I Saw a Birthmark on my Niece’s Body Part 2 – Ebunoluwa Soneye

I Saw a Birthmark on my Niece’s Body and Realized That My Husband’s a Cheater – Ebunoluwa Soneye

I Saw a Birthmark on my Niece’s Body Part 2 – Ebunoluwa Soneye

“No, It’s definitely going to be Mama,” Fiona said again.

“I bet it’ll be Dada,” David replied, shaking his head vehemently like what he said was a law bound to happen.

At first, I had previously decided to wait and only confront them with the proof in my hands, but suddenly, I no longer saw any reason to wait.

If David could so easily take me for a fool and call himself Sophia’s ” in front of me, why should I pretend to be clueless?

In one swift motion, I pulled off the blankets over me and jumped on my feet to face them.

I was furious, and the pain and anxiety I’d felt since I found the birthmark on Sophia poured out with every word that left my mouth.

“Tell me the truth, Sofia is your child!” I yelled at him, confronting David with what I knew to be the truth.

“Don’t even try to deny it. I saw the birthmark on your back on Sofia,” I continued, even more pissed by the tears I felt streaming down my face when I talked.

“I-I’ve never met any of your family members, and suddenly, the sister you introduced to me has a baby who looks like you,” I cried, trying not to stutter as I wept and talked at the same time.

“Every time I try asking about Sofia’s father. I never get answers. Just tell me the truth!” I screamed at him, only to be devastated at the expression of shock on David’s face.

Fiona wasn’t any different.

I expected them to speak or at least defend themselves, but they just sat there with shocked looks, almost like they were surprised I actually found out.

My vision was slightly blurred with tears but not bad enough for me to be unable to make out the direction of the door as I grabbed my purse and ran towards the door.

“Carmen, wait!” I heard him yell after me as I got into the car, but that was the last thing I intended to do.

Driving away, the last thing I saw was David trying to get into his car and chase after me, only for Fiona to stop him.

God! How blind could I possibly be not to see it? I admitted to myself as I drove off, wiping the tears on my face to ensure I could see the road.

The first thing I knew I needed was some time to myself, so I lodged in a quiet hotel, one that was far enough from David and Fiona.

“Ma’am, are you okay?” The receptionist asked, and all I could do was smile and nod, realizing how miserable I must look to him.

“I’m fine. I just need a room,” I quickly told him, relieved to see the fast service I got right after that.

The room I rented was small since I didn’t have much money, but it was still enough to last a few days.

After taking a bath, I was sure I would feel better, but I didn’t. It took a while before I stopped crying enough to order food and try to watch a few movies to distract myself.

But I had just taken a few spoons when I suddenly felt the urge to throw up.

At first, I thought it was just a brief feeling that would pass, and I continued eating, only to jump off the bed and run to the bathroom the next second.

I threw up everything in my stomach and more.

“The food is alright. Is there something in it that I’m allergic to,” I wondered aloud, wondering if it was the food or my body itself that was sick.

I cleaned up and returned to the room to “sleep when I unexpectedly froze on the spot.

A frightened look of horror flashed across my face the second the idea popped into my head.

“No!” I yelled.

“Please- I can’t get pregnant for that chronic cheater and liar,” I pleaded as I lay on the bed, trying not to burst into another round of years.

I would have gone out that night if I thought it was still possible to do so. The fear of it kept me awake until dawn the next day.

Having a child with a husband who wasn’t mine alone terrified me. It was clear that Fiona was more important to him.

He had called hundreds of times in the night, and I also saw a few of Fiona’s calls, but I didn’t even think to pick them up.

The very next morning, the first thing I did was go to the closest pharmacy store where I could get a kit.

I tried dressing up and combing my hair as best as I could, even though inside of me, I felt like a huge mess.

“I’d like a pregnancy kit,” I told the pharmacist, in a bit of a hurry to get it and leave, but it was clear that the woman had other plans.

“What brand would you prefer?” she asked in return, returning to bring a few boxes for me to see.

At that moment, I regretted not finding a mart nearby, knowing I would have been able to pick one off the shelf and pay without answering multiple questions.

“It doesn’t matter. I’ll take any brand,” I replied, only to hear the gentle voice of a middle-aged woman speak behind me.

“Young Lady, of course it matters. Some can be less reliable, while others are spot on. It’s good to be sure early on,” she said, with me nodding to her every word.

Meanwhile, all I wanted was to disappear entirely from there.

“I agree; give me what you think is the best brand,” I hurriedly said with a small smile, trying hard not to glare at the person in front of me.

The moment I got what I came for, after having to wait a couple of more minutes to listen to the older woman tell me to read and follow the instructions written there, I bolted out of there.

The second I got back to my room, I wished I had gotten more as I used the only one I had, feeling my heart race heavily in my chest as I waited to see the results.

I saw two lines, and I knew I was in trouble.

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