Sacrilege Episode 45 – 46 by Nissi Adeola

Sacrilege Episode 14 - 15 by Nissi Adeola

Sacrilege Episode 45 by Nissi Adeola

Darkness swelled around them as Laura wrenched her gut outside the hospital. Laura felt her head ache as she spat out, hating the foul smell that invaded her nostrils. Jane rushed to hand Gloria a bottle of water which she tipped over Laura’s mouth. Laura took little of the liquid and rinsed her mouth with it before spitting it out. “Sorry dear” Gloria whispered, her voice laced with worry as she sprinkled water on Laura’s face and swiped her wet palm across her face. Laura straightened. “How do you feel? Are you dizzy?”

Laura swallowed. Her mouth tasted foul and she felt lightheaded. “No, I’m okay now” she answered. She took a swing at the water, hoping the liquid would take away the heady taste in her mouth; it didn’t.

“You don’t look okay at all, you are still pale.” Gloria noted as she held Laura for support with a concerned frown. “Let’s go back in, I’d ask the nurses to give you some drugs”

“No! No drugs” Laura shook her head; the very thought of using any medicine made her cringe. She has always hated drugs, would gladly take injection if it meant not having to use drugs. “I’m fine, really” she assured the concerned faces around her. “The tension just got a bit too much I guess, and seeing Margaret really got me worked up. But I feel fine now… tired though” she managed a weak smile.

“You should have just stayed at home. After what happened, you should be taking the time to rest” Jane bot in.

Laura sighed. “Can’t say Deolu didn’t warn me” she muttered to herself.

“And as always, you never listen.” Tito balanced Tess on her hip, worry on her brows. “I am calling him” she took out her phone.

“No… no, please don’t” Laura quickly put a hand out to stall Tito. “He has had more than enough to worry about, I don’t want to subject him to worry again, besides, he might be driving” God forbid she heard of his accident, she’d certainly die.

“Okay, fine, but you are coming with me; we are going over to my place, you can relax there” Tito took out her phone to get an Uber. “I don’t know why I didn’t come with my car”

Laura snorted. “That’s because you have been too scared to drive ever since dad’s accident.”

Tito slanted her an incredulous look. “You are crazy” but in her heart of hearts, she knew Laura was right.

“You are right because I am shaking the table we’re both standing on” Laura muttered. She herself had barely touched her car since the accident. She might argue that being perpetually in the hospital hasn’t allowed her use her car but in reality, she had just been too scared to drive. She knew the fear would fade after a while though.

Jane chuckled while Gloria gave Laura a stern look. “Enough talking young woman. Come, sit here” she moved Laura towards the pavement where she sat. Gloria studied Laura, her eyes thinned in concentration. She pulled down Laura’s lower lids, strained her eyes to see beyond the dark and stepped back a bit. “Since when have you been feeling this way?”

Laura rolled her eyes. “Here we go again” Gloria was being Gloria again. She always fussed over everyone that fell ill. Laura remembered wishing she fell sick – many times growing up – just so she could get this special treatment from Gloria but when she got her wish, she couldn’t wait to get better because of the excess attention. “This isn’t a big deal, mum” she reassured. “I’m fine really; you don’t have to go all ‘Doctor Gloria’ on me”

Gloria made an unladylike sound. “I know you like it” still the worry did not leave her face. “Just wait here, I’d go and get you some drugs.”

“I don’t want-“ Laura sobered as she watched Gloria match back into the hospital, ignoring her protests. Her face withered as her shoulders slumped. She turned back to see Jane grinning at her. She rolled her eyes and sighed.

***** the pain and sadness was obvious in his hooded eyes. Try as he may, he couldn’t prevent himself from feeling the bone-deep sense of betrayal eating at him. First, he had found out that Teju had played him for a fool and what he had thought to be a mistake was actually a plotted arrangement between Teju and his mother. The feeling of betrayal he had felt then had almost unmanned him. He could not believe that someone he trusted and held in such high regard had been able to consciously do something to hurt him.

But it was a whole different feeling now. Deolu hated feeling confused; he hated this feeling of utter helplessness. Where had he gone wrong in their friendship? What did he do to Teju that made her withdraw her trust in him? She always told him everything… he knew all her secrets, she knew his. She was like the little sister he never had and all his life, he had sought to make her happy. Deolu had never felt more betrayed and the mere fact that there was next to nothing he could do to salvage the situation was too hard for him to bear. He felt so powerless. Nothing makes a man feel less of a man than being unable to help those he loved. How could Teju be going through something so serious and never tell him? How could she go ahead to get pregnant for him, knowing fully well that she was pretty much signing her death certificate by doing so?

Deolu stared the small distance at Teju, wondering not for the first time if he actually knew her at all. He saw the shimmering tears in Teju’s eyes and his fingers curled into a fist. Frustration clawed at him and he turned away from her briefly. To think he had come so close to finding out so many times… Teju has had so many opportunities to tell him but she had chosen to keep something so vital away from him. Silence weighed heavily on the room as Deolu stared so intensely at the white wall. “When were you going to tell me?” Deolu finally said into the stiff silence. Teju fidgeted as Deolu’s gaze slowly slid from the wall, peering into her like a hot dagger. “Were you… ever going to tell me?” His strange stillness was the scariest and the most painful. She knew Deolu well to know that he raved when he was angry but when he was hurt, deeply hurt, he became unusually quiet.

Teju’s eyes watered, wavering, yet she managed to look at him. “I’m sorry, Dee”

“Sorry” he repeated incredulously.

“I never… never wanted you to find out like this”

Deolu gave a strained short laugh and stared at Teju for a long time then shook his head in dismay. His hand went up to scratch his hair after which he sank both hands in the pockets of his trousers. To say he had words to express his pain would be a fallacy. He stalked around before facing Teju squarely, his face a mirage of emotions. “How did you want me to find out? When did you want me to find out? When I find you on the sick bed breathing your last, is that when you wanted me to find out?” Teju could see the strain it was taking for him to keep his voice leveled. “How can you hide something like this from me?

“I’m sorry” A tear drop rolled down Teju’s cheek which she quickly dashed away, shifting uncomfortably.

“But why?” Deolu groaned out. “You always could tell me anything” Teju nodded. “So why? Why?”

“Because I knew i… I knew I wouldn’t be able to bear it”. She swallowed and moved slowly towards Deolu. “I couldn’t bear to see the pain in your eyes when I tell you. You are my best friend, Dee; you are the only one who has continuously sought my happiness. You knew how lonely I was and how all my breakups affected me. You went out of your way to keep me close so I wouldn’t be so lonely even though it affected your relationship with Laura. You knew that our closeness was hurting Laura but still you did not distance yourself because of that. You always tried to make me happy; I knew that all you wanted was to see me happy. How could I then tell you that I was dying?” a tear dropped from Teju’s eyes as she watched Deolu struggle. “I couldn’t. I couldn’t see you in pain because of me and I couldn’t watch you pity me”

Deolu swallowed and turned away. The hurt he was feeling burned in his chest like hot iron on an exposed wound. He whirled at her. “But you can’t die” he rasped. “So what? You decided to get pregnant for me? How do you think it makes me feel knowing that my child is what is stopping you from getting the treatment that you need?”

“The child is my only chance at happiness, Dee, don’t you get it? I would still die anyways, I am too sick”

Deolu shook his head, his lips thinning. “I am not watching you die”

Teju swallowed. She went to touch Deolu’s arm tenderly, her eyes brimming with tears that spilled over her cheeks. “You have always wanted to see me happy, this child right here” she put his hand on her stomach. “Is my happiness. And I want you to have her. I want this child to be my gift to you for all the times you’ve been a shoulder to lean on. That’s why I agreed to your mother’s request. I want my child to bear your name, I know you and Laura would give her all the love in the world, even more love than you have shown me.” She gripped Deolu’s hand, her gaze becoming intense. “I want to have this child for me. Please don’t persuade me otherwise… please” she pleaded with tears in her eyes.

***** Tito stood outside her apartment and wrapped her hands around herself as the wind of the night blew against her skin. Jane had fallen into an exhausted sleep but Tito could hear Laura’s subtle voice as she sang Tess to sleep. Despite the fact that Laura really needed to rest, she had instead been fussing over Tess. Tito couldn’t determine if this was because of her love for children or because she felt a sense of guilt that Tess was not with her mother. Laura had always loved children, how terrible was it that the world would always choose to starve you of the one thing that you love the most?

Thinking of love, Tito thought of Chris and hugged herself tight. She hadn’t heard from Chris ever since she told him off and she couldn’t she couldn’t even blame him. She had been the one pushing him away for so long; they were once like cat and rat and every time, she had been the hostile one. He had tried to get closer but she had pushed him away every time. Even now that she could see the immense attraction between them, she still was the one pushing him away. Gosh, she couldn’t remember ever feeling so attracted to anyone. ‘It was the right thing to do’ she had been telling herself but why couldn’t she believe it anymore and why did it hurt like hell? She missed him so much; it was like something had died in her. She missed the way he made her feel, missed the way he made her smile so effortlessly… missed the way he made her skin tingle with fires of excitement.

Tito heard the soft opening of the door and glanced back as Laura stepped out of the room, pulling the door against its hinges as softly as possible. She smiled. “She finally fell asleep”

Laura sighed as she joined Tito at the balcony. “She is a handful” she said but Tito could see the fulfillment that was radiating on her face, like she had just won an Oscar for putting Tess to sleep.

“That she is” Tito seconded. “How do you feel now?”

Laura shrugged as she stood beside Tito and placed her hands on the railings. “I’ve had better days” she said simply.

Tito grunted then her brows furrowed. “Has Deolu told you where he went to when you were on the beach?” she had been planning to ask.

Laura stared into the dark compound. “I haven’t asked” she said simply. Then, to change the subject, she asked something that had also been nagging at her. “Yes. Where were you that day, though? I called you almost gazillion times but you didn’t pick up”

Tito tensed and shifted. “Just went out for a walk, didn’t take my phone along”

Laura smiled slowly, a knowing look on her face. “I see… then I guess I was wrong to think that you were with a certain hot guy, right?”

Tito rolled her eyes as her cheeks flamed. “Oh shut up, I have no idea what you’re talking about”

“Of course, you don’t. You are just tapping your fingers nervously for no reason at all” Laura goaded, grinning now. Wow, Laura was all nails and needles over a man after so long a time! What a time to be alive.

Self-conscious, Tito folded her fingers over the railings. “It’s all in your head, Laura”

“It’s not all in my head that you both have stopped reaching for each other’s throats” Laura sighed. “Dear God, Tits, even the blind can see that there is something going on between you and Chris. I mean, the guy only needs to come into a room before you light up like the fourth of July.”

“You are bipolar” Laura gave Tito a pointed all-knowing look. Tito’s shoulders slumped. What use was there in pretending to Laura anyways? “Is it that obvious?”

“As obvious as the fire in his eyes every time he looks at you, it’s no wonder you always burst into flames like a moth on heat. He hardly takes his eyes off you” Laura grinned.

“He hardly takes his eyes off women; I’d bet he looks at me the same way he looks at every other woman” except you, Tito almost added.

Laura raised her brow. “You honestly don’t believe that, do you?”

“Doesn’t matter what I believe” Tito looked away then managed a shrug as the blowing wind blew goose bumps to her skin. “It’s just an attraction, nothing more.”

“Uhnnn… she admits there is an attraction, that’s a good start” Laura displayed her thirty two. “Well, give me all the juicy details; what’s cooking? I want to know if stew is on the menu” Laura set her body like a typical woman on an amebo quest. Tito shook her head. “I’ve not seen as much of Chris since I got back from you-know-where, where are you hiding him?” she pressed.

Tito sighed and looked down. Laura deflated. “You told him off, didn’t you?”

“It was the wise thing to do”

Laura rolled her eyes. “It always is with you” she looked bored as her mouth twisted. “What is the problem this time?”

“He is in love with someone else” Laura’s face froze and Tito raised her brow. “So you see, it was the wise thing to do”

Laura was silent for a beat. “Did he tell you that?”

“Pretty much”

She frowned thoughtfully. “Told you categorically or you just assumed?”

Tito released an exhausted sigh. She really didn’t want to be talking about this, especially not with Laura. “If telling me that he has been in love with someone he can’t have is categorical enough, then there you have it. Can we drop the subject? You need to rest”

“Uhn…” Laura was silent for a few seconds as she studied Tito’s countenance. “I see” she murmured gently, turning to lean her back against the railings. “Did he give you a name?” she pressed as a blank look settled on her eyes. “Mine perhaps?”

Tito froze, her form going rigid. She turned her head to Laura incredulously. “You knew?”

Laura raised her eyes skywards like Tito had just asked a ridiculous question. “But of course, I knew; I’m a woman, how couldn’t I? I mean, at first I was not sure, Chris was really good at hiding it by flirting with practically everyone. But then, I often caught him staring at me when he thought no one was noticing. Many times, I wanted to tell Ad about it but I knew it would affect their friendship. I know a lot of men out there would have done something about it but Chris is such a principled man, it’s the reason I respect him so much.” Tito shifted. She did not like the emotion she was feeling one bit. “I wasn’t happy about it because Chris is such a great guy and deserves someone who would return his love. But you know what? That was why it was so easy for me to notice the moment he developed a thing for you. He doesn’t stare at me anymore these days, in fact; all he seems to be interested in looking at is you. The guy barely even notices me these days, I’d be jealous if I didn’t have my Deolu”

Tito rolled her eyes so hard. “Now, you are being too dramatic” she murmured, but by God, she couldn’t hide the fact that everything she was hearing was pleasing to her ears.

“I’m serious. Every time he sees you in the hospital, it is always as though he is dying to whisk you off to some island where you never have to worry about anything, if that is not love, then I don’t know what love is anymore. But why am I explaining things to you, it is not like you don’t know this yourself” Laura gave Tito a pointed gaze. “You know it but pretend like you don’t to make it easier for you to walk away”

Tito swallowed. As always, Laura was totally right. She’d be darned if she didn’t know that what was between she and Chris was way more than a mere physical attraction. It is a thing in ladies to know when a man had started developing feelings for her.

“You are the best person I know, Tits” Laura continued, taking Tito’s hand. “You have a very big heart and can go to hell and back for someone you love; only God knows what I would have done without you in my life. You deserve someone who would shower you with all the love in the world. I know you are scared, Tits, but what happened in the past is not your fault, you need to stop thinking it is. Dad is awake now, that should mean something.”

Tito took a deep breath. Her eyes fastened on Laura. She didn’t look so strong and powerful anymore; she almost looked like a vulnerable child. “I can’t lose anyone again, Laura, it would be the death of me”

“And you won’t. Those people died not because they were with you, Tit, they died because their time was up and maybe because they were not meant for you. Give yourself a chance at love again; God knows no one deserves it more than you do”

Tito exhaled shakily. Lights from a car’s headlamp shone bright behind the compound gate gaining their attention; as the car pulled to a halt, the headlamp died. Laura smiled. “That’s Ad” she said, standing straighter. She gave Tito a pointed serious look. “Think about it?” Tito raised her brow in affirmative. Laura squeezed her hand gently before turning to go get her purse.

“I’d be sure to tell Deolu to kidnap you for a while so you can relax and get your glow back” Tito said.

Laura’s shoulders slumped as she turned her eyes to Tito. “Not that word, please”

“Kidnap” Tito repeated, grinning. Laura rolled her eyes and went inside for her purse.

***** “No, don’t move” Frank hastened as Mark made to move his hand. “Don’t move” Mark’s hand relaxed and for a moment, Mark was completely still like he had passed out. Something told Frank to get a doctor or a nurse but how could he miss out on his opportunity now that Mark was awake. Instead, he wheeled the chair closer so he could see Mark’s face better.

A look of pain settled on Mark’s face as he tried to turn his head, moving it slowly to the side so he could properly see Frank. His brain was foggy and for a moment there, he actually didn’t know where he was, what he was doing there and why he was in so much pain. Then all the gadgets around spelled out his environment. The oxygen pipes attached to his nose did not do a good job of making him breathe less painfully. His entire body seemed to be on fire and it felt like he had been embalmed for ages without moving a finger. As Frank wheeled to focus, Mark’s head banged with striking headaches as the accident flashed before his eyes. Mark shut his eyes, hoping to shut away the image. His hands moved restlessly. It was so uncomfortable to be in such pain and be unable to move or do anything about it.

Noticing Mark’s restless state, Frank became worried. “I should get the doctor” he said. Instantly, Mark’s eyes opened and he tried to shake his head in protest. Mark opened his mouth and after moving it wordlessly for some seconds, he was finally able to get a word out. “Don’t” he groaned.

Frank relaxed and told himself that he would only take few minutes, after which he would go for the doctor. He stared at Mark, and then gave his body a meaningful glance, a small smile in his eyes. “You look terrible”

Mark closed his eyes briefly against the pain and swallowed hard. His throat felt hard as granite but he tried to pass some words through. “Feel… terrible”

“You are too stubborn. You’ve just refused to die”

The ghost of a smile touched Mark’s pained face. “Can’t pass the chance of… torturing you a bit more”

Frank smiled. “Sharp mouth. A good sign”

For the first time, Mark seemed to notice the wheel chair and a look of alarm crossed his face as he stared up at Frank. Mark was quick to notice the look and moved his legs slightly. “They are fine” he assured Mark. Relief washed over Mark’s face and he closed his eyes briefly. He was in too much pain; he was trying too hard to keep it off his face. Frank gave Mark’s body a study, pain and empathy washed over his face. “You should have let me drive” he stated.

Mark opened his eyes again and blinked. “I’m glad you didn’t” he stared at his brother. He couldn’t remember the last time he had shared a civil conversation with his brother. It had been so long, so long. So many things had been shattered on the bed of his infidelity. Just one moment of defying reason and throwing caution to the wind had led to countless years of pain and bitterness. He had tried to mend things in the past, all to no avail, but he was the offender and would not stop apologizing. “Forgive me brother” Mark forced through his burning throat. Fighting the pain, he looked at Frank, knowing he had to get this done now; he might not have the chance again.

“Don’t” Frank protested but Mark managed to shake his head.

“I know I caused you… so much pain with what I did; more pain than… than I’m feeling now” Mark struggled but did not let the pain stop him. “Please forgive me… forgive me brother, please… I would never be at peace with myself if you don’t”

Frank swallowed. He could see the pain that ravaged Mark’s face; he could see the struggle it took to let the words out. Frank hadn’t known what it meant to be moved to tears for a very long time but now, he was moved by that unfamiliar emotion. How could he let Mark know that he was already forgiven without asking? Mark had been apologizing forever, if only Frank had forgiven, they wouldn’t be in the mess they were in now. But Frank saw the danger in telling Mark that now. He didn’t want Mark to be at peace… well, not now anyways.

“Forgive you so what?” Frank asked with a frown. “So you can rest in peace? No way. If you want my forgiveness, you’d have to get your ass out of this bed and get better for the sake of everyone. We have so many wasted years to make up for, do you understand? You die, I’d come to your grave to curse you every day of every year that I spend in this world; and that is a promise” Frank assured.

Mark closed his eyes as a feeling that he hadn’t felt for years washed over him. The feeling of peace and wholeness. It was like he had just found something valuable that he had been searching for years long. Pain stabbed at every inch of his body as he struggled to breathe through the oxygen in his nostrils. But the pain did not matter anymore, neither did Frank’s words matter; he had seen in Frank’s eyes something he had been hoping to see for years. He had been forgiven, after so many years of rift, his mistakes had been forgiven. He felt like crying at the joy that ravaged his soul. “Thank… thank you” he forced. He wished he could get better… wished they could have more time to make up for all their wasted years… but he wasn’t sure anymore. The pain was pulling him down, down to the void darkness of nothingness.

Frank stiffened as Mark seemed to grow paler. It was becoming increasingly harder for Mark to keep his eyes open and his lids seemed to be drawing together of their own volition. “What’s wrong?” fear gripped Frank as Mark seemed to be growing still. “Hey, don’t you die on me. Mark!” Frank yelled past his chapped voice as he pushed his wheelchair towards the door. His heart slammed in his chest as fear dizzied his eyes. He opened the door forcefully. “Doctor… doctor” he yelled.

***** Tito couldn’t tell exactly what woke her up. She had barely slept throughout the night. Tess had woken up twice and she gone through so much to put her back to sleep. Jane was a deep sleeper, she barely woke up. Tito blinked back sleep as Laura’s words came back to haunt her. Laura had been right. The fact that her Dad hasn’t died and seemed to be recovering made the difference. The two guys she had dated had died due to one accident or the other. The first was a plane crash, the second was a car crash, her father getting involved in yet another car crash had been the blow for her but now, now that he wasn’t dying, could she say he fears had just been for nothing. At the same time, she could say that her theory only applied to men who were romantically involved with her.

Tito swallowed and turned on her side, gazing at the innocent sleeping face of her niece. She wanted this. Wanted a family, a child to call her own in a family filled with love and happiness. She wanted to feel loved and wanted and happy. She was just so scared, so scared of putting Chris in danger in the process. She would rather lead a cold and lonely life than watch Chris die because of her.

Putting her hand under her pillow, she took out her phone to check the time. Wall clock was so obsolete; she had never seen the need to have one. As she unlocked her phone, her brows drew together. Now she knew what had woken her up – her phone. She had seven missed calls. Her eyes shot to the time and she saw that it was just a few minutes past five. She went to the call log and pushed to a sitting position as she saw the caller- Gloria. She muttered in incoherent word to herself as fear gripped her. Gloria was the only one who returned to the hospital after they got Laura to her apartment. She said someone had to be there in case something came up. Tito had wanted to go back so Gloria could at least rest for once but Gloria had insisted otherwise.

Tito pushed to her feet as her an unsettling feeling coiled her stomach. Alarm bells rang in her head as she made to dial Gloria’s number. Gloria’s call came in before she could even place the call. Her heart thumped as her shaky fingers moved the green circle and she placed the phone against her ear. “Aunt?” she managed.

“Tito, dear God, I have been calling you… you have to come to the hospital”

Tito noted the urgency in Gloria’s voice and she gripped the headboard of the bed to stabilize herself. Panic arose within her as her blood ran cold. A familiar fear engulfed her. Goosebumps filled her skin as moisture clouded her eyes. “What’s wrong? What’s wrong with my dad?”

Sacrilege Episode 46 by Nissi Adeola

Laura’s eyes drifted open, staring into the medium lighting of her matrimonial bedroom. She blinked and turned on her side to stare at the lovely face of her husband. She could gaze at him forever. Even while unconscious, his presence always made her feel a sense of safety, like nothing bad could happen to her when he was around. Laura brushed off the spongy mass that covered a part of her eyes so as to stare at her husband. Her heart squeezed and ached for him. Even in his sleep, his brows were drawn together in worry. Though he was asleep, he didn’t look the least relaxed, he looked like someone who was about to step into the boxing ring with a renowned wrestler and Laura knew why, she didn’t know why she hadn’t even figured it out earlier.

They had talked into the night after he picked her up from Tito’s place. She knew it had been a good decision to keep her little hospital mishap away from Deolu when he arrived looking like he had just taken a glass of gall. Of course, he had tried to cover it up but she knew when something was eating him up. She had a good feeling it was the reason he had left her at the beach. Tired as she was, she pressed and got an answer she should have figured out on her own – Teju.

How could she not have figured it out? Deolu cared so much for Teju; it could only be something about her that would tie him up in a knot. It had taken her a while to get used to Deolu’s closeness with Teju when they were newly married. She could not understand how someone who was not Deolu’s relative could be so close to him. She felt threatened by Teju, especially since she was such a beauty to behold. But after a while, she got to understand why Deolu kept Teju so close. He took his time to explain things to her till she decided to bring Teju close to herself. She started seeing Teju as Deolu’s sister and Deolu never hesitated to show Laura where his priorities lie. It was the more reason Teju becoming pregnant for Deolu had been like a blow in the gut because Laura had finally come to see Teju as the sister Deolu never had. But still, after all said and done, after knowing the truth about what had transpired between Deolu and Teju Laura was pleased to realize she wasn’t the least bit jealous of Deolu worrying Teju. She had known the news of her health would be a huge blow to him and it hurt her a great deal to know there was next to nothing she could do about it. When they talked last night, he had revealed that it was the reason he left her at the beach. Apparently, he had pieced the puzzle and deduced something was wrong with her sudden decision to leave him for Teju. It has been a trying season for them. Their union had been tried and their love had been placed in the balance but despite all the pain and betrayal she had felt, Laura knew if she had a chance to pick her husband all over again, she would still choose Deolu because no one had shown her as much love as he has.

Deolu shifted, her gaze calling him out of his state of unconsciousness. His eyes drifted open slowly and Laura smiled into his face. His eyes softened. “Morning, Mr. Rigs”

“Hey sugar” his sleep doused voice croaked as his hand went up to bring her head down for a quick kiss.

“I can’t be so sweet this morning, I haven’t cleaned my teeth”

Deolu grinned and brought her head down again, this time for a deeper kiss. “That’s the icing on the cake”

Laura chuckled slightly, allowing the laughter to fade as a small concerned look crossed her face. “Feel better?” She asked.

There was no need pretending not to know what she was referring to but Deolu kept the smile on his face unwavered. It was bad enough that they talked about Teju way into the middle of the night, thinking about her predicament right now was the last thing he wanted for himself and definitely the last thing he wanted for Laura. “I’d be fine, don’t worry about me” Laura smiled. “You hungry, you barely ate anything last night?” Laura shook her head; the mere thought of eating something made her tummy reel. Curiosity and worry laced Deolu’s brows. “You alright?”

“No… I’m pressed” Laura grinned as she pushed away from Deolu and out of the bed. She was aware of his gaze on her as she walked into the toilet. Normally, he might give a remark about how she swayed her behind at him as she went to the bathroom but the mere fact that he didn’t made it pretty obvious to her just how much Teju’s illness affected him. She shut the bathroom door and leaned against it, closing her eyes briefly. Her heart raced in her chest and anxiety took over her, the one she had been careful to keep away from Deolu.

Stepping away from the door, she moved on quiet feet towards the small bathroom rack where she kept all her lady needs and deodorants. She stopped right in front and blinked. She stomped her feet and stared restlessly at a container. She didn’t want to do this; God knows she didn’t want to keep her hopes up again. It had been six years and constant shattered hopes; she didn’t want to risk the chance of hurting herself again.

Swallowing hard, her hand reached out and lifted the container to reveal a pregnancy test strip. Last night when Gloria had gone back inside the hospital to get drugs for her, she had returned and called her aside. Not only did she get some drugs, she also bought a pregnancy test kit. Once again, her heart had been placed on the spike, at the risk of being shattered. Her period has never been regular so she never could keep tabs to know when she missed her period. She did not want to hope again, did not want to experience the pain of seeing a negative result. “I know you’re scared. You don’t want to get your hopes up again and I get it, I understand. But once there’s life, there is hope. Just give it a try” Gloria had said to her last night.

Taking a deep breath, she reached out and grabbed the pregnancy strip. She just hoped she’d be able to keep a straight face in case she turned out negative; it was bad enough that she might be hurt but hurting Deolu also would be really terrible. Resignedly, she moved to the toilet and sat on the seat. Holding out the stick beneath her, she placed the stick in urine stream.

Deolu frowned at the bathroom door and pushed out of bed. It had been minutes since Laura went in there and he wondered what was keeping her. He approached the door and knocked gently. “Laura? Are you okay?” he asked gently. He got no sound from the bathroom. “Laura?” a cold shiver engulfed him as he had a momentary vision of her sprawled lifeless on the bathroom floor. With his head rising, Deolu yanked the door open, a vicious look in his eyes. He nearly collapsed in relief as he saw Laura standing, breathing and looking pretty unscathed by the washing hand basin. He released a heartfelt sigh, right before he saw the tears in her eyes. “Laura?” he approached her. “Hey… what’s the matter?” his brows drew together as he wiped her tears. Then, he saw the pregnancy strip she held and froze.

Deolu’s eyes lingered slightly on the strip then he swallowed and lifted his eyes to hers. “I told you to stop using this thing, Laura; I don’t like seeing you like this. We would have children when God wants” he cradled her cheeks.

The smiled Laura tried wobbled as more tears slipped down her cheeks. “It is now, Ad…” she managed through shaky lips as she lifted the strip. “I am pregnant”

“Jane… Jane” Tito whispered as she tapped Jane as quietly as possible so as not to wake Tess. Jane popped open her sleepy eyes, blinking.


If Tito wasn’t so agitated, she could have smiled. It was morning; yet, Jane was still deep in sleep. Talk of someone who doesn’t let her troubles get to her. “Jane wake up, I have to go to the hospital”

That seemed to wake her fully as her brows drew together. “Why? Is something wrong?” she glanced out the window to see that the darkness was just lifting.

Tito swallowed. “No… I’m sure it’s nothing.” Hoping to convince herself but failing. “Just take care of Tess, okay? There’s everything you need in the kitchen but I left some cash on the dresser in case you need anything”

Jane smiled, amused. “I have my own money but I don’t mind. Take care okay?” Tito nodded and headed out with her car keys.

The drive to the hospital was nervewrecking. Though the distance from her house was not much, it just seemed as though she couldn’t get there fast enough. It has been a while since she drove, hadn’t driven since she saw the ghastly accident which very nearly claimed her father’s life. Her heart slammed in agitation as she drove. Gloria had told her that nothing was wrong but why did she keep replaying horror movies in her head. She kept wondering if Gloria had been lying and something was wrong. It was odd enough that she called so early, worse that she asked Tito to come over to the hospital. Tito tried to regulate her breathing and push down everything that suggested that something might be wrong. Just minutes back, she had been nursing the fact that maybe she wasn’t under a spell after all, now this? After so much days and weeks spent waiting, believing and hoping, Tito wasn’t sure if she would be able to remain sane if she had to bury yet another person she loved dearly.
Zooming into a parking space in front of the hospital, Tito got out of the car and locked it with her button as she fast paced towards the hospital. She busted into the hospital and instantly spotted Gloria. Every step she took closer to Gloria had her heart pounding in her chest till she could audibly hear the echoes of her fears. Gloria turned and gave her a bright smile. Tito blinked. She couldn’t be smiling so bright if something bad had happened, could she? Taking in a calming breath, she pulled to a stop in front of Gloria. Unceremoniously, she asked. “Dad?”

Gloria smiled; it was probably the most natural smile she had seen on the woman’s face ever since the accident. “He is awake” she declared. “He has been asking of you”

Tito blinked. “You can tell me the truth, you know? I can handle it” Tito insisted.

Gloria smiled at Tito. “I am telling you the truth, Tito, and I have called Laura also, she should be here soon.” It was so understandable to know why Tito was so skeptical, poor girl has had to go through so much in her life. Mark had nearly suffered a relapse earlier but the man was such a fighter, the doctors were still amazed that he had survived such a ghastly accident. “Come, let’s go and see him” Gloria said instead.

Tito walked like a statue beside Gloria. She had been hoping and waiting for this time and her heart pounded in anticipation. As they got to the room which had housed her father for weeks, the door was opened and tears clouded Tito’s eyes as her father’s eyes opened for the first time in weeks and gazed right at her. “Dad” she gasped. A tear drop rolled down her cheek as she rushed towards the bed. She would have thrown herself on him if the nurse hadn’t been quick to remind her of his delicate state. She showered kisses on her dad’s face as tears rolled down her face. She wasn’t the teary type but she just couldn’t stop her tears. It was like something was actually going right for the first time in her life. “Oh, dad… I am so glad you’re alive”

A smile graced Mark’s face and she might have imagined it but it seemed he had tears in his eyes. “I’m not going anywhere, Princess”

Tito’s mouth shook and she dashed away the tears that rolled down her cheek. “I was so scared… I was scared I would lose you too”

Mark shook his head slowly and pain flickered through his face as he raised his hand to her face, cradling it softly. A mischievous smile settled on his face. “Not a chance. I still haven’t seen you in your wedding dress.”

Tito laughed and cried almost at the same time. It still felt surreal to know that after weeks of torture and pain, she was finally talking to her father again. “Then, I am glad I am not married yet, you might have disappeared on me” she muttered through tears.

Mark smiled but his eyes were laced with worry, pain and something really close to regret. “I’m sorry baby… I’m sorry I caused you so much pain”

Tito shook her head. “You’re here, dad. That is all that matters” she bent to place a kiss on her father’s cheek.

Mark brushed his padded hand through her hair, wishing he could feel her tresses against the pads of his fingers. “I love you, baby” he whispered.

The door burst open and Tito pulled back just as Laura practically raced towards the bed. She was already in tears as she got to the bed. “Dad, oh dad” she sobbed as she bent beside the bed, cradling Mark’s face in her hand, kissing his face in much the same way Tito had. She seemed incapable of words as she cried, letting her tears do all the talking for her. Tito stepped back and saw Deolu standing all smiles, beside Gloria. Mark couldn’t prevent the tear that rolled out of his steel eye, disappearing into the pillow beneath his head. After all he had done, he could not believe everyone could forgive him. It was more than he deserved, God knows, he would have totally deserved it if everyone decided to abandon him in the hospital. He had hurt them in ways unimaginable just with one stupid act. Laura showered his face with kisses and he didn’t feel bad when her tears dropped on his face. If he didn’t have the strength he needed to stay alive, he just got it.

Laura’s joy knew no bounds. It was like God had chosen this day to turn away her captivities. Wasn’t it enough that she awoke to the wondrous news that she was pregnant? Seeing her dad now, awake, it was like suddenly, all the sufferings of the past few days had actually been worth it. As she spoke with Mark and he made subtle jokes of the accident, Laura had never felt more alive and happy. Then, in the atmosphere of happiness, she publicized the good news. “I’m pregnant” she announced. The jubilation was out of this world. Mark, despite himself seemed like he wanted to leap out of the bed. His eyes danced with happiness as Tito and Gloria went around hugging her and Deolu. Her world suddenly felt complete. But there were still tiny ‘buts’. Margaret was one, and she still hadn’t seen Frank, haven’t had the courage to see him. She was going to have to.

“It’s like I am going to be an aunt again” Tito grinned.

Laura’s smile was from the bottom of her heart as she whispered to Tito. “Go get your man so I can also be an aunt soon” Tito rolled her eye and Laura grinned. They looked at Mark and knew their favorite gossip partner definitely did not miss that exchange.


Tito sat outside Chris’ apartment, waiting for him. She did not want to call him; she wanted it to be a surprise. She had spent the entire day at the hospital and on her way to Chris’ apartment; she had actually turned on the music in the car and danced all the way down. She couldn’t wait to tell Chris all that had happened, but not only that, she couldn’t wait to tell him just how she felt about him. Her heart beat in anticipation. She couldn’t wait to end this perfect day in the best way possible.

As she heard someone approaching, she sat up straight. Probably a neighbor, she thought, knowing Chris would arrive with his car. But as the gate opened and the person entered, Tito’s brows drew in a frown as she stared at the familiar figure that approached. Of course, she would know that perfect feminine shape and angelic face anywhere.

Tito pushed up to her feet as the lady came to stand in front of her, sizing her up. Jealous rage bubbled within her as she raised her head. If ‘barbeque’ thought she could intimidate Tito, then, she must be living in fairytale land.

Sacrilege Episode 45

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4 years ago

The Good news are making me jubilating right here??
Congratulations Laura?
It was worth the wait ?

Hopefully, it isn’t too late for Tito & Chris ?