Sacrilege Episode 30 – 31 by Nissi Adeola

Sacrilege Episode 14 - 15 by Nissi Adeola

Sacrilege Episode 30 by Nissi Adeola

“That’s impossible!” Teju stared at Laura’s face like she had gone mad. Surely she didn’t know what she was saying. “This woman – Gloria – is your step mother” she stated with emphasis. “She only married your father after your mother’s death, so if at all Gloria is my mother, Frank Johnson can never be my father! I mean, I am almost the same age as you” Frank Johnson could never be her father, never!

Laura swallowed, moving slowly to the bed and lowering herself onto it. “I would have thought it was ridiculous also if I had not heard it from Gloria’s mouth herself. Four days ago, I had wanted to see him in his hospital room just after I left my dad’s room. I wanted to talk to him, but on getting there, I heard Gloria’s voice; she was with him. I turned back to leave and probably come back later… that was when I heard it.

She told him that she had their daughter” Laura swallowed, her face covered in pain. “She said she hadn’t aborted the child like he asked, that she had given birth to the child. Tinuke”

Teju stared at her. “That is bullshit”

Laura took a deep breath. “I waited for her to come out then I confronted her with what I’d heard until she told me how it all happened” she continued. “When I had found that bottle of water in her room years back, Gloria had explained things to me, of how she had to let go of her only child but she never told me that the father of that child had been my father… Frank Johnson.

It all made sense. It all started with me… I have always been the cause of your pain.” All things combined, Laura felt like she owed Teju so much.

“What makes sense? You are getting me confused here” Teju paced, moving to her chair and sitting. “Explain this to me before I lose my mind.”

Laura took a deep breath. How could she say? She shouldn’t have told her, she should have allowed Gloria do this. Resigned, she launched into the story as she now understood it. “It happened after what happened with my mother and my… birth father. Frank couldn’t bring himself to forgive my mother or forget what happened.

Mark Johnson had told me of how bitter he was, how he couldn’t bear to look at my mother despite knowing it hadn’t been her fault. That was probably why he had gone to the… to the brothel… where he met Gloria”

“Halt!” Teju’s eyes were large now. After it all, she was surprised that something could still surprise her. She gasped out, a plastic astonished smile on her face. “It keeps getting better, doesn’t it? A brothel? So Gloria was a prostitute? A whore?” she exclaimed in indignation as she jumped to her feet again. “This is amazing”

Laura swallowed. “Don’t call her that, I would not let you insult her. You don’t know what she had to pass through”

“Not calling a spade a spade doesn’t change it to a spoon, does it?” she mouthed in disgust. “Oh my life is fucked up” she swore, shaking her head. “Well, continue the fairy tale. You can’t stop there now”

Laura took a deep breath. “Well what happened happened. Frank Johnson was probably trying to let out his frustration and that led him to having an unprotected affair with Gloria for a week. He wasn’t like her other clients and during the week, Gloria got to know that he had just gotten married.

She couldn’t understand why someone who just got married would be spending an entire week with her instead of being on honeymoon with his wife. She had pried but he always got angry whenever she did so she let it go. The week had ended and Gloria had found it hard to go back to business as usual after what she had shared with Frank Johnson.

She thought she had taken all the precautions she needed to but after a month, she realized she was pregnant.” Tito’s mouth was drawn in disgust as Laura continued. “She searched for Frank Johnson until she found him but when she did, he refused to accept the child. He told her that he didn’t want a child with a whore like her and that she should abort the child.”

Teju lowered herself back to the chair. It was probably the impact of the words that was reawakening her pain. She couldn’t stand it much longer, but she kept quiet, listening. “Gloria went to the hospital but the doctor warned her against having an abortion. He said she could lose her life since she had already aborted a couple of times and her womb was in a fragile state. He said if at all she didn’t lose her life, she would surely lose her womb. Gloria had to carry the pregnancy.”

Laura avoided looking at Teju’s face. She couldn’t imagine just how bad she must be feeling by all these. “Giving birth to you did not take her life but it came close. She lost her womb to the excruciating labor but she couldn’t keep you. She didn’t want you to grow up with someone like her… she didn’t want you to have the stigma of being called a… prostitute’s daughter” Laura swallowed the lump in her throat, blinking back tears.

“So, she did what she did. Put you on the water to sail into the hands of someone she thought might be more deserving. Someone who would take care of you.

“After several years, after the death of my mother, they met again. Gloria met Frank Johnson again. She had quit prostitution to open a small business for herself. Frank asked about the pregnancy and she told him she had aborted the baby just like he wanted. One thing led to another and they got married.”

Silence descended into the room, both ladies staring at the ground, different thoughts playing in their minds. Teju swallowed the tears. She refused to shed a tear for people who didn’t deserve it. “Wow!” she said at length. “Mother never wanted me, father never wanted me… and I wondered why men had never wanted me”

“Gloria wanted you, Teju”

“She threw me away” Teju bellowed, jumping to her feet and dashing away the tear that defied her restraints. They don’t deserve a single drop of tear from my eyes! “She threw me on the river without caring whether I perished or not. What kind of mother does that?”

Laura stood too, wanting to pacify Teju. “She was wrong, yes. She made mistakes but… she did what she thought was best. Life wasn’t fair to her too”

“Do you think I care?” Teju shook her head. “I would never accept that whore as my mother, and as for Frank Johnson, I would be dead before I acknowledge him as my father. After all he did to me, after all he made me do…” she shook her head vehemently, moving towards the window to breath freely to ease her pain. “It’s probably a good thing I’m dying soon. They would finally be rid of me. It’s what they’ve always wanted anyways”

Laura moved to Teju, standing in front of her so she could see her face. The pain was there. The fierce denial of what she had just heard. She knew it was hard to stomach this. It had been hard coming to terms with the fact that her conception had come with a lot of drama, bitterness and hatred, she could only imagine what Teju must be feeling. She stared into Teju’s eyes, a gentle plea in hers.

“I know this is hard for you, I know you are in pain… but you of all people should know that we are capable of doing wrong things for what we judge to be the right reasons.” she held Teju’s hand, squeezing gently.

Teju swallowed, blinking back tears. “This is different” she mouthed halfheartedly.

Laura cracked a half smile. “Is it?” she asked. “They were wrong, Gloria was wrong, so was Frank… but we all make mistakes. They both have had to pass through so much pain in their lives, Gloria had to go through hell, but while I’m not justifying their actions, I just… I just want you to give them a chance. Please…”


Chris grabbed the can of coke beside him and tossed some liquid down his throat. Sitting on the sitting room couch a little before midnight with the only source of light in the room being the one coming from his laptop screen, Chris leaned his back against the backrest, his eyes on the spreadsheet.

As usual, it was normal for him to be awake, so late at night, what wasn’t normal was that he felt bad about his state of consciousness. He wanted to sleep. Work usually got his mind off things; with work he could shut down everything and only focus on what his brain could produce; no emotional entanglements, no distractions… but not today.

Chris couldn’t understand what was going on. He had known Tito for almost as long as he had known Laura and never had she invaded his brain as much as she had been doing for the past four days. What exactly was going on with him? He was in love with Laura, right? He had been in love with her since forever.

So why was it Tito that set his blood boiling? Why was it thoughts of Tito that kept his mind off work. He couldn’t have fallen out of love with Laura and fallen in love with Tito within such a short time, could he? Was it that easy to fall out of love? Shaking his head, he tossed more coke down his throat.

He certainly was not in love with Tito! Maybe I feel sorry for her… or maybe it’s lust! Celibacy sure can work wonders in making the mind…

A knock shattered through his thoughts, making him jolt a little. His eyes flew to the time on his laptop screen. Who could be visiting so late at night without prior information? He frowned, standing cautiously. The knock came again. It was gentle, not in any way violent. “Who is there?”


What in the world. Just when he thought working could get his mind off her, she decided to appear in person. Tito was sure determined to drive him insane. The fact that she was succeeding angered him beyond all else.

Chris’ heart skipped a beat as he made for the door in quick strides, switching on the turned off lights before yanking the door open. Brows furrowed, he stared in surprise into Tito’s flushed face. Just a few hours ago, he had held her in his arms, his heartbeat cascading above the normal. Now, she was here, still in the same clothes, the darkness of the night behind her.

“Hi” Tito said with a small smile, then for no reason, she blushed, her eyes leaving his for an instant to settle on his chest. Tito opened her mouth, speechless for a few nanoseconds before staring embarrassed at Chris’ face. “Arrrhhh… hope I’m not interrupting anything?”

Chris looked down at his shirtless chest. “I wasn’t expecting anyone” he explained. Tito nodded, keeping her eyes glued to his face to resist looking down at his chest. “Come in” Chris opened the door wider, the frown in his face still intact.

Tito stepped in, being careful not to brush against him and Chris closed the door after her, securing the lock. “Is something wrong? What are you doing out so late?” Chris asked as he grabbed his discarded shirt on the couch and shrugged it on.

Tito’s eyes roamed the apartment, looking at everything but him. “Getting out of the hospital” she said, her eyes lingering on the bedroom door. “Barbieque?”

Chris did not even crack a smile. “I’m alone” he said and Tito nodded, sitting. “Do you have any idea what time it is? You shouldn’t be out alone so late at night, something could happen to you” he scolded. He didn’t know why the thought of her coming all the way from the hospital all alone annoyed him. He didn’t even want to think of what might have happened if she had fallen into the wrong hands.

Tito frowned at him. “Rein in, Chris; I can take care of myself” Tito countered. She exhaled. She had bags under her eyes that pronounced her exhaustion. Her shoulders looked taut with wound up nerves. Chris didn’t think Tito had spent a night out of the hospital since the accident. Everyone had talked, cajoled and even threatened but no one had been able to get Tito out of the hospital. Chris swallowed.

“Of course, you can” Chris mouthed drily. “What can I offer you?” He finally asked, shoving his hands into the pockets of his trouser.

“Too late to act hospitable” Tito rolled her eyes before closing them, resting her head on the backrest as her fingers rubbed at the corners of her eyes. Chris watched her. Tito opened her eyes looking to the side. She leaned over, grabbing the coke beside Chris’ laptop.“I’m disturbing your work” she noted. Chris finally left the spot he had assumed since her entry, walking to the laptop. He closed it.

“Wasn’t getting anything done anyways” he mouthed and sat beside Tito on the couch. Tito nodded and took a swing at the coke, drinking heavily. Chris watched her throat work in fascination. “It has zero alcohol” he joked as he watched her drink the coke as though she wanted it to wipe away her thoughts. Tito ignored him. Can empty, she dropped the can and leaned forward, burying her face in her hands. Concerned, Chris shifted.“Is something wrong?”

Tito shook her head, raising her face to rest her chin on her hands. “I’m a terrible person” she said then took a deep breath. “My uncle is out of coma”

Chris’ face lit up with surprised relief. He had expected something bad. “Wow! Thank God.” He gasped out, focusing on her face. “That’s good news, right?” he finally asked after a moment.

Tito nodded. “Yeah, it is” she said, taking a deep breath. “It’s just…” Tito shook her head, a strange expression on her face. “When the doctor said it, all I could think of was my dad, wishing he was the one… wishing he had woken up instead of my uncle” she swallowed, burying her face in her hand again. “Everyone was so happy, rejoicing, hugging each other with tears of happiness in their eyes… and that was all I could think about” she said in self-wonder. She swallowed.

Chris stared at her with empathy. He couldn’t begin to imagine how she must have felt. He wanted to put his arms around her, hold her in his arms until she felt better. “It’s normal to feel that way” Chris tried to pacify her but she shook her head.

“No! It was selfish to feel that way. Though I don’t like my uncle very much and think he is a terrible person, I should be happy he is awake” She swallowed.

“You love your father, more. It is understandable.” Chris wanted to justify her feelings, wanted her to feel better.

“Love is not selfish”, she countered. “I just… I just wanted a good news. I want something that would give me a measure of assurance. I entertained hope again. I entertained faith again… I even prayed again after so many years” she shook her head. “Is it so wrong to hope a miracle would come for me this time?” She shook her head. She turned her eyes to Chris, looking haunted.

“You asked about the men in my past. Niyi died in a plane crash. We were in love. We loved each other so much, we could hardly stay without each other. We were still students in the university. He was in the final year but I still had two years to go. He wrote his final papers and I had to come to terms with the fact that i wouldn’t be seeing him in school anymore. I was so sad.

The morning he had to leave, he came to my hostel, stayed with me, we played and chatted like we usually did. He didn’t want to leave, I didn’t want him to go.

He was my best friend.” She swallowed. “I followed him to the airport where he boarded the plane that would take him from Minna to Lagos. He made so many promises, tried to make his exit easier for me, told me we would see each other again very soon, told me it wasnt goodbye that he would call me immediately he arrived Lagos.” She swallowed, dashing away tears.

“But it was all lies. It was goodbye… he never called. He promised he would but never did. I never saw him again” Chris tried to reach out to Tito but she moved away, standing. “That was the last time I saw him. The plane crashed.” She whispered. “There were several bodies recovered from the explosion, thiigh. Painful as it was, I wanted to see his body.

I wanted to see him one last time. Wanted one of his parting words to be true. But we never found his body.” She bit her trembling lips. “Went from one burnt body to another, the stench of blood was seered into my mind. I breathed it, saw it, tasted its smell on my tongue…

But I never found him, never had a chance at a closure. He was just gone”

Tito stared emotionless into space. “Then Ken came along years after.” She swallowed. “I had thought I couldn’t love again. After what happened with Niyi, I found it hard to move on. But Ken came along. He taught me to love again, to hope again; and I did, even more than I thought I could. We were going to get married, it was less than two months to our wedding when he called me that he was coming over to my place.”

She shook her head. “I remember my room was terribly messy and I was racing around, putting things in order when he called again. Only, it was not his voice I heard but someone else, telling me he had been involved in an accident.” She swallowed. “He was taken to this same hospital. I rushed there, arriving just in time with the ambulance. He was soaked in blood and I gripped his hand as he was being rushed into the ICU. Laura and my dad came over and were there with me.

I never left the hospital, I was scared he’d die if I did. But he still did. After days of hoping and praying, he still did” she hugged herself, goosebumps coming alive on her skin. “He still did”

Chris’ arms circled her from behind and she jerked a little, like she had forgotten about his presence. “I’m sorry” he whispered into her hair. He held her firmly, her back against his chest, his arms wrapped around her midsection. She turned in his arms, staring straight into his eyes, a strange look in her eyes. “Don’t care about me, Chris. Enough people have been hurt already, I can’t bear any more pain without losing it” the words were clearly visible in her eyes.

Chris brushed her hair back. The warning should have come earlier. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “Let me get you something to eat” he said. Leading her back to the seat, he went to the kitchen and placed the remaining food in the pot in a plate and took it to the microwave. By the time he got back with the food, Tito had already dozed off on the couch.

He dropped the food and sat on the couch, watching her. His heart tightened painfully as he watched her slender form. Too much pain for such a small body, his heart ached for what she’s had to go through. Lifting her in his arms, he carried her to his bedroom and straight to the bed. He lay her on the bed, removed her shoes and pulled the duvet over her.

After one lingering look, he picked a pillow from the bed and walked out of the room, turning off the light.

Sacrilege Episode 31 by Nissi Adeola

The sheet felt good against her skin. Strange, but good. Even in her sleep, Tito’s palm moved against the sheet, feeling its fragile texture graze the palm of her hand. And what was that scent? His scent could not have seeped into her unconscious mind to haunt her dreams now, could it? She could smell it everywhere, smell him everywhere.

It was like a very good nightmare… a bad dream she enjoyed so much, she didn’t want to wake up from. She moved unconsciously against the sheets again. It felt strange. Her body was not familiar with it. Slowly, Tito’s eyes pushed open, perhaps drawn out of unconsciousness by curiosity.

Her sleepy eyes stared at the unfamiliar sheet covering the bed. It was a pale blue with large finesse designs scattered all over. She couldn’t remember having… a short gasp escaped her lips, causing her to bolt up, jerking into a sitting position in shocked alarm.

Sleep was completely erased from her eyes as her pupils scanned the room in shocked alarm. “Oh no no no no…” she chanted, realizing what had just happened. Her hand covered her agape mouth as she stared. She had been thinking the scent was just a dream, but no… she had actually perceived it – that scent which clung to Chris like an identity.

It wasn’t a surprise that the scent dominated the room, placing an invisible stamp on his territory. Impulsively, she glanced down at her body, raising the duvet around her waist to be sure she was still as clothed as the last time she remembered; and she was.

Just as she was releasing a sigh of relief, the door to the bathroom pushed open, causing her to gasp a little. Chris stepped into the room, a small smile playing on his lips. He had on khaki short and a singlet, with a bathroom towel hanging around his neck. “Hey… did I wake you?” his voice called as he came to a stop right in front of the bathroom, a few paces from the bed, staring at her.

Tito shut out the sight of him, running her hands over her tousled hair as she alternated her gaze awkwardly from him to the bed. “No no… ahhh…” she stuttered, finally letting her gaze rest on Chris, looking apologetic. “Didn’t mean to sleep over”

Chris shrugged, amusement playing on his face. “It’s fine”

Tito nodded and swallowed, looking away again. She stared uneasily at the bed and blushed, colour rising in her cheeks. “You didn’t ah… we didn’t…” she gestured around the bed with her hand, biting off the remaining words before chancing a nervous look at Chris. His eyes danced with open amusement. Great! At least someone is enjoying this awkward moment, Tito thought pathetically.

“No” Chris answered her unasked question. “You looked so peaceful asleep, couldn’t risk waking you with my loud snoring”

Tito blinked and broke off a short laugh, echoed by Chris’. Yeah, she knew there was going to be a comeback to that. So they didn’t sleep together… that’s good news, but the joke sufficiently diffused the tension she had been feeling and she was grateful for it. Chris finally moved towards the bed and sat on the edge, his smiling eyes, staring right at her. “Sleep well?” his voice a mere whisper.

Why does he have to stare at me like that? Gosh some men just don’t make it easy. Tito swallowed. “Yeah, maybe too well” she smoothed back her hair again, feeling self-conscious. She wondered what she must look like now, just waking up from sleep and all. Why did she have to sleep over? Gosh… life just wasn’t fair! “Well, I should err… get going. I should get to the hospital and you should be running late for work now”

Chris smiled. “Take your time, it’s Saturday”

“Oh” Tito only murmured, avoiding looking at him as she looked around the room, searching for a distraction. She got one, frowning as her hand pushed out to grab the book which sat on a bedside table. It was not the distraction she had envisaged. “You also have one of these?” she stared oddly at the book.

“Diary? Urh… Rarely use it” It’s only just filled with poetic words meant for someone who could never be his, Chris absently thought. “You have one? Sure it would have a lot in it”

Tito stared at Chris, her eyes penetrating. Absently, she shook her head. “Can’t trust a book to hold my secrets” she gave a small strained smile, thinking of Teju. “In the wrong hands, it can… wreck great havoc”

Chris stared, unnerved as Tito turned the book around in her hand, the desire to open it in her eyes but she didn’t, respecting his privacy. Instead, she raised her inquisitive eyes to his, a small smile on her face. “You know, Catherine did tell me that lonely women do find best friends in their diaries. Does it… include lonely men?”

Chris blinked. “Lonely?” he gave a strained chuckle. “I’m not lonely if that’s what you mean”

Tito nodded but still her penetrating gaze never strayed from his. “It would seem that way” Her eyes seemed to be reading him, giving meaning to his every gesture, trying to find out the secrets behind the mask. “But I’m aware that some people do use humor as a cover. Being so carefree, you crack jokes and people laugh, they often think because you seem so put together you don’t have problems of your own”

Chris shifted; he didn’t like the direction their conversation had taken. “Everyone’s got challenges” he shrugged.

“Yeah” Tito whispered, leaning forward so she could see the black of his eye more amplified. “But how many people listen to yours? I’d bet you are the man who gets to listen to everyone’s problems but no one gets to listen to yours. You cover it well so people won’t think you do. But, instead, you pour your heart out…” she broke contact to stare at the diary “…into a book.”

Chris stared at her for a moment then released a breath he hadn’t been aware of holding. “You’re being outrageous, barely even use the diary” he pushed to his feet and took a deep breath before facing Tito. “Are you hungry? ‘Cause I am.” Tito was smiling at him, a smile that said she knew he was trying to change the course of the discussion. “I’d make breakfast”

Tito smiled at him, mischief dancing in her eyes. “No, I would” There were just too many shades of Tito, Chris found it fascinating.


“Cause I want to bribe you. First time you brought me breakfast, it was a bribe in exchange for my friendship, remember?” she pushed her legs out of the duvet. “Just returning the favour”

Chris pushed his hands into the pocket of his short. He was both amused and curious. “Food’s the bait, what are you fishing for?”

Tito pushed out of the bed like a woman on a mission. She moved to stand in front of him, a smile on her face. “A secret” she said. “One big breakfast for one big secret” she leaned forward and planted a kiss on Chris’ cheek, turning away instantly to head out of the room, showing him that the deal was not up for negotiation. She glanced over her shoulder, seeing that Chris hadn’t left the spot he was rooted in. “You coming? You’ll need to tell me where everything is so I can get this breakfast started” her eyes danced with humor as she left the room with Chris following reluctantly in her wake.


Deolu got to the hospital so early in the morning. Chris had called him late last night to tell him the good news, then Jane had called and then Gloria. Though Laura hadn’t called, obviously wanting him to stay away, he just couldn’t stay put. This good news was a good excuse, was the perfect excuse he had been praying for and he was going to take it. Entering into the hospital, there wasn’t as many people as was always there during the day and he was happy about that. The first person Deolu saw was Gloria, others were nowhere in sight.

“Hey son” Gloria said immediately Deolu got near, stood and hugged him.

Deolu smiled. “Congratulations ma, this is great news”

Gloria could not keep the relief and happiness from her face. “Honestly, I can’t tell you how relieved I am. Frank can be a huge pain in the butt but I don’t mind spending a few more decades with him”

Deolu chuckled, glad to see that the tension was dying down. “I am certain the feeling is mutual. Seen him yet?”

Gloria sighed. “No. Doctors and protocol… they said they want to be sure he is stable before allowing anyone in to see him, but it’s for the best. I just hope Mark pulls through too and soon, that’s the only way everything can be alright again.”

“He will”

Gloria smiled at Deolu, her eyes brimming with perception. “I can see what Laura always talked about; you can make anyone believe anything by just saying it. It is no wonder your company grew so fast” Deolu smiled. Gloria’s eyes grew serious. “You haven’t been in here much lately, Deolu”

Deolu swallowed. “I’m sorry”

Gloria took Deolu’s hand gently, looking up at him. “Don’t listen to her. I know what she told you but she doesn’t mean; you should know Laura, she is always trying to fix everyone and everything.”

Of course Deolu knew that and that was why he was hell-bent on finding out what it was that she was trying to fix. “About that, do you happen to know what she is up to?”

Gloria swallowed. “She said Teju has gone through enough pain in her life that she deserved some happiness even if it meant sacrificing hers” Gloria repeated the same words Laura had said to her days back.

She had been trying to see Teju since then but she wouldn’t give her audience. Gloria had thought she was protecting her child from the pain of having a messed up person like her as a mother by letting her go, but realizing that Teju had still had enough pain to wrench Laura’s sympathy was like a blade in her heart that she couldn’t get out. She wanted the chance to make it right, to ease her child’s pain even if she couldn’t take it away but she was afraid it was too late.

Yet, she would be damned if she’d allow Laura risk her happiness to fix a mess she did not create. She couldn’t have that. Four times she had tried to see Teju, get her to listen to her, even if it was for a minute, but the girl had fled from her like she was an ostracized leper. She couldn’t blame her but Gloria sure wasn’t giving up yet.

The same sentence had Deolu at a fix. Pain! The word struck Deolu again, Teju’s pain-stricken face flashing through his mind. “She has always had a mother’s instinct, always looking out for everyone but herself.” Gloria continued. “I’m sure she would be telling herself that seeing everyone she loves being happy would make her happy but she is wrong.

For the past three days, she has been going about everything like a robot. She has lost that spark and I don’t want that for her, Deolu. You promised to look out for her and protect her; I’m holding you to that”

He swallowed. “Yes ma’am” he glanced away from her, looking at the faces around. “Laura?”

Gloria smiled. “Some nurses have fallen in love with her, when she refused to go home last night, they got her a room” Deolu smiled. “Come with me” Gloria said, leading the way.


The kitchen was alive with delicious aromas. Chris watched Tito move around his kitchen as he sat at the makeshift dinning he had inside the kitchen since he apartment had no dinning area. She was enjoying herself and watching her was more than enough enjoyment for him.

She kept a steady conversation with him and though Chris had always enjoyed being in the kitchen, trying out one or two recipes, he found that he thoroughly enjoyed it with her. He couldn’t remember having anyone in his kitchen, cooking for him, it was oddly satisfying. If only she had agreed to let him help, he was certain this experience would have been infinitely splendid.

He could have had the opportunity to stand closer and know if she still smelt of flowers in the morning, or maybe he would have had the opportunity to tuck her hair behind her ear everytime the stubborn locks fanned around her cheeks. But no, she had forced him to sit and watch her instead. Like watching her back view waltzing around the shelf wasn’t enough torture.

“Who taught you how to cook?” Tito asked conversationally as she carried on with what she was cooking. Fried plantain was already dished on two plates.

“Let’s say my mother didn’t believe in the whole ‘kitchen is meant for women’ thing. Learnt enough from her and improved on it myself when I started living alone”

Tito glanced at him over her shoulder, smiling. “I love your mother” she turned back to what she was doing; flipping over the egg she was frying. “You know, my dad always said it’s a terrible idea to marry a man who is an excellent cook. Said the man would never appreciate your own cooking because it wouldn’t measure up to his”

Chris frowned. “Can’t say that statement is entirely true or false”

“Know what I say to him when he says that?” Tito glanced over her shoulder. “That he was just trying to make excuses for his poor cooking skills” she turned to smile at Chris. He saw the wistful look in her eyes which she covered up with a smile. He could tell that any subject that pertained to her father was still touchy for now.

He gave her a bright smile. “Well, any lapses he had in the kitchen he made up for it in the makeup department”

Tito grinned, turning to turn off the gas “Yeah, that he did, it’s no wonder I never got good at it. Can’t even apply powder right”she dished the fried eggs beside the plantain and grabbed the two plates, taking them to the table. As she leaned forward and dropped the plates, Chris watched Tito’s hair fall around her face. It took all his willpower to stop his hand from reaching out to tuck the hair back. This was becoming a sweet torture.

Chris watched her walk away, seeming unaware of the tension. She got to the shelf and stretched, standing in tip toes, the fabric of her gown straining as she reached up to grab two mugs from the cupboard. Chris swallowed. “Need help with that?” he managed.

“I got it”

Chris sighed. “You really have stuck your foot in”

“Yeah. I’m just holding my end of the bargain which is to make breakfast” she filled the cups with beverage and put in hot water.

Tito took the mugs to the table and went back to get the sliced bread before finally settling down on the plastic chair opposite Chris. Chris had never been so grateful for the small makeshift dinning table. It was so small, Tito was practically an arm’s length away.

Tito looked down at the meal and raised her smiling eyes to his. She raised her mug of tea. “Cheers to bribery and corruption”

Chris rolled his eyes and she chuckled. He looked at the table and glanced at her, amused. “I don’t think I’ve ever taken plantain with bread and egg before.” He was curious to know what it would taste like.

“I take plantain with anything. Taste and see that the Lord is good”

“Amen to that.” Without warning, his hands stretched out, capturing both of hers. Tito swallowed. She had been sweeping around the kitchen since, behaving as if his presence wasn’t unnerving her. It hasn’t helped that he had felt his eyes boring into her back. It was the reason she forced him to sit without assisting. With him hovering over her, she was sure she’d have spiced and salted the food beyond measure. But now, all he had to do was stare at her and hold her hand for all her bravado to fall off. “What?”

“Let’s bless the meal. Close your eyes”

Tito blinked. She hadn’t expected that. As distracting as it was having her hands in his, Tito found herself wondering when last she had prayed before a meal, it was definitely the last time she had stayed with her dad before getting an apartment of her own. The many problems she’d faced had made her lose faith in the authenticity of prayers. She obeyed, closed her eyes and said amen when Chris said a short prayer. He let go of her hands and she quickly pulled them out of reach.

“Alright. Let’s see if it’s good bribery” Chris picked his fork, staring at the egg mixed with fresh tomatoes, onions and scent leaves he couldn’t remember having. He dug into the lump and stuck it in his mouth. “Ummnn” he chewed, his eyes looking dreamy. Tito grinned at him, watching as he chewed. “Oh, that’s good”

Of course, it is. She couldn’t measure the feminine satisfaction she felt at his reaction and approval. “Making it count” She said and lifted her mug. “To secrets” with that, she took a long hot sip.

Sacrilege Episode 30

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4 years ago

This is amazing…. Let’s go