SARE Episode 5 by Olowojesiku Deborah

SARE Episode 1 - Olowojesiku Deborah Iyanu

SARÉ by Olowojesiku Deborah Iyanu

Episode 5

Papa was able to convince my mom to let me be, he was able to collect the nylon containing the grinded pepper from my mom who was already in tears before leading her out of my room. Seeing my mother in tears broke my heart greatly which made me regret my action. While in my room, I could hear Papa discussing with my mom.

Papa: Mommy, I feel your pain and I am very sorry for being involved in this mess. When she informed me of the pregnancy, I ran back to God and after He forgave me, I asked if I could marry her because I don’t want any of my children to be without a father figure.

Mom: Hmmmmm, what did the Holy Spirit tell you?

Papa: He said I can’t marry her because I don’t have what it takes to bear the burden of the vision she is carrying.

Mom: Hmmm.

Papa: He said she would become a very powerful woman of God and even though I carry some dimension of God, I can’t bear the burden of her vision. He said marriage to her would end up in disaster.

Mom: That was what the Holy Spirit also told me.

Papa: He said her husband may not be a pastor, he may not look like the man she wants but he carries the grace that her ministry needs.

Mom: My husband also asked if we should allow her to get married to you to save us from shame but the Holy Spirit that’s moving from fry pan to fire.

Papa: Exactly ma, He said the devil is fighting the manifestation of her destiny. She will be used to set lives on fire and the devil who has seen that is manipulating her against herself. He wants her to destroy her destiny with her hands. Mommy, you don’t need to beat her again, what she needs now is our prayers and preaching. She needs to understand what’s happening ma.

Mom: Hmmm, you’ve spoken well but what about the shame?

Papa: I am praying to God to give you the grace ma. You are the only one that can help her become the woman she needs to be.

Mom: (wiped her tears) God will help me. Thank you very much.

Papa: I will also be coming around to preach to her. I won’t be far away ma.

Mom: God bless you.

Papa: Amen ma.

I was shocked to hear what Papa discussed with Mom. I couldn’t believe that the devil was using me against myself, I felt bad that I yielded to the devil’s voice. Yes, that evening when I went to Papa’s lodge, a voice asked me to dress seductively and go to his lodge, That was my thought. I never knew the devil was interested in me, I sat on my bed and started weeping again.

Yes, I believed the part where Papa said I was being used against myself but I didn’t believe the part where he said my husband might not be a Pastor. My grandfather on his dying bed said I have to get married to a man of God so that I can go far in life, my grandfather who knew he was close to the grave wouldn’t dare to tell a lie. I know Papa’s plan, he came up with all of that so that my parent wouldn’t force him to marry me. Who cares? To think I no longer feel anything for him, it’s obvious I never loved him and I don’t think I want to spend my life with a man like him.

My parent became nicer days later, My Dad began to buy me Christian novels and magazines to help me overcome boredom because my mom refused to hand over my gadgets to me, she claimed social media had exposed me to things higher than my age. Mom stopped beating and speaking hurtful words to me, instead, she began to preach to me, she made me understand that I can still be what God has destined me to be despite my mistakes, not only that, she would come into my room in the night and prophesy into my life. I opened my eyes one night and saw her weeping while prophesying.

Dad on his his part became friendlier but I could still see the disappointment on his face. He would tell me to read, summarise the books he bought, right out my prayer point, and pray after reading. Doing so helped me greatly as I began to understand spiritual things. I had been going to church for years but I lacked a spiritual foundation which was why the devil could gain access into my life and try to mess it up.

To be continued.

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