand shake

“I’m Desmond, they call me Des-boy” he said and smiled too revealing his gap teeth

“Oh, you have a gap teeth too?. Goddd” I said

“Michael, I can’t believe it, the moment I sighted you, I tapped and pinched myself to confirm if it wasn’t a dream. But now, I’m beggining to think we’re twins, please where are you from? Your age, Your date of birth, and your parents name too” he asked

I told him everything about myself and he introduced himself too, but lo and behold, none of our identifications were mutual.

According to him, he just left his faraway town for Greener pastures and he had never seen anywhere to stay yet.

I heaved a deep breath, I looked straight into his eyes for a long while

“God is wonderful” I eventually uttered

It was still like a dream, I still couldn’t believe the scenerio, I couldn’t spot out my precise feelings but I started having this feeling that something was definitely wrōng or right somewhere.

“Please Desmond, I think, we need to go home together, come with me, I need to show you to my parents” I said and we started going home together


Read this Awesome inspirational Story > THE CANDLE IN THE WIND

Story continued

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