Real Life Tale Part 2 – GranAmah’s Heart

Real Life Tale Part 1 - GranAmah's Heart

Real Life Tale Part 2 – GranAmah’s Heart

Let’s go back to the very beginning, how I found myself in this big crowded yet lonely city.

At a tender age, I was adventurous and very inquisitive

But I do it within my reach of audience.

I love my family but sometimes they can be a little bit annøying

So I thought i needed a little change because I felt I wasn’t appreciated enough.

Everyone want to send me on an errand, always dragging something with me and arguing over some unimportant things and they won’t even allow me to win the argument.

That’s family for you yet little me wish for a change.

When the change finally came I was too eager to embrace it without thinking twice.

I just marked my 8 years birthday a month ago before my uncle who newly got married a year ago came for Christmas with his wife.

Aunty Nk, like we fondly called her picked interest in me almost immediately.

I appeared smart, talk less and offcourse I was a chubby pretty little girl that likes attention.

She was always taking me everywhere and wanting me around her.

She asked me if I will like to come live with her in the big city, at first I wasn’t sure I want to go anywhere.

So I told her I don’t know, I’m not very sure I want to be found anywhere outside my comfort zone.

She told me that I will also love it out there, alot of fun places, entertainment and different things I will love is in the big city.

She also promised to take me to see some amusement parks and when I return back, I will be able to tell my friends of the plenty nice places I visited.

I slept over it and I was convinced, I wanted to go to the big city.

I told her that I have made up my mind and will love to travel with her.

She and my uncle decided to speak to my parents, my Mom was skeptical

She couldn’t give her consent at first because I was still little.

A year ago, one of my big cousin also took me to a close by city to spend the holiday.

I couldn’t stay up to a week with them and started disturbing everyone that I wanted to go back home.

They had no choice than to bring me back.

My Mom made reference to that last holiday saga to aunty Nk and her husband.

But they insisted that I will definitely love to stay with them because they’re lovable people.

I also assured my Mom that this time will be different from the last time my big cousin took me out, I felt I was big and more courageous than I was last year.

I told Mom that I was never coming back, I will rather come visiting and that’s it.

My Mom still didn’t agree, I start whining and crying and disturbing the entire house.

I refused eating even my favorite meal prepared by my Mom because I felt there’s a better one waiting for me in the big city.

My Dad sometimes bring home some roasted, peppered bush meat and I always look forward to it.

But not anymore than being in the big city.

Nothing interest me in the house again.

I wanted to go to the big city so that when I return, I will have alot of stories to tell my family and friends too.

My Mom later agree and prepparetion to leave begin.

Whenever they give me anything, I will tell them not to worry there’s a better one where I’m going

It felt like I’m dreaming of heaven.

Aunty Nk really bought me over with those stories of hers.

Finally, the day came and I wore my Christmas outfit and a fine sandals which was also a Christmas gift.

My Mom packed my things in small box and they all bid us goodbye as we left to the city.

The journey was nothing close to fun.

I was throwing up all through, I couldn’t eat, I felt sick. Nauseated and had headache.

I kept asking my uncle and aunty if we’ve reach the big city.

They kept telling me that we’re almost there

I was weak and even though I try to exercise patient but I was already missing home and have started regreting my decisions of going on the journey.

I was brought up in a strong Christian home, in difficult situation what we usually do is talk to God.

My Mom thought my siblings and I that.

So, I silently prayed that God should be with me and be with my people that I left back home.

We finally arrived after a very long journey.

The City wasn’t anything on my expectation list.

It wasn’t what I expected but I’m here and I look forward to visiting those places aunty Nk mentioned.

That’s if there’s anything like that, maybe she probably made it all up.

I’m very good in imagining things, sometimes I live in a different world I created in my head.

My imagination kepts me entertained and even in a place of no fun, when I really wanted to run back home to my people, knowing how impossible that maybe, instead of c®ying, I crawl up into my imaginative self and relax.

I didn’t do too well in mixing with other kids but we wave and talk once in a while but I was not ready to go any closer than that.

I study people and sometimes, their way of life keeps me bound to myself.


Let’s return back to the moment of terrór that I was about to witness

Something I will never be able to forget.

As I watch Tumo walking down, at first there was absolutely nothing suspiciøus about him.

But on a close watch, he was looking around, like he was searching for something.

I almost called out to him to ask him what he was searching for.

Since he was a good kid and also my friend, I could help him look for whatever it was or even suggest he gets a torchlight to see clearly or wait until tomorrow.

But something kept me spéllbøund and I couldn’t speak or make noise.

All I did was to watch in a total silent.

He walked up to their room window, stopped and looked around it like he was examining it.

After that he walked to the gate, looked outside, I guess he didn’t see anyone coming.

Everywhere was silent except for television and radios coming from neighbors apartments.

I believe most families were already asleep, which includes Tumo’s parents and siblings.

Maybe he sneâked out without anyone noticing. I thought to myself.

After checking outside the gate, he returned back and close the gate properly.

He speedily walked back to their room window.

He brought out something from his pocket

He was doing everything so fast.

I try to stretch and twist my neck to be able to see what exactly it was but I couldn’t.

What exactly is he about to do, I wondered

A f!re strike lit up and went off almost immediately.

That’s when it occurs to me that Tumo was holding a matches box.

The realization hít me almost immediately of what he was about to do.

So Tumo is learning how to smóke a cigârette, he was not a good kid after all.

I concluded within me

From the family I came from, smøking was more like a tab0o and those that engage in it aren’t really nice.

Beside, how will you be taking something you have been wârned that is going to k!ll you.

I can’t seem to digest or understand people that engage in it.

I was angry at Tumo and was ready to tell my aunty and uncle when they return from work that Tumo wasn’t a good kid, maybe they will tell his parents.

He was too young to be engaging in such act.

What I didn’t know is that I was running ahead of myself.

Smøking was fair, compared to what he was about to do.

Tumo was not going to smøke, but he was about to do something wørst than smøking.

I watched in silent as he pulled the curtain closer, str!ke the third matches stick on it’s box, curved his hand to avoid breeze blowing it øff.

He placed it on the curtain until the f!re caught into it.

He allowed the f!re to gets into it properly before joining the second curtain.

He dropped down the two curtains and it was as if he was working with a lay down plan.

Because as he dropped it something went up in fláme inside.

He closed up the window a little bit, looked around before running outside the gate with speed.

He probably poured in some inflamâble liquid because of the speed the fire was traveling.

I remember that his two siblings sleeps on a small form close to the window.

There’s a chair, filled with dumped cloths at the other side of the window.

And there’s also a bed which is where is father, mother and their almost a year old baby sleeps.

Tumo want to búrn his entire family to dèãth.

His intentions is that if the fire doesn’t k!ll them, then the smóke will sùfføcáte them to dèãth

Realizing what just happened, I quickly try to rush down from the stool but I fell face down.

A silent scream left my mouth as I felt a sharp pâin on my knees and ankles.

I know I must have sustained a bruise,

Without minding or waiting to check, I ran as fast as my tiny legs could carry me.

I ran to the window and try to open it but the fire wouldn’t let my small hands do anything.

I ran as fast as I can to the other side of the compound, I ran up the long passage of tenants apartment until I got to Tumo their own door.

I began hitting on the door, shouting f!re

I guess they didn’t even notice that there was f!re in the room initially

I can hear them cøughing, the smóke was crowding up the room.

It was begining to chøke in there.

Things where bûrning up

And that’s when I heard the man and then the woman shouting “f!re” from inside

The children where crying

The woman was screaming.

Why are they not running out? I wondered.

They began to h!t the door, the man said somebody locked them up inside and the key is nowhere to be found.

The door can only be opened from outside.

They said I should get an elderly person.

At that moment, it seems they realized that Tumo wasn’t in the room

The woman began to cry, the man asked me to go look for an elderly person that can help them.

I ran to uncle Gbenga’s house and started h!tting the door.

His wife shouted from inside “who was knocking on their door like a mád person, I said I was the one.

I told that there’s f!re, uncle Gbenga should come out and help Tumo’s parents.

Uncle Gbenga came out, he rushed to the locked door

By this time the f!re was almost getting to where they were

Their cloths where in fláme.

They were coughing as smóke filled up the entire room.

Uncle Gbenga tried to open the door but it was firmly locked.

He went about hitting each tenants door and people began to come out.

Others rushed with stick, hammer and different weapon as they began to force the door open.

With my tiny legs, I ran outside the gate looking for Tumo but he was nowhere to be seen.

As I ran back inside, rushing back to the locked door where several noise was coming from at this time, the gate opened and my uncle and Aunty were home.

I ran to them shouting “f!re

I called my uncle to come help Tumo’s parents who are stúck inside and can’t get out.

I was panting real hard like I just ran a marathon.

My aunty began to scream on seeing the fire and knowing that people were actually inside.

My uncle and Aunty ran and as everyone joined in forcing the door open, I saw Tumo standing at a distance.

I guessed he just walked back inside

The neighbors were able to open the door and everyone was safely brought out with no hârm.

Only their cloths and chairs búrnt up

They were able to put out the f!re.

As they were outside, Tumo stood forming innocent of the whole act as they kept asking how the f!re got into their house and who lócked them inside.

He said he was reading outside and decided to urinâte and didn’t see who did it

I heard his father thanking God that Tumo was okay

His mother said his enémy want to destróy them.

I felt a cold liquid on my knees and touched it, it was bløød.

I sustained injùry from the fall but I was bóiling with anger as I watch Tumo.

I wanted to b!te, k!ck and breàk his skúll but I was little and can’t do much.

Neighbors gathered up that night outside, including the landlady and her family who also Live in the same compound but her own building was different from the tenants.

Everyone wondered how the f!re got in

My mouth was scratching me to talk but I had feârs

I stood close to my aunty

I was hungry and tired but I wasn’t feeling sleepy because I can’t seem to fully process the whole incident that took place.

Uncle Gbenga called out to me.

“Ama, you’re the one that came to call me, you’ve been sitting outside waiting for your people to return, did you by chance see anyone that did this or anyone suspecious..”

Everyone turned to look at me

All eyes were on me.

Is now up to me to tell them who was behind it or to keep quiet because they probably may not even believe me.

Also who knows the danger that will come knocking with the confession.

“She was not outside uncle Gbenga…” Tumo replied him.

“She was sitting outside when I was returning from work. If she was then she probably saw the person that did this w!cked act. The f!re started right from the window, meaning whoever did this planned it all out by locking the entire family inside and started a fire outside through the window…”

Everyone chorused different thing.

I looked towards Tumo and he stared at me with his dev!lish decis!ve eyes

Is he trying to thre@ten me with those look because the only thing I see when I look at him is dreádfulñéss, S@tan with invisible horn acting like angel.

“Ama…did you see anybody walk in, any stranger? did you see the man or woman that put f!re in Tumo their house..? My Aunty asked

“, I’m not sure she saw anything, she would have said. She was probably sleeping and didn’t see the person that did this..” my uncle said as he tries to dismiss people’s stare from me

“I saw the person..” I finally said.

I couldn’t just keep quiet or make everyone to continue believing that Tumo the culpr!t was an angel.

Tumo mother was already making accusâtions and indirectly accúsing some neighbors that she was not in good terms with.

If not that I witnessed it all happen, I couldn’t have believed that Tumo was capable of such ev!l.

Why will he do such? He wanted to k!ll his entire family, for what reason exactly

They were all fast asleep and didn’t even notice the f!re until I started hítting the door and going around looking for help.

Everyone turned towards me, they all stared at me like I was holding something precious to them.

No matter the outcome, I was determined to say the truth

Their easy going boy was not easy going at all.

The moment of truth is here.

Read this Awesome inspirational Story > TALITHA CUMI!

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(This is a real life tale)

Not fiction

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