Real Life Tale Final Part 3 – GranAmah’s Heart

Real Life Tale Part 1 - GranAmah's Heart

Real Life Tale Final Part 3 – GranAmah’s Heart

“…is Tumo..” I said quietly.

Some people didn’t hear me as they began to ask each other what I said.

“God forb!d b@d thing, it can never be my son. My son said he was reading and only stepped outside to peé and didn’t see who did this…” Tumo’s mother said

Everyone was shócked because of the person I mentioned.

“…is Tumo..” I repeated

“…I saw him, he was the one that put f!re in the house and ran out of the gate after that…”

“This can’t be true, not our darling Tumo..” somebody said.

“She doesn’t know what she is saying, she can call another person but not Tumo. Tumo that can’t even hürt a fly..” another said

“She is lyíng, she is a big li@r. I’m not the one and I don’t know who put f!re in our house..” Tumo said loudly

“We know she’s lyíng. It can’t be you my boy..” the father said.

My uncle, uncle Gbenga and my aunty seems to believe me.

My uncle asked me to explain how I saw him and I did.

I didn’t even care if anyone believe or not, what matters to me is that I have told them who was behind it

“..he was the one that locked the door, he walked to the window and used a matches to set the room on f!re, he started from the window curtain which dropped inside and began to búrn up things. I saw him ran out of the gate after he did that…”

“But he’s here. If he actually ran out of the gate he wouldn’t be here now. He would have ran away because of féâr of the unknown..” one neighbor said.

“Maybe we should check his pocket..he probably still has the key if he’s the one..” uncle Gbenga suggested and few others agreed

Tumo refused anyone touching him as he began to f!ght off anyone that comes close.

His Mom was saying they should leave him alone, he is innocent and can néver ever do such.

Uncle Gbenga and few others seeing he was begining to act susp!cious decided to go by force.

Tumo suddenly brought out a d@gger, one small kn!fe to scâre off anyone that comes close.

Gbenga, with others overpowered him

Collected the kn!fe

They held him on the ground as they began searching his pockets

They saw heavy amount of cash in the inner pant he was wearing and also saw the key.

They almost beát him to dèãth, even his father joined in the béâting.

They asked him where he got the money and he l!ed

His father collected the cash and said the money was his own.

Tumo has spent more than half of it already

The father realized that he has being accusing his wife wrongly all this while because he never thought his angelic son can do such

Tumo was beáten that night and he later ran away.

My uncle and Aunty said that they forgot all their things in the bus.

They have to go back to go and look for the commercial bus and they waited but didn’t see the bus driver.

It was getting late and being worried about me made them to start coming back.

They bought food since it was late to cook.

I couldn’t even eat after everything that happened that night.

I ate biscuits with children juice and went to bed.

I wanted to go back to my people after then

I had no interest in staying or seeing whatever they wanted to show me again.

I wanted to fly back home and remain with my people.

I have seen enough.

rumors has it that Tumo joined bád geng and was shót and he later became a minister in a church.

I don’t know how true that was because

we later moved out of the compound and I never heard anything about them.

As an adult, I look back and wondered how Tumo would have live with himself if he had succeeded in setting his parents and siblings ablâzé.

I still don’t know his reasons for wanting to do that at such a very young age.

Or why he made everyone believe he was a good kid all along.

I had so many questions I would have asked back then but all that matters to me is that no one was hürt and Tumo was caught.

I have not been able to forget that incident ever since then.

Not every “kid” is actually a kid.

#OpraDre Real Life Tale Real Life Tale Real Life Tale Real Life Tale Real Life Tale Real Life Tale Real Life Tale Real Life Tale Real Life Tale Real Life Tale Real Life Tale Real Life Tale Real Life Tale Real Life Tale

(This is a real life story)

The End

Read this Awesome inspirational Story > TALITHA CUMI!

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