SCOURGE Final Part by Amussn Tolulope (A Short Story)

SCOURGE by Amussn Tolulope (A Short Story)

SCOURGE Final Part by Amussn Tolulope (A Short Story)

The bus driver and the conductor ran away after hearing she was the daughter of Captain Musa Afolabi. One of the most no-nonsense soldiers in the General Buhari / General Idiagbon Regime. Other passengers also fled, except for one good man promised to follow me to the barrack to inform the father what had happened.

I tried to jump out through the window, but I got my leg hung in the brace on the window. Mr Kunle helped me again. A God sent Samaritan.

Before we left for the barracks, we took her to the mortuary, and we were asked for a police warrant. I do not know what Mr Kunle told the Mortuary attendant, but I noticed they both shook hands, and we left. I didn’t bother to ask what they discussed. He was a kind man. His confidence motivated me.

Marda Barracks Yaba is a military base along the Herbert Macaulay Road, Yaba, Lagos State. Mr Kunle walked in, and we were directed to the block belonging to Remi’s father.

“My man, I’ve got your back.”

He said. I believed him. As soon as the father came outside, Mr Kunle stepped away from me quickly and stood at attention to Remi’s father.

“Sir, this is the boy your daughter has been jumping the school fence to meet. But I have bad news, sir. On their way from National Art Theatre, Remi slumped.”

Mr Kunle seamlessly narrated to the father. Mr Kunle was not the good Samaritan as I have presumed. He was the officer stationed to guard Remi.  I felt like varnishing instantly, but nothing. I just stood there motionless.

“You killed my daughter!”

He screamed. I could feel my soul saying bye to me. I messed up my pants too. Likewise, I was not the only person who felt the brunt of the father’s punishment.

“And you nitwit, I told you to watch whatever she consumes. Her heart doesn’t allow her to eat anything anyhow. You are a shame to the force. Aliu! Come take this nincompoop out of my side!”

He said to Mr Kunle. Three tall, fully armed, hefty soldiers came out and dragged us to the guard room. As I heard; Mr Kunle will be court-martialed for gross negligence of duty. I wasn’t happy that he was going down with me, but then, he knew the stakes and didn’t tell me.

From the guard room, we were transferred to Kirikiri Maximum Prison. The court wasted no time convicting us of murder and conspiracy. There was no way we would have escaped the judgement because one of the criminals; Festus Ajala, shouted,

“Action Dre!”

He screamed. And when he was asked if he knew me, he said I was the one helping them to keep their ammunition. All the cries that I was innocent fell on deaf ears.

We were later informed when we would be executed. My parents and friends were contacted and were told the day of our execution. I pray every day that Remi should wake up from her grave and speak to the judge that I am innocent.

Saturday’s executions, popularly known by Lagosians as THE BAR BEACH SHOW which the government said were intended to crack down on a recent upsurge in violent crime, were carried out in batches at the Kirikiri maximum security prison. Criminals as wicked as Oyenusi in the 70s were the reason a decree, Robbery, and Firearms (Special Provisions) Decree of 1970, was promulgated, sending all convicted criminals to the firing squad.

On the day of the execution, we were transported to Bar Beach.  As I was dragged out of the black Maria, I saw my parents in tears. I equally saw lots of crowds cheering the Nigerian soldiers. I couldn’t look at my mum’s face.  My Dad stood like nothing was happening. All their moral lessons came back to haunt me again. Most especially, the story is about a thief who later bites his mother’s ear while facing the firing squad. I cried. He is a man with countless dreams, but his country is about to kill him for the negligence of one parent.

We were designed with chains from head to toe. I saw many people hollowing curses on us. These are people who don’t know the real person I and Mr Kunle were. He was a soldier, and he has since accepted his fate. I still couldn’t believe my end was that close until I saw those soldiers dressed in camouflage filing out with their rifles and with black shoe polish on their faces, firing semi-automatic weapons to execute the convicts who were tied to stakes in three groups of 12 and one of seven.

I watched as the soldier pointed his gun at me. This was after a certain priest in a black robe and white-collar came to pray for us.

The majority of you would remember that Williams Alders Oyazimo ended up in front of the firing squad is still sketchy until today. Some said his death was a set-up, and he was framed. I was framed too. I was to pay for their negligence.

Just like what Williams Oyazimo said before his execution;

“Father, I am innocent. My blood will cleanse my family and my children will prosper” he cried out on a fateful day.”

The killing seems more political than reality. I also winked at the Priest to come closer to me. He smiled when he saw that I was a young man. I could have grown to be a major investor and employer of labour that may liberate many from poverty. No, I am here strapped to the stakes and ready to be eliminated. Dreams were quashed and hopes dashed into the thin air.

“Please tell Mama and Baba Dare I am sorry. Tell them I am still innocent from the point of my conviction to the point of my judgement. Please, sir, remind this country that they killed an innocent man! It’s never a crime to fall in love. But my love showed me heaven while journeying on the surface of the earth.”

I cried out with so much agony in my voice. He didn’t say anything, he just did the cross sign and left me.


The squad commandant screamed. I tightened my eyes and was praying that the bullet should not meet me. Still, I open slightly to see the soldier aiming at me. He was merciless. I’d wanted to see angels or doves as I have read in some novels before death, but it seems they were all fairytales.

Remi remained the only person I dated, loved and died with. You can call me Romeo. Suddenly, I heard…


I jumped out of my bed, and I was panting like an escaped sheep in a lion’s den. I couldn’t make up all that I dreamt of. I checked my time, and it was 8:55 am. I checked my side and my girlfriend OlaRemi was still sleeping. We had too much to drink the previous night.

Then, I got a tweak in my head, my name is Dare, and my friends call me DammyLove or Romeo.  My girlfriend’s name is Remi, her father is in the army. I turned to her, to wake her up, but she didn’t respond.

You need to see the way sweat overwhelmed me again. I hope the dream is not going to become reality. I poured her water and she didn’t move. Called her name many times, and yet, she did not move. I was doomed!

No one saw us when I brought her in last night, so tentatively, people will think I was not around when she died. Right in my head I quickly planned to pack my bags, and run to Badagry or Ghana. Just as I opened the door….

“ S-U-R-P-R-I-S-E. Happy birthday to you…”

All my roommates and some classmates shouted. I was shocked. I turned back, and I saw Remi with a big birthday cake.

“Happy birthday honey.”

She mused. I wanted to laugh, but ended up fainting.



My name is Amussn Tolulope, and I am an impeccable writer

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