SARE Episode 14 by Olowojesiku Deborah

SARE Episode 1 - Olowojesiku Deborah Iyanu

SARE by Olowojesiku Deborah Iyanu

Episode 14

So, I invited Luis over to my house the following day to see Counselor Ore. I could attest to the fact that Ore was a special child and I am glad Papa had been doing his best to shield her away from destiny destroyers who claimed to love her.

Luis and I had met even before I got married to Gbenga, he wanted marriage from me then but he didn’t have the qualities of a Pastor. But today, I have come to understand better. A man of God doesn’t necessarily have to be a Pastor, a man of God is someone who has a close relationship with God, he is someone who carries a dimension of God and he doesn’t have to mount the pulpit before he can be endowed with diverse spiritual gifts. I wished I understood this earlier, I wouldn’t have made terrible mistakes.

We met again five years later when I went to deliver a cake to a client, surprisingly, the client happened to be his colleague at work. We met and exchanged contacts. In the course of our discussion, I discovered that his wife died during childbirth and since my husband was dead too, he wanted us to go into a relationship but I was skeptical.

When Luis came in, I welcomed him and went into the kitchen to prepare something for him to eat. While in the kitchen, I could hear Madam Ore questioning Luis.

Ore: So, sir, why do you want to marry my mom? Is it because of her money or looks?

Luis: Well, I love her and she is the woman Heaven has chosen to comfort me with after the demise of my first wife.

Ore: Hmmm, and do you think you have what it takes to make her happy?

Luis: Wow, you are acting more mature than your age but then, I am going to answer you.

I stood at one corner and watched Ore question Luis, at one point, I was afraid for him but in the long run, I appreciated her questions because they helped me to know who Luis was and understand why he was interested in me. At the end of the questioning, I knew Luis was the one meant for me. I saw Ore coming to the kitchen which made me run back to my duty post.

Ore: Hello Mommy, what you cook smells nice and I can’t wait to devour it.

Me: Awwn, thanks, darling.

Ore: So, mummy, do you love Mr. Luis?

Me: why do you ask?

Ore: Mom, he is a good guy and I think he is the one for you but I won’t tell you not to pray about it.

Me: Hmmm, sure. I will pray about his proposal. I’ve always known him to be a good guy but I need to be very sure.

Ore: Awwn, I can’t wait to be your best lady.

Me: You and who?

Ore: Mom, are you considering my height, don’t worry, I will wear heels.

I took my time to pray about Luis’s proposal and the very first time I prayed, I got an answer from God, Luis is the one God has raised to help me forget my sorrows of the past. There was this unusual joy in me after I got that confirmation. I called Luis two days later and gave him a positive reply.

You can imagine the happiness Luis displayed, he screamed so loud that I had to end the call to avoid going deaf. Luis called back and asked if we could go on a date. While on that date, I opened up my past to Luis to avoid a repetition of what transpired between Gbenga and I. Surprisingly, Luis told me he was interested in my present and not my past. I was swept off my feet by that statement, it was then I realized that all I had for other guys in the past had been lust, Luis came into my life and showed me the definition of true love.

Luis and I planned for a six-month courtship and in the course of the courtship, my spiritual life took a new shape, I became prayerful and an ardent reader of the Bible courtesy of Luis. Luis wasn’t a pastor but he carries a dimension of God, he wasn’t a pastor but he saw to the fact that I grow spiritually. I never knew he could pray five hours without getting tired despite not being a pastor. Indeed, he was a man of God.

To be continued.

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