SOMEONE LIVES IN THE MIRROR Final part – Emily Naomi



“I know I fainted when I saw Annie talking to her Dad in the mirror but I don’t know what I’ll do if I should go back to that house as I’m now aware of what is going on”, I wondered.

I sat on the hospital bed and kept reminiscing of what my eyes saw, pinching myself to know if I have been dreaming all along, I can’t possibly be in wonderland.

It turned out that when I fainted, I screamed at the top of my voice subconsciously which immediately woke Mrs. Mobat up. The Nannie’s have gone, leaving I, Annie and Mrs. Mobat alone in the house.

It is a big house with lots of outside workers as the other cleaners and Nannies that have been brought to clean inside abjectly refused to the offer or resigns after one week.

I was just ignorantly stubborn enough not to resign cause I had no other option.

It was traumatizing for me. Mrs. Mobat is not helping matters either, all she does was to leave early in the morning and come home very late sober but she was always at home on weekends, locked up in her room.

She lived the life of a sadist, though she made sure that there was enough money on the counter everyday to tend to the need of the house and Annie.

“Should I tell her”, I thought to myself.

“No”, she is already acting psycho and would never believe me.

“Maybe I should break the mirror and call it a mistake, I’m sure it would put an end to things”

Things were going through my head. Annie was home schooled in the sitting room every 6 hours of the day as directed by her Mom. She never left the house since the big death.

That explains why she was not still here in the hospital with me, the driver came and picked her up 2 hours ago after I woke up 30 minutes earlier.

I didn’t want to make living worse for the Mobat’s family but I needed to help them. Mr. Mobat has been living in the mirror all along while his wife mourn him every second of the day. Why didn’t he manifest himself to her to help her out of depression? I thought again to myself.

Fear filled me up the more on the hospital bed and I wished for the first time since Mr. Mobat took me in and employed me as I had no formal education or trainings. All I knew was that I grew up in the streets, I really don’t want to talk about my past life.

The family driver came around 4pm and picked me up back to the house where everyone was waiting for me after hearing how I collapsed inside the house. The gardeners, florists and gateman were part of the big house but they all lived at the quarters and they must have also heard rumors starting from the countless resignations of Nannies in the house.

I ignored the questioning stares from them as I stepped out of the car and went inside the house, still shivering and hell bent on what to do next to help Annie.

I walked straight to the mirror and rolled it over without giving it another thought. After all, it’s better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.

The mirror gave a heavy thud on the floor shattering into shambles and immediately I heard Annie led out a loud cry.

“No!!!!!!!!!, Dad”! She cried.

Mrs. Mobat ran out of her room upon hearing the thud and Annie speak-shout for the first time since birth.

“What happened!, what is going on in my house”?! She shouted. “My daughter”!!

Annie was already on the floor, I didn’t know what happened but she fainted.

“Get me water”! The Mom cried. I was traumatized.!

It turns out that Mrs. Mobat suddenly came to her right senses. Annie woke up and started talking and associating very well. In fact, she never spoke about it again neither did Mrs. Mobat. At least, she wasn’t depressed anymore.

“Did I just deliver this family from a powerful black magic”?! Mr. Mobat was a very committed man and that mirror was the significance of powerful but fragile. I should have broken it all these while.

I took it upon myself to unveil every other secrets of the house that might endanger Annie and her Mom.

I have fought 1 battle for them, I’m strong enough for another.


Read this Awesome inspirational Story > TALITHA CUMI!

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Eva Roberts
Eva Roberts
2 years ago

Well-done. Good job.very good job..proud of you