Sacrilege Episode 47 by Nissi Adeola

Sacrilege Episode 1 by Nissi Adeola

Sacrilege Episode 47 by Nissi Adeola

Laughter rang out in an eatery close to the hospital. Deolu had treated Laura, Gloria, Jane and little Tess to dinner and they were all now seated round the table enjoying plates of delicious meals as they relished tales of happy moments. Deolu was mostly quiet, smiling all through as he watched the ladies chat, gossip and laugh at private jokes.

It was a perfect evening, a perfect way to close a perfect day. Deolu watched Laura bounce Tess playfully on her lap as she spoon-fed her. She probably was imagining what it would be like when she became a mom. Her laughs were loud and melodious, her expressions almost felt animated.

It was obvious she couldn’t contain her elation. Her face glowed with happiness once again and Deolu felt his heart swell with joy. She hadn’t been this happy in a long time. Her eyes shone whenever she laughed. It was easy to see the happiness radiating around her, one that could only come from within.

Involuntarily, his mind went to Teju. He had kept a shield on his mind all day, not allowing it to stray to anything that would affect the joy that encompassed his heart – the joy that at long last, his union with Laura was becoming fruitful. His heart still ached when he thought of her; when he thought of the pain she was going through.

He hadn’t understood her decision to get pregnant despite her condition. Deolu hadn’t been able to understand how Teju could be satisfied, even happy with the fact that she was pregnant, despite knowing it could cost her life. But watching Laura, seeing the undiluted happiness that governed every part of her being, Deolu finally understood.

Right from the time they were kids, Teju never stopped talking about having kids. She was so fond of children, female children precisely. She was obsessed with dressing kids that Deolu’s very first gift to Teju on her tenth birthday had been a big baby doll. He had been thirteen then but even then, he had known about her love and nigh obsession with kids.

It founded the reasons why she had gotten so many heartbreaks from men. She wanted to start a family so much that she had entered into relationships with mediocre guys who were ready to take advantage of her.

Deolu could now see the blow that the illness would have been to her. He could now see why she had done what she did. Not only was cancer threatening to cut her life short, it was also rendering her dreams of having a child almost impossible.

Of course, Teju’s natural instinct would be to salvage the dream dearest to her heart. And of course, she would want to have the child with Deolu because she knew undoubtedly that he would shower the child with so much love, maybe even more love that she could ever give. It hurt. It hurt more than he could ever let on. But he had to respect Teju’s decision as much as it was killing him.

He had to let her have the one thing she had wanted the most in life. In his heart, he vowed to make every day count and give her all the happiness she never had to experience.

Laura had never felt better in her life. The happiness in her heart could not be quantified. As she ate and fed Tess, engaging in a lively banter with the ladies, the world felt complete once again. Though she had very little appetite, the mere fact that she was eating for two urged her on. The miracle she had been praying for for so long was finally here. Laura just wanted to end this day on her knees within the four walls of a church, giving all the thanks back to God for wiping away her years of tears.

Remembering something, she paused her discussion. “Oh, wait everyone, that reminds me” she turned to Deolu. She poked him. “Hey. Mr. deep thinking” she called him out of his thoughts and Deolu smiled.

“Yes, Mrs.”

She grinned, her eyes mischievous. “Jane here has something to tell us” she said, turning her eyes to Jane.

Curiosity shone in Gloria’s eyes as everyone stared at Jane. Jane looked blank as a confused frown greeted her face. She swallowed the fish in her mouth. “I do?”

Laura grinned. “You said you had good news you would only share when I get back with Deolu. So here you have it…” Laura stretched upwards and planted a small kiss on Deolu’s cheek. “Spill the beans?”

Jane had caught the gist but she grinned mischievously instead. “I was actually hoping that kiss was aimed at a different place”

“I was hoping so too” Deolu couldn’t agree more. Rectifying the situation, Deolu leaned down and planted a stunning kiss on Laura’s lips. ‘Awwws’ went round the eatery, leaving Laura blushing like a teenager. Gloria and Jane were equally blushing as though they were at the receiving end of the kiss and Deolu enjoyed watching Laura squirm and fight for composure. Laura cleared her throat.

“Okay, you have enjoyed watching a PG21 scene without parental guidance…” Laura frowned at Gloria who was still blushing like a little girl instead of being the adult that she was before fixed Jane with her gaze. “Now spill it”

Laura did not expect to see Jane’s blush deepen like she was about to say something remotely embarrassing. She toyed with the necklace that disappeared into her blouse as her eyes lowered shyly. “Well… there’s this guy…” Jane began and the smile on Laura’s face slowly faded. “We have been together for a while and erm…” slowly, she pulled out the chain to reveal a silver ring dangling at the end as a pendant. “… He asked me to marry him”

Shocked silence greeted the table; Laura seemed frozen in time. Deolu was the first to recover as he leaned forward, trying to read Jane. “Do you love him?”

Laura turned on him like he had just asked the most ridiculous question ever. “How can you ask that? What does she know about love?”

“Yes, I love him” Jane answered the question regardless.

Gloria studied Jane for a brief moment then a smile greeted her face as though she had found something she was searching for. “Congratulations baby.”she squeezed Jane’s hand.

“Congratulations? She is only a child” Laura exclaimed.

“I’m nineteen, an adult in every sense” Jane countered. “And it is not like I am getting married right away, it would be after my convocation next year”

“Still too young to know what you are getting into. You are still a kid, Jane”

Jane rolled her eyes and sighed. “Here we go again” she muttered and poked a juicy chunk of fish into her mouth.

“I knew it! I just knew you shouldn’t have been the one to catch my wedding bouquet” Laura lamented. She glared at Deolu who was busy grinning at her. “What?” she turned her glaring eyes on Gloria who also had a similar expression on her face. “Am I the only one who thinks she is too young for this?” without waiting for an answer, she turned her eyes on Jane who wasn’t looking too cheerful anymore. Her subconscious reminded her that she was also only twenty two when she got married but she ignored it. Jane was still a kid to her.“How old is he?”

“Twenty-five” Jane said sourly.

Deolu gave her hand a subtle squeeze and passed a silent message with his eyes. Laura shook her head, perplexed. She was lost between raving and trying to feel happy for Jane. It was obvious from Jane’s eyes that she really wanted Laura to be happy for her. Of course, the part of her that always wanted Jane to be happy won. She sighed. “Fine. You would have to bring him over so I can assess him”

Jane’s eyes shone like she had just got a green card. “Yes mummy” she cooed and everyone on the table laughed. Laura managed a smile. Maybe seeing the guy would make her understand that Jane wasn’t headed for a huge mistake. Despite being her sister, Jane almost felt like a daughter because she had practically been the one who raised her before Gloria came along. “Congratulate me” Jane demanded, grinning.

Laura rolled her eyes but her smile was genuine. “Congratulations… for now”she added.

Jane grinned. Of course, she had known Laura would be difficult but she loved her sister more than anything in the world. She was more than a sister; she was her mother in more ways than one.

Gloria started prying for information about Jane’s ‘Jude’. After a while, Deolu say that their plates were pretty much empty. He cleared his throat and placed his hand tenderly on the small of Laura back. “We should leave now. You need to rest”

“That’s true baby, you’re resting for two now. Go home”

Laura wanted to do just that. In fact, she looked forward to being all alone with her husband. But there was just one thing she wanted to do. She needed the icing on the cake of this perfect day. Leaning over, she whispered something to Deolu. He did not seem too pleased with the fact that she would be putting herself through yet another stress but with little persuation and batting of lashes, he gave in. She smiled.


Laura entered Frank’s room quietly. She had been putting this off for far too long, she wanted this over and done with. After so many days and weeks of pain, this day seemed to be the turning point for their family.

Frank wasn’t asleep. Immediately she entered, his eyes opened and gazed directly at her. His eyes, softer than they usually were, registered surprise. She swallowed and took steps towards the bed. A strained smile stretched Frank’s tired face but it did not begin to mask the pain in his eyes. “Dad” Laura managed as her eyes watered.

She was speechless, lost on what to say. She had never really exchanged any civil conversation with the man who had raised her. All their meetings always ended up with them fighting over one thing or the other. She had seen him as the person who constituted everything that was wrong with her life. He was the villain in her life’s tale. He had always been bitter, sad and wicked and Laura could see no reason to love him.

If only she knew the pain he had been subjected to… If only she knew that his bitterness was a product of a messy past.

“Laura” Frank held out his handto Laura. Laura placed her hand in his and felt the slight tremble of his fingers. He pulled her to sit on the bed beside his lying form as he gazed up at her face. A single tear drop rolled down Laura’s eyes and Frank’s finger caught and wiped it off.

“I am sorry, dad…” Laura finally began. “I am so sorry. I never knew… I never knew what happened with mum. I have been such a terrible daughter and you didn’t deserve it. Can you ever forgive me, dad?” She pleaded. “I am-”

“Shhhh…” Frank whispered as his eyes misted. His hand cupped Laura’s cheek framing her face tenderly as his gaze intensified. “You have nothing to be sorry for, my dear. I am the guilty one. You knew nothing about what happened. I never should have made your life miserable by trying to use you to have my revenge.

I hurt you in so many unforgivable ways, Laura, and I would understand if you never forgive me.” Frank swallowed as Laura shook her head. “But I can only beg you to please forgive me, Laura. I caused you so much pain in your life. I wasn’t there for you when you needed me to be a true father and a friend. I left you to fend for yourself and made your life a living hell all because of a sin that you knew nothing about.” Laura wiped a tear drop from her eyes. “I let my pain and unforgiveness rob me of the time I should have spent loving you.

Please forgive me, my dear… Please”

Laura covered Frank’s hand on her cheek with hers and brought it to her lips for a lingering kiss. “I have forgiven you dad. I can’t not. I lied all those times I said I hated you, dad… I lied all those times I said I didn’t care about you.” Her lips trembled. “I love you very much, dad” Laura said amidst tears she couldn’t hold back.

The tears that almost came out of Frank’s eyes had streams of tears flowing down her face. “I love you, dad, and I don’t care if you are not my biological father. The both of you would always be my fathers for as long as I live”

Unhindered, a tear drop eased out of Frank’s eye and Laura rubbed it off right before placing a kiss on Frank’s cheek.

Frank laughed awkwardly and rubbed his eyes. “You are making an old man cry”

Laura’s laugh was also strange and clouded with emotions. “I never thought you were capable of tears”

Frank smiled. Laura had never felt more complete like she felt now. She pushed out of the bed and Frank’s eyes registered slight sadness that she was about leaving. Laura smiled. “I brought someone to see you” she explained.

Walking back to the door, she opened it and smiled at someone behind it before pulling the door wider and stepping back. Frank’s face registered shock and something really close to fear as he defied the pain and pushed himself to a sitting position.

Laura smiled to herself as Teju stepped into the room, a guarded expression on her face as she stared at Frank. Before leaving them, Laura turned to Teju and gave her a tight hug. “Thank you” she whispered. Satisfied with the knowledge that father and daughter would settle their differences, she turned and exited the room. Her heart might just burst from the excess happiness coercing through her. Floating with joy, she went to meet Deolu.


“You! I remember you” Barbieque said as her piercing cat eyes gave Tito a demeaning frown.

“I can’t say the same” Tito said, looking rather bored as she looked down her nose at the petite beauty. Tito had never been more grateful for her impressive height.

“You are the woman who came to disturb my Chris and me when we were having a nice time. What are you doing here again?”

My Chris! Personalizing it the way she said it infuriated Tito more than she was willing to let on. Tito’s anger was rising but she kept it carefully hidden beneath her cool demeanor and indifferent stance. “Certainly not what you are doing here, I assure you” Tito assured.

Barbieque raised her brow. “Which is?”

Tito’s face flashed with slight amusement as she gave the girl’s appearance – which comprised of a bum short and a flimsy camisole – a brief assessment. “Whoring your way into a man’s heart, perhaps?” she smiled.

Barbieque’s face sparked with fury. Her hand left her side and swung towards Tito’s cheek. Tito’s hand flashed out and caught the hand before the hand could make impact with her cheek. Her face was alive with amusement now as she gripped the hand painfully tight, standing even taller. “Oh no, barbieque, you don’t want to do that” she warned gently. “You can’t win a fight with Tito, believe me” she said and dropped the hand forcefully.

Barbieque fumed, looking like she was about to fly into a million pieces. The fact that Tito looked almost as cool as a cucumber was more infuriating, intimidating… scary even. “Get out” she yelled, hoping to attract neighbors. “Get out of here. Chris and I are engaged to be married and I won’t have-”

“Oh! You are engaged!” Tito suddenly exclaimed interrupting her. Her eyes bubbled with feigned excitement. “Congratulations. Can I see the ring?” without waiting for an answer, Tito grabbed her left hand and stared at it. “Oh” her face sobered dramatically and she looked up at the girl’s face, mock pity in her eyes. “There’s no ring”

Tito chuckled as Barbieque snatched her hand in anger, robbed of the opportunity of a good retort as Chris’ car drove into the compound. Not like she could get a good retort though. Tito rolled her eyes. She was so angry but she’d be damned of she’d let it show.

It was taking a great deal of effort to keep her anger carefully hidden. She had come in such high spirit but now, all she wanted to do was go home and lick her wounds. Laura’s words had been so much boost but she wasn’t so sure anymore. Barbieque looked so perfect, beside her; Tito didn’t feel so pretty anymore. She was all shades of perfect.

As Chris turned off the car and alighted, all Tito wanted to do was vanish. She would surely be unable to deal with the embarrassment if she sensed that he was the least interested in Barbieque.

Then Chris made for them and his eyes connected with hers. Tito swallowed as a familiar tremor began inside her, arresting her and freezing her to the spot till she couldn’t remember her plan to leave. She couldn’t resist noting just how handsome he looked in the casual black T-shirt he had on.

He didn’t have to make the effort to look good, he could be dressed in rags and still turn heads. Her skin tingled as his gaze travelled over her until her fingers involuntarily fidgeted with her car key. Something flashed in his eyes and in the evening glow; she couldn’t tell just what it was. She swallowed. It was just unfair that he could reduce her to a nervous puppy with just a gaze when he seemed pretty much unaffected.

Chris’ gaze stayed with her through the walk from the car and for an instant, she had completely forgotten about Barbieque’s presence. She wondered if Chris even noticed her presence. As Chris pushed to a halt before her. His gaze bathed her like a caress and her senses awakened to his familiar scent, filling a void within her that had been begging to be filled. “Hey” Chris whispered with that small smile that never ceased to make her heart skip several beats.

“Hi” is that my voice? Tito cleared her throat gently as her face heated up with embarrassment. Barbieque the spectator must be wondering what was wrong with Tito to make her transform from a tigress to a kitten within the space of a heartbeat.

Chris turned his head, seeming to notice Barbieque for the first time. He lids hooded his eyes and his brows drew together in a frown. He glanced at Tito and back at Barbieque. “What’s going on here?”

Get a grip girl, Tito told herself. As Barbieque opened her mouth to talk, Tito cut in. “Nothing. I was just leaving” she stated and made to leave.

“No, you weren’t” Chris said swiftly as his hand locked around her waist, anchoring her to his side. That single act declared her the winner of the silent war going on between them. As the hand settled against her slender waist, Tito felt the warmth of his hand seep into her skin, warming up her insides. “I thought I made things clear, Lisa” So Barbieque has a name!

Lisa almost looked teary. “But Chris… I love you” Tito almost felt bad for the poor girl as she fidgeted before Chris’ stare – almost. She could see that the girl actually liked Chris, might even love him, maybe not for all the right reasons though.

Chris paused for a moment, the gentleman within him fighting for control. He turned slightly to Tito, his gaze gentle, almost pleading. “Can you wait inside, Tee? This would just be a minute?”

Without allowing her to reconsider the option of leaving, Chris quickly unlocked the door and held it open for her. Tito went in and shut the door gently behind her. She was grateful to be away from them. Seeing another woman declare love for the same man that she was in love with was the most uncomfortable thing to watch, especially when she was as beautiful as Lisa.

She should have left when she had the chance. But isn’t that what she was good at? Running away? She always wanted to run away from love because for some reasons, she was beginning to feel she was probably undeserving of love. She felt her heart thump in her chest as she paced the sitting room gently. The room carried Chris’ presence even in his absence.

Just as she was beginning to wonder what was going on behind that closed door, the door opened and Chris entered, shutting the door. “She is gone” he declared gently. “Sorry about that”

Tito nodded. “There’s no need. I should have called before coming” she mouthed.

“I’m glad you came” The air vibrated with tension and Tito fiddled with her car keys until she was sure the key hurt from her constant prodding. Chris’ gaze ate her up as his eyes travelled over her again. The darkness outside had hidden the look in his eyes but now, she could clearly see the fire that heated up her skin. “You look beautiful”

Tito couldn’t help the blush. “Thanks” She felt silly; it had been so long she had this sort of attention from a guy; she almost didn’t know what it felt like anymore. She had rushed home to get a new outfit – the midi short flowery dress she had on – before coming over to Chris’ place.

The dress stopped just at mid thigh, leaving the length of he long legs exposed. Her hair was down and the dark richness flowed past her shoulders like warm honey. She saw the hunger in Chris’ eyes, saw that she had gotten the reaction she sought with this dress but that was the easy part. The fires of attraction always burned between them but she was after something more than attraction. She wanted love.

Chris approached her and the thumping of her heart increased with each step he took. This is the part she should be confessing her love but instead, she was just standing on jelly feet, staring right at Chris as he drew up right in front of her. His gaze had a certain intensity that robbed her of speech. He weilded the power and he knew it.

His fingers brushed like a whisper over her hair, like he couldn’t resist feeling the hair against his fingers. His gaze followed his hand as his finger tips moved like a feather over the graceful curve of her neck, making it next to impossible for her to breathe. His gaze shot up, capturing hers. “You missed me?” He suddenly asked. “Because I’ve missed you. More than I’ve ever missed anyone within a short while”

Tito swallowed as her heart raced. “Chris, I-”

Chris kissed her. Silencing her with one short, deep kiss, stunning her. “Can you just listen to me, please?” Chris looked frustrated as he paced away from her. The sitting room hummed with tension as he finally turned to her. “I know your perception of me and you are probably right.

I have been breaking hearts at will. So many ladies have been in my life but they have never been anything serious… until you. I thought it was impossible to love again until you.” Chris swallowed, his eyes grew intense. “Every time I am with you… you make me feel things i thought I would never feel again. For the past few days, it has been hell preventing myself from calling or coming to you.”

Tito took a deep breath, hoping to ward off the tears threatening to break free. “Chris”

“No, please… listen” he sauntered towards her and his gaze bore into her. “I know you’ve been hurt. I know you are scared. You don’t want to take the risk, and I understand. But I am willing to take the risk with you. I am ready to risk even death with you” his fingers brushed against her cheeks.

“Because it would be worth it. Every single day of the happiness i feel with you I worth dying for, Tito.” He took a deep breath, holding her gaze. “I love you, Tito” Tito could not help the tear that rolled down her cheek. “I have never said this to anyone, no one, not even Laura. If you’d have me, I promise no one would love you more than I” her face
Tito blinked, letting the tears roll down her cheek.

“Oh Chris” she held his face in her hand and stood on tiptoes to plant a kiss on his lips. Chris deepened the kiss, holding her close as he poured all the love in his heart into that kiss. Tito’s heart slammed in her chest as she felt a happiness that she had long forgotten. This was beyond passion, this was beyond attraction, this was love.

She pulled back, a smile on her teary face. “Oh Chris, you beat me to the confession. I love you Chris. I always have. I always will” she said.

Happiness shone in Chris’ eyes as he bathed her eyes, cheeks and nose with kisses before sealing Tito’s giggling mouth in a kiss that had her heart sailing above all the doubts and fears of what tomorrow might bring.

Sacrilege Episode 47

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4 years ago

On to the final episode ?
I’m impressed with Laura for the reunion of father & daughter.

Congratulations to Tito ??
Happy at Last ?