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It has never been an easy ride from my house to my place of work. It’s really a long distance journey. I would say it is a journey that always makes me lose my sanity.

Is it the traffic? Is it the everlasting wait to get a bike or a cab? Or even the everlasting wait to have the cab filled up on time even after my everlasting wait to get a cab. It’s fair to say that the ride is always from everlasting to everlasting.

My head would ache heavily whenever I realized I was getting late for work. The thoughts of the query and sanction I would get would bombard my thinking faculty and the fact that none of the factors I stated which always contributed to my near-late arrival at work would never be considered excusable which is understandable, would cause my head to ache the more.

I would check the time over and over again. The more I checked the time, the more scattered my body system would get and the more worried I would become.

So, one day, as my custom were, I was going to work and the cab’s slow movement as a result of traffic, didn’t go down well with me. I felt like carrying the car and overspeed it to my destination. I felt like, if I was the driver, I would just mount the cars in front of us so I could get to my destination on time. I kept checking the time over and over. The more I checked and realized that I was running out of time, the more anxious I became.

Then the Holy Spirit ministered to my heart and asked me a question. “Ever since you have been checking the time, what has it changed?” I paused and maintained silence in my heart to ruminate on that question.

Then I heard in my heart again, no matter your worries and the number of times you check the time, they will never take you to where you are going, it’s when the driver gets to your destination that you get to your destination.

Those words broke me and I began to meditate on them. I have always been getting myself worried to the extent that my eyes never ceased from looking at the time, they never moved the car a bit and they never helped the matter.

Jesus asked a question in Matthew 6:27 “Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?” Message translation put it this way “Has anyone, by fussing in front of the mirror, ever gotten taller by so much as an inch?”

Worry doesn’t change anything. I know there’s something you have been crying to God for and you are like, time is going. I know many of your mates have gone far ahead of you and you feel like you are running out of time. I just want to tell you to stop looking at the time because that makes you lose your sanity and keeps you worried, and worrying will never change your situation. Don’t focus on your wristwatch.

Don’t focus on the time. Focus on the One driving you!

I know you are going through storm. I know you have cried to God to kill you rather than have you go through that storm. I know sometimes, you stay awake at nights and it is always like morning should never come because of shame and pain you will have to go through during the day again. I have come to tell you to take your eyes off the storm. God, your driver, cares! He will take you to your destination filled with milk and honey.

Ever since the Holy Spirit ministered that to my heart, I stopped checking the time. In fact, I will go as far as putting my wristwatch inside my bag and turn my phone’s screen face down to ensure I’m not tempted to check the time. I’ll just fix my gaze on the driver and wait till he gets to my destination. Ever since then, my peace of mind has been restored.

In this journey of destiny, you have got to throw away your wristwatch and stop looking at  the time and fix your gaze on Jesus.

Cast your cares on Him for He cares. Yes, He does!

And don’t forget to tell yourself that; I WILL STOP CHECKING THE TIME!


Read this Thrilling Sweet Story > OJADILI

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