Sacrilege Episode 37 – 38 by Nissi Adeola

Sacrilege Episode 14 - 15 by Nissi Adeola

Sacrilege Episode 37 by Nissi Adeola

“So, she was with you” Tito exploded suddenly, glaring at Deolu. It was about an hour after they received the shocking call from Laura’s kidnapper and they had successfully moved themselves from the hospital to Deolu’s residence. All along Tito had been in the dark; she had no idea whatsoever that Laura had been with Deolu. Chris seemed totally unaware either because he also stood, gaping at Deolu as he made a statement of how he had known leaving her all alone at the beach was a bad idea. Tito looked about as scary as wonder woman as she advanced towards Deolu like a wolf ready to confront his pack. Deolu wasn’t the least bit scared of her but there was this glint in her eyes which put him on guard. “You took my sister out to the beach at night?” her voice was icy as she stood directly in front of him, returning his stare with double measure of her own.

Deolu didn’t have time for this. Between the devastating news he had heard about Teju and Laura’s kidnap, he couldn’t fathom how he hadn’t died of heart attack because the devil seemed to have his dagger aimed at his heart. “She is my wife” He simply answered. He needed space… God knows he needed silence to hear his thoughts above the deafening roar in his head.

“Your wife, uhn?” Tito snapped, raging. “Then why don’t you tell me how your ‘wife’ ended up leaving the beach all alone at night without you, uhn?” her voice rose with each word that tumbled out of her vocal cords.

Chris was equally puzzled. “Didn’t you know when she left?”

Deolu swallowed, moving away from Tito’s front to resume what he had been doing since they got to his apartment – pacing. “No” he answered, ashamed of the reality of what had happened. He had vowed to protect her and yet, once again, he had failed.

“No?” Tito all but spat out. “And where were you? You left her alone on the beach to go to where? Run into the arms of your bestie whore?”

“Please, calm down Tito” Chris butted in.

“No! I wasn’t with Teju, and don’t call her that” Deolu answered at the same time. Frustration and desperation clawed at his spine, if only Tito would just keep quiet for a moment, maybe he could piece together all the puzzles in his head.

“Oh my God! He is actually defending the tramp” Tito had a dazed smile on her face, staring the distance at Deolu.

“Really guys… really? Laura has been abducted and all you can think of doing is bicker? Seriously? Maybe if you both would calm down for a moment, we can figure out a way forward” Chris snapped, his eyes trained on Tito.

Tito glared back at him. “Well, don’t stare at me” she blurted out. “If your dear friend had done a good job of protecting Laura, there would be nothing to bicker about, would there?” Tito turned with equal measure, moving so she was in Deolu’s line of vision, forcing him to look at her. “Better pray she is fine or you’d have me to deal with; you should know I’m not at good foe”

Deolu watched Tito move around restlessly and ran his two hands over his head. Tito had a right to all the questions she was asking; God knows she had a right to accuse him. He felt like such an idiot. He never should have left her all alone in that lodge, he knew that. Laura was a light sleeper and banking on the hope that she wouldn’t awaken before he arrived was stupid. He had known it and yet he had left her anyways, all in the aim to salvage his wrecked marriage. He had needed explanations, something to work with; he had needed to fix the puzzles that he went ahead to defy the reason of common sense. But now… now that he had all the explanations he needed, Laura was nowhere to be found. All that was happening was totally his fault. It all seemed as though every time he tried to fix the wrecked boat that was his marriage, the more the boat caved in, sinking even further as if drawn by an unforeseen force. The words of the man he had encountered that night as he went jogging came back to his head. He couldn’t fix this on his own… he needed God himself to intervene.

As a semblance of tense silence descended, Chris watched Tito pace restlessly before going to perch on the edge of the sitting room couch, placing her head in her open palms. He felt the almost uncontrollable urge to go to her and ease the tension that rode her shoulders like a stallion. Just hours ago, she heard her father was out of coma and thought he worries were lifted but now this? A fresh reason to worry… He knew she didn’t mean all she said to Deolu, she was just under the influence of fear and excess paranoia. He felt her pain and dilemma. But even as his heart yearned to hold her in his arms, there was a bigger cause to worry than Tito’s feelings right now. They had to find a way to get Laura back and fast before the animal or animals who took her found a reason to defile her or worse, maim her. Restless, Tito surged to her feet again, unable to keep calm and she made for the kitchen, probably to grab something to drink.

Chris walked quietly towards Deolu who was now looking outside the window into the night’s darkness. They had been friends for years, but never had Chris seen Deolu so disillusioned. He had always been so sure, so articulate and calculative… he always seemed to have the right answers to every question; but marriage and life isn’t a game of intelligence. Life could be a place where the wisest get robbed of their wisdom, till they come to accept that having the best players doesn’t guarantee winning a football game.

Chris touched Deolu gently on the shoulder. Deolu didn’t budge as he stared vacantly out the window. “We have to inform the cops”

Not a muscle of Deolu’s body moved. Exhaustion was clearly written on his tired eyes. “We can’t; they specifically warned against that move”

“Of course, they did; that’s what they all say. Who is going to tell them if you do?”

Deolu turned his head sharply, training his eyes on Chris. “The same person who told them where to find Laura in the first place. I am not going to put my wife in danger under the assumptions that they might be bluffing”

“So what? You’d pay the money, just like that?”

Deolu looked out of the window again. “First thing in the morning.”

“Really? And you think they would give you back your wife once you give them the money?” Deolu’s eyes returned to Chris. “Think about it. Whoever is behind this clearly doesn’t know how much you are worth, If you pay up so fast, don’t you think the abductors would realize they can get a lot more and hold her just to extort more money from you?”

Deolu turned his body fully away from the window, giving Chris his maximum attention. His eyes were hard. “So, what are you suggesting? That I leave Laura to suffer God knows what in the hands of those beasts while I stay here and pretend like ten million is too much a sacrifice for her freedom? No! I would give up every penny in my account if that’s what it takes to get her back.” Deolu bellowed, punctuating every word with a downward thump of his fist.

Chris sighed. “Okay, you are right” he said to Deolu but Chris certainly wasn’t going to just sit idly and watch the culprits of this kidnap go scot-free. Deolu was reasoning with his heart now and not his head and he could understand that. The mere fact that he didn’t have swirling emotions right now other than worry told him beyond words that he was over Laura; he wasn’t sure he’d be so composed if Tito was the one captured. Anita’s husband was a very good high-ranking police officer who Chris knew could help. Whether they liked it or not, they needed the intervention of the police and Chris prayed they wouldn’t mess the whole thing up, Deolu would surely never forgive him. “You need to relax” he finally added.

Deolu smiled mirthlessly as he moved away from the window to the chair. “Don’t ask me to do the impossible” he sat and exhaled, rubbing his fingers against his temples. Tito came back into the sitting room.

“Fine, why don’t we pray then” Deolu and Tito stared at Chris. “We are in no position to protect Laura now. We have no idea where she is and the only person who knows where is God; let’s ask for His help. C’mon” Chris held out a hand in Tito’s direction. Tito stood in the distance as her eyes left his to settle on his held out hand. As though drawn by a force, her legs moved in his direction till they were all together. There was something in Chris’ eyes as he stared at her that she had never seen before, something she was scared of… his eyes held a softness that she had never noticed before. Or maybe she was making things up… maybe she was seeing things that weren’t there.

His heat seeped into her as Chris took her hand, his large palm swallowing hers; then Deolu took her other hand. This was about Laura, Tito had to remind herself. And then, joining hands, they closed their eyes and collectively said a prayer for Laura.


Laura staggered after her abductors who dragged her not so gently, holding her at elbow level. She was gagged and blindfolded so she couldn’t tell where they were going or scream for help. They had been moving from one place to another, they couldn’t seem to relax. It’s true that there is no peace for the wicked. Every time her abductors felt uncomfortable or heard funny sounds, they grabbed her and changed location. Her feet felt sore. She had been walking barefooted all through, it was easier than walking in her red heels which were the only thing she had on her and had slipped into as she made for the hospital. Tears burned in her eyes and they fell off her lashes onto the blindfold.

Why had she left the beach so late at night, knowing she didn’t have her car with her and Deolu wasn’t there to take her? She should have just stayed there till morning and not get herself and everyone into any more trouble. But she had done otherwise… she had let her emotions overrule her sense of better judgement. But how wouldn’t she have done what she did? She had just received the best news, one she had been waiting and praying for… a news she thought she would never receive, she couldn’t have sat back to stare into the space of an empty bedroom till morning. Deolu was nowhere to be found and Tito was in the hospital needing moral support, she couldn’t just sit on her butt doing nothing… but now, as she was being bragged along by her abductors, she wished she had done exactly that.

Her head ached as she thought of how everyone would react when they realized she had been kidnapped. They had too much to worry about to add this to the list. And what of Deolu? Had he been abducted too? Tears dripped out of her eyes as she bit into the gag, the ropes anchoring her fists together tore at her tender flesh. There was the sound of rattling of keys, then a door opened and she was dragged inside. She struggled and the hand holding her left elbow tightened painfully. “Hey, stop that” his deep smoky voice commanded in a deathly low tone right before he hurled her across the room. Laura’s legs scraped the ground as she stumbled and fell.

“Stop” Laura faintly heard the other man say above the banging in her head. “She asked us not to hurt her”

“I don’t give a damn what she said… this woman don almost put hole for inside my leg. If she try anything, I go wash am… I no send o”

The door opened and closed behind his departing footsteps. Laura swallowed. She needed the blindfold and the gag off, it was beginning to choke her and she tried for a few deep breaths. She felt a presence and knew the other man was still with her. She stayed at alert but she also felt this other man wasn’t as dangerous as the other one. He had been gentler with her all through. The two masked men had accosted her just as she left the beach lodge; she hadn’t even made it to the road yet. It was like they had known she was there all along, they probably would have barged into the lodge to grab her if she hadn’t come out herself. She had tried to get away and had stomped her heel hard on the feet of one of them. It had won her a momentary freedom but just as she fled back towards the lodge, discarding her heels in order to run faster, strong arms of the other masked guy had grabbed her. He had shielded her from the other guy’s enraged outbursts, preventing him from hitting her. Now, she was a little glad it was the other guy she had dealt with.

She felt her companion draw closer and she shrank out of fright. Truly, there is nothing scarier than losing your sight. If only she wasn’t blindfolded… she froze as warm fingers touched her face. She held her breath, staying perfectly still. Then, just like an answered prayer, the blindfold came off. Laura blinked. At first, she thought she had gone blind because all she saw was darkness. Then, she blinked and her eyes regulated. Her captor was still masked but his hand was gentle. Behind the mask, the eyeballs she made out weren’t that of a man who should be in this line of business. She wondered what had moved him into doing this. Of course, only Laura would find good in a kidnapper.

“Promise not to scream if I take off your gag?” he asked.

Laura nodded. He seemed uncertain but he took his hand to her mouth and took off the gag. Laura gasped. Her mouth was dry and her tongue felt glued to the base of her mouth. Her abductor stood abruptly and made for the door. “Please…” she croaked out. “Please, you have to let me go… please” she pleaded. He paused at the door. “Do you have my husband also? I have to look for him. My sister is with my dads in the hospital and she would be worried sick. I would give you any amount you want but just… please, let me go. Please…”

The guy’s hand seemed to linger on the doorknob. For a moment there, she thought he would turn around but her heart shattered when he opened the door and went out, closing and locking it behind him. Laura closed her eyes, tears coming to her eyes as she thought of a way out of this. Something they had said during their exchange stuck to her head. The person behind this was a woman?! She had a sickening feeling about this!


Margaret paced nervously. Her tummy was heaving, it was like she would throw up any minute. She stared at her phone again. Was something wrong? Has something gone wrong somewhere? She rubbed her sweaty palms against her skirt and her eyes lingered on her sleeping child. All for her, she had chanted this in her head for over a million times now but she still wash close to believing it.

Her phone rang, making her jump. She picked up immediately she saw the caller. “Oh, thank God, I thought something has gone wrong… do you have her?…”

Sacrilege Episode 38 by Nissi Adeola

“So what really happened?” Chris asked when he realized he was alone with Deolu. Sleep was out of the question this night.

Deolu sighed, rubbing the bridge between his eyes before glancing at Chris. “Remember I told you about rushing Teju to the hospital when I found her in pain?”

Chris frowned, a dangerous look crossing his eyes. “Wait, hold on. Tito was right? You left Laura all alone on a beach at night because of Teju?” bemused anger was evident in his voice.

Deolu sent him a glare. “Would you listen at least?” he snapped. Chris became silent for a brief moment. “I got a message from the doctor, said I had to see him urgently. It wasn’t just about Teju for me, it was also about my marriage but…” he shook his head, “nothing prepared me for what I discovered when I got there” Deolu had Chris’ interest now as Chris looked on with curious expectancy. “She has leukemia”

Chris froze, his mouth forming the ‘o’ shape as he stared at Deolu. He truly had never expected this, he never saw this coming. “Why… I mean… how?”

Deolu surged to his feet. “How am I supposed to know that? She had been in the know of this for months and she never said anything, I never knew anything” anger boiled in his veins. He was angry at Teju for not trusting him enough after years of friendship, angry at himself for not noticing that something was wrong with someone he had considered his best friend; heck, he was angry at life itself for being so cruel and unfair. “I just knew it wasn’t like Teju to give in to my mother’s devious plan just like that. She had a mind of her own; she would never be lured into anything she doesn’t want to do. She always wanted to have kids, it was the one thing she always craved, and she even talked endlessly about adopting one if only she had enough resources…”

Chris rubbed his temples, his head suddenly aching. “But being pregnant means that.. that…”

“She is not on chemotherapy” Deolu finished for him. “And according to the doctor, she knew this before she became pregnant. She knew the risk, she knew she could die but she still went ahead. How can she be so stupid? How can she be so tired of life that dying would mean nothing to her? How can… how can I watch her die because she was carrying my baby, Chris” Deolu raved, dipping his hands in his trouser pockets and removing them again as he stormed around, hoping to walk off his frustration. “And like that’s not enough to digest, I have to face this! Someone just had to kidnap Laura now… now!” he bellowed and dipped his hands in his pockets again, pacing. “Someone is really messing with my head”

Chris stared into space, trying to digest the information he just got. “Wow!”

“Yeah, wow”

Silence reigned for a brief moment as both men became drowned in the sea of their own thoughts. “What if he did it?”

Deolu turned back to face Chris. “If who did what?”

Chris raised his eyes to his. “The doctor” Chris said, standing as he warmed up to the thought. “He sent you a message so late, effectively taking you away from Laura, only to hear a few hours later that she had been kidnapped. Isn’t it suspicious?”

Deolu frowned. “It is… but what would his motive be? What motive would he have? Besides, practically no one knew I took Laura to the beach, she didn’t even know till we got there. It might just be coincidental.” But Deolu couldn’t deny Chris had a point. But by God, if he was behind this, he might just be lucky to see the dark side of Deolu.

Chris nodded. “Maybe, maybe not! Whatever the case, I think we should have an eye on him”

Deolu nodded.


Chris walked into the moderate sized library of Deolu’s home. He had been searching the apartment for Tito but she seemed to have practically vanished until his eyes caught the library door. It was a small but cozy enclosed space, filled with books shelves, few portraits and a cushion couch. The only window in the room gave a beautiful view of the garden; Chris had instantly fallen in love with the room the first time he stepped into it. Even now, as he stepped into the library, he knew that’s where Tito would want to be at a time like this.

The light from the bulb in the room warded off the darkness to a certain extent but it was barely daybreak. She had her back to him as she lay on her side on the couch so Chris approached quietly, careful she might be asleep. His long strides took him to her in no time and as he hovered over her, he realized she wasn’t asleep. She held an open book in her hand and had her eyes fixed on the pages. Chris wondered if she was actually reading anything because though her eyes were on the pages of the book, she seemed far away. As Chris put out his hand to tap Tito, she sensed his presence. Her eyes shot up and a momentary fright crossed her face as she gasped, jerking into a sitting position with a single move.

“Sorry… sorry I startled you”

Tito put her hand against her racing heart as she tried to catch a breath. “Good grief, Chris! Don’t sneak up on me like that”

A smile crossed Chris’ face. “Didn’t mean to, sorry” Tito had unintentionally made room for him when she jerked to a sitting position so Chris lowered his frame onto the chair, occupying the other half of the couch.

Tito sat on her folded legs and watched him nervously. She drummed the pads of fingers against the book in her hand. “Want something?”

Chris always found it amusing and flattering that Tito could be so nervous in his presence when barely a few hours ago, she was glaring down at Deolu like a mother hen protecting her chicks. Chris stared at the book she was holding, vaguely learning the details. “I’ve been searching for you”

Tito frowned, her curiosity pricked. “Why? Is there news?”

Chris saw the keen expectation in her eyes. “Yes… I mean, no. Well, not about Laura” why was he stuttering like a little girl now? “My friend just put to bed. I’m a father” he said, smiling. He didn’t know why he had felt the urge to tell Tito immediately Anita’s husband called to give him the news.

Tito had started to smile when she heard the first sentence but the statement that followed froze her smile on her face. “Father” she muttered.

Chris grinned. “Godfather precisely”

Tito let out a breath she hadn’t been aware of holding. “Clown” she muttered under her breath, causing Chris’ grin to widen. “Congratulations. Baby girl, eh?”

Chris frowned. “How do you know?”

Tito shrugged. “Players love female children”

Chris chuckled and shook his head. “You are not going to relent on this player thing, are you?”

Tito grinned. “You’re in for it” she answered and laughed when he made the sign of the cross over his heart. Chris watched her laugh, the sadness and worry lifting from her eyes momentarily and thought it was a sight he would always want to behold. Tito had her hair packed up in a bun on her head and Chris wondered what he would give to take the band off and have the rich night-black tresses tumble over his fingers. His fingers itched just from the thought of holding the glorious mane, itched just from the thought of touching his fingers to the soft smoothness of her chocolate skin. As her laughter drifted off and her tongue darted out to moisten her lips, Chris felt his heart skip in his chest. The last major time he had kissed her flashed unbridled in his mind. A roar of blood pounded in his veins, echoing in his ears till he could barely hear the pounding of his own heart. She had been all soft, smooth and womanly and everything in him craved to experience that again.

Tito swallowed. Chris was staring at her too intensely, it unnerved her. She saw the undisguised desire in his eyes, her heart had nearly stopped when his eyes lingered on her lips, the hunger to take them was as clear as day in his eyes and the desire to have him do just that boiled in her. But she had to remind herself that attraction was not the same as love. Tito was a woman of dignity and she would not let herself be used by a man who had someone else in his heart, even if that someone was her own sister. Tito cleared her throat. “Did you… do you want something else?” Tito said into the suddenly uneasy silence.

Chris stared into her eyes, his eyes reading and assessing. He leaned forward, bringing them remotely close as his hand snaked out without warning, touching the soft smoothness of her face. Tito felt winded as Chris’ eyes grew more intense. His thumb strolled up her cheek to massage the corner of her eye gently. “I want you to sleep” he whispered. “You look exhausted”

Tito felt her heart race in her chest and she pushed out of the chair mostly because she couldn’t stand his proximity. “I am exhausted and no, I can’t sleep. This book is doing an awful job of keeping me relaxed” she dumped the book on the couch beside Chris and sighed as she went to the window, hugging herself. She couldn’t see the garden clearly, it was still dark outside. “I heard Deolu drive out. He is really going to pay them what they are demanding?” she asked, looking back at Chris.

Chris nodded before pushing to his feet. Tito looked back out the window. “It is a lot”

“Nothing is too much when the one you love is involved”

Tito took a deep breath and let it out. “You think I was really hard on him”

“I didn’t say that”

“Didn’t have to.” She sighed, looking down at the window frame. “I shouldn’t have said the things I said. It’s all my fault anyways. I shouldn’t have called Laura so late; knowing Laura; she would have wanted to come, if for nothing but to give me some moral support. I was just being so selfish because I needed her around. I should have insisted she waited till morning when she said she was coming over. Now this…”

“Shhh” Tito froze when Chris’ hand circled her waist. She hadn’t been aware of him standing up. She stood rigid as Chris pulled her back against his chest. “Lean on me for a minute.” He whispered. “You need to relax”

Tito swallowed as her back joined with his chest. His heat enveloped her, blurring the thoughts in her head and the voice whispering to her that she was skating on thin ice. “Stop” she managed weakly.

Chris ignored her and leaned down to kiss the back of her neck. “You can’t solve anything by worrying and you definitely can’t solve anything by casting blames. Everything would be sorted out but for now, you need to relax.” If only he knew that his presence was creating more tension in her presently than she cared to acknowledge, Tito thought. Involuntarily, she leaned against him fully, enjoying the feel of his big muscular body behind her. She felt him smile. How could she think of anything else when he was standing this close? He buried his nose in the crux of her shoulder and inhaled deeply. “You smell of flowers”

Tito blushed, feeling her heart skip continuously in her chest. “It’s the… garden”

“Uhn… Want me to give you a massage? Or sing you a lullaby?”

Tito had to smile. “I am not a baby”

He turned her around to face him at that, holding her gently around the waist. His eyes were intense on hers, holding a gentle smile which did not begin to mask the dark desire in them. “You are…” he answered. “You have a baby’s heart”

Chris stared down at her upturned face, a blush rising in her cheeks; her eyes were dark and her lips soft and welcoming. He had a different way of getting her to relax… one that was terribly selfish and involved spiking up the speed of her heartbeat. He moved one hand sensuously up her back in a caress till it came to rest at the back of her neck.

Tito felt her heart thud in her chest. Their bodies were barely touching, yet, she could feel the heat of his body reaching out to her. His ensnaring scent filled her senses, clouding her thoughts. Her tongue felt glued to the roof of her mouth. She should be stepping away! Wasn’t that her resolution? She should be backing away. Wasn’t he in love with Laura? Hadn’t she sworn off men? She should step away now. But he had her pinned with his gaze, like she had no escape route. She swallowed. “Chris, I…”

His mouth came down and covered hers, sending whatever she had been meaning to say into oblivion. Tito melted in his arms, whatever she had been planning to say or do was totally forgotten. All that occupied her head now was Chris. Her hands went over his muscled shoulders as the kiss grew deeper, hungrier, more intense. She felt the fast beating of his heart as he pulled her fully into his arms, or was it the racing of her own heart? Her head couldn’t distinguish anything anymore, lost in the sensual haze that only Chris’ arms could bring. Her legs turned to jelly beneath her and she held onto Chris for support.

Chris had never felt himself go so out of control with just a kiss. His blood roared in his veins and his hands had a mind of their own as one moved to her hair, craving the feel of that glorious midnight mane against his fingers. Unable to resist any longer, his hand removed the bond holding the hair in place and a low rumble emanated from the back of his throat as the tresses spilled over their faces and he sank his hand into her hair.

Tito felt Chris losing control and a low warning light flashed in her head. But she was ensnared, already beyond control herself. For a moment there she wondered if it would be so terrible… couldn’t she throw away morality for a few minutes in her life?


At first, the name was like a whisper, barely audible. But when she heard the high-pitched yell again, she jumped out of Chris’ arms, gasping for breath. Chris’ eyes were dark and intense, he clearly hadn’t heard the voice because he took a step towards her as though he was about to take her right back into his arms, then the voice came again, loud and clear.

“Tito… where are you”

Margaret! Tito swallowed hard as she stepped away from Chris. Running her fingers through her hair, she hastened towards the door, trying to quench the desire to go back into his arms. She jumped out of the library and nearly squealed when Margaret bumped into her. “Margaret! What are you doing here so early?”

“I’ve been looking all over for you” Margaret said. “Laura is in trouble. She went on a date with Deolu since yesterday and I hadn’t been able to reach her till someone picked up, saying we need to give him ten million in exchange for Laura”

Tito let out a breath. “They already called Deolu”

“Oh God!”

The door of the library opened and Chris came out. “Hi”

Margaret stared from Tito to Chris and back. “Was I… interrupting anything?”

“No” Tito answered, maybe too hastily because Margaret frowned but she soon shrugged it off as worry clouded her eyes again. “So, what’s happening? Where is Deolu? He sure has some explaining to do because I don’t understand how she was kidnapped when she was with him at the beach” she looked angry. “Where is he?”

“He has gone out” Chris said, cautiously. There was something odd about what she said but Chris couldn’t quite figure it out.

“He isn’t informing the police, is he?” she looked scared.

Tito stared at Margaret. “No. and I think he should”

Margaret seemed to give it a brief thought. “Yes. Those bastards shouldn’t go scot free. But I am worried about Laura; I don’t want them to hurt Laura because we reported them. We wouldn’t be able to forgive ourselves”

Tito swallowed. “You are right. But whoever is responsible better pray I don’t find him because if I do, they’d live to regret ever messing with my sister”

Margaret frowned. “Sister? Sister how?”


Deolu had been driving since it was barely daybreak. Now, the darkness had lifted and he could now turn off the headlamp. He hadn’t told anyone of the tracker that linked his phone with Laura’s. He had almost forgotten about it himself. But now, he thanked God for it. He had decided to keep it to himself, also the fact that he was going to inform some trusted security personnel. It was not because he didn’t trust Chris and Tito enough with that information but he just wanted to be careful. If whoever was behind this was an insider, the less information he let lose, the better.

Deolu turned into a bush path and parked. He took out his phone and dialed a number. “Hey Felix, morning…. Listen, I need a favour”

Sacrilege Episode 37

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4 years ago

Good one Deolu. I’m with you on this ?