SARE Episode 15 by Olowojesiku Deborah

SARE Episode 1 - Olowojesiku Deborah Iyanu

SARE by Olowojesiku Deborah Iyanu

Episode 15

I was so skeptical the day Luis told me we were going to his parent, I began to have funny ideas in my head. I imagined his parent not accepting me when they find out that I had been married before but then, reverse was the case. His mom couldn’t stop embracing and kissing me, and at a point, I became uncomfortable because I wasn’t used to that kind of life. His dad made me sit beside him and began to ask if Luis had ever offended me before. Sincerely, Luis’s parents were adorable, and I felt at home immediately. Surprisingly, his mom asked if we could get married the following month, I became stone-cold at that moment, it was like I was dreaming.

We finally agreed to get married two months later and I tell you, it was the best day of my life. I had this peace of mind during the wedding ceremony, I was so sure that I was entering into my rest. While the ceremony was going on, I remembered I was suddenly afraid when the Pastor was about to join Gbenga and me together. That was the sign I needed to know that marriage to Gbenga would be a terrible journey but I was too blind to notice it.

After the wedding, Luis pampered me more, there were times I would pinch myself to see if I hadn’t been dreaming. Truly, God still has great sons, it’s just our impatience and inability to understand spiritual mysteries that deprived so many women of true sons of God. Every day, I always appreciate God for giving me a man like Luis. Other times, I feel he was an angel.

I got pregnant two months later and there was so much joy in our home. My mother-in-law would call me almost every morning to pray for me, she claimed she needed to stand in the gap for me and the unborn baby. At a point when my morning sickness became unbearable, she asked Luis to bring me to her, I tell you, those two weeks were one of the best weeks of my life. I was pampered and adored, it was like my mother-in-law had no other daughter-in-law.

I had threatened abortion four times but my husband stood in the gap, those days, I couldn’t even remember to pray, all I was doing was crying and wringing in pain. That was when I understood why my grandfather said I must marry a man of God. The devil who saw that my marriage to Luis would help me do God’s work better was determined to make me go with the pregnancy.

There was a time when all Luis was doing was quoting scriptures for almost one hour and immediately he ended, the pain subsided. That day, I looked at him and began to cry, I couldn’t pinpoint what I had done to God to be given such kind of a man. That day, it was obvious I was becoming lifeless, we couldn’t go to the hospital because the doctor had advised that we abort the pregnancy to save my life.

We couldn’t do that because the Holy Spirit made us realize that it was the devil’s tactics to make us barren. He planned to cause a complication and in the end, we would have no choice but to remove my womb.

God was faithful, He honored my husband’s prayer and kept my pregnancy safe. In the eighth month, Luis flew me abroad according to God’s instruction that I should not have my baby in Nigeria. I went into labor three days before my due date, it was in the labor room we all discovered that I had twins in my womb. I gave birth to two boys without complications. The happiness in my husband and I could not be quantified, we were so grateful to God for a battle well fought. We came back to Nigeria two months later, people were surprised to see me with children because we didn’t tell anyone about my journey save our both families.

When my babies clocked one year, my husband woke me up that morning and he said he had the urge to pray for me, he asked me to go on my knees then, he laid his hands on my head and began to blast in tongues. The next thing I noticed was that I was already on the ground and a kind of fire was going through my body. According to my husband, I was unconscious for three hours. He said the Holy Spirit told him to embark on twenty-one days of fasting and at the end of the fast, he was to lay his hands on me and begin to speak in tongues.

It was later I realized that my marriage was what the Lord needed to launch me fully into ministry. A week later, I got an invite to minister in a place, and in the end, souls were saved and about ten miracles were recorded. After I handed over the microphone, I knelt and began to cry, all I kept saying was “Why do You still choose to use me despite my past?”. Luis who noticed what was happening came and helped me walk into the car.

To be continued.

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