Somebody needs to really understand this clearly – Allison Hyacintho

Somebody needs to really understand this clearly - Allison Hyacintho

Somebody needs to really understand this clearly Written by Allison Hyacintho

Somebody needs to really understand this clearly; God does not just say YES to that love interest for you to go and marry. For every conviction you get from God, there is a greater purpose He is calling you to serve in the life of your partner.

When I started praying concerning my partner, the word I kept hearing in my spirit was,

“son, this one must not go to hell.”
“chief, this one must not be lost.”

I was troubled greatly. I was like, “Lord, excuse me, but how does that concern me right now? All I’m asking is for a conviction to know if she is the right one for me or not, I don’t understand these responses you’re giving me right now, just tell me, should I go ahead or not?”

But all I kept hearing were warnings signs from God.

Dear brothers,
I learnt this one the hard way, and I don’t want you to go through the same wilderness to learn this too. When praying over that aunty you are very much interested in, do not forget to ask God what your mission in her life is. This is more important to God than a thunder strike from heaven confirming she’s your wife so you can run to the church committee with proof that God has indeed spoken, no Sir. Some persons get visible convictions from God to marry a sister and after the church approval they have no clue why God said yes to the marriage, all they were interested in is getting a sign from God to go ahead or not.

Pray for clarity of purpose in the life of that sister, oh Lord, Sir, may you not come to understand this after you have already committed yourself with an I DO. Some YESES come with serious responsibilities that if you listened carefully you would have said you are not doing again.

I know what I am getting myself into marrying aunty. I have seen the responsibility, and the task ahead is not an easy one. If the job is just to work hard to ensure I put food on the table and keep her clothed it would have been better, but it’s far tougher than that. This means that I also have to keep my walk with God consistent to make sure I am not going to hell too. With us, God is just using one stone to kill two birds.

While praying for that yes to impress anyone, or convince yourself you’re doing the right things, also make sure you wait patiently in the place of prayer to hear what God is saying yes to. When you hear clearly that she’s to be your wife, dont run off excited, stay at God’s feet and ask Him WHY you’re the best person out of all the sons He has, WHAT purpose He wants you to satisfy in her life, and HOW you are going to achieve that purpose.

A friend told me that while he was praying concerning his fiancee, now wife, God told him that He was going to use her to stop the pattern of wedlock, divorce and dysfunctional marriages in her family, asking if he is willing to shoulder that responsibility he can go ahead and marry her.

Sir, some women are God’s special projects. arhhhhhh, I have spilled enough secret place mysteries, Lord please forgive me if I gave out too much.

Mr conviction, Conviction for marriage is not as important as instructions for marriage. Uncle stay with God to know what your YES assignment is.

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Taiwo Odunade
Taiwo Odunade
4 years ago

Eye opening God bless you sir