PIA Episode 13 – 15 by Amah’s Heart

PIA Episode 1 - 2 by Amah's Heart

PIA Episode 13 by Amah’s Heart

I walked round the room, i open the window blind, I looked out and the view was just beautiful, wow, this is my room, a well decorated parlour is attached to the room, i have everythings right here, my fridge is stocked up, my cloths well hanged and arranged in my wardrop, my shoe rack filled with different types of shoes, then there’s the handbag section, it looks like I’m the daughter of a president, looking at my environment, and sincerely I’m still in shock, I’m still pinching myself to make sure this isn’t a dream, I still can’t believe that my life could take a drastic turn, so sudden, unexpected change, oh my God…it baffles me, I was moved to the main building that same day and when I slept in this lovely room on that first day I thought when I wake up the following morning it will be just a dream, this is the fourth week I have being sleeping and waking up to reality,

My boss who turn out to be my Dad pulled a party for me, he celebrated my 21st birthday and our reunion over the weekend, he took me to his company and introduced me to all his managers and staffs, he has taken me to different places, I loose count, journalist are still looking for a chance to speak to me, me and my Dad has attended three live interviews, and also appeared on television and magazines, I got tired of the paparazzi following us everywhere and i got tired because I’m not use to this kind of life, my dad needed to do something about it, and he quickly did, I still find it difficult calling him Dad but I know with time I will get use to it, life is very interesting on this side of the rich world,

Richie has also taking me on a horse ride, on our way home, he parked and held my hand to apologise to me and funny enough he also thank God that I screamed that day, and i thank God more for giving me that ability to stop him from committing such abominable act, it was just God,
My dad took me to one of his company party, he selected the dress and shoe that I wore to the party, he always opens the car door for me, he treats me like I’m still a Baby girl, like I’m so special, it was just too much so I told him to stop treating me like a baby, and he smiled before saying

“Pia, I will keep treating you like a baby because I was given another chance to have you back into my life, not everybody gets this kind of second chance and as long as I live you will always be ” daddy’s baby girl “Pia you will forever be my baby, I don’t know if I will ever get enough of you in my life, all I have is yours Pia, my life is complete because you stepped into it, do you really understand how I feel…i wish is possible for you to open my heart right now and see for yourself, my heart is filled with bubbles of joy, have you ever want something so bad and loses hope in getting the thing and then suddenly it appears, like magic, unexpectedly, you are my diamond Pia I will forever cherish you, I would have love so much to watch you grow up, to change your diapers and rock you to sleep, but I missed out of those important part of you growing up, I was foolish and it was a terrible mistake, I regretted denying you at pregnancy and I was dealt with, because when I wanted you, you were nowhere to be found and I just knew my sin caught up with me, probably I would have married your mother and you will have brothers and sister, but life took a hard different turn for me, I had another chance when I have loosed hope of having you and God brought you home to me, God brought you home to me Pia..I..I can’t thank God enough, He led you down to work for me, I was living under same roof with my own daughter all this while without even knowing, who I saw as a girl who has being through so much, I decided to support this helpless girl not knowing she was my daughter, Richie could have had his way with you not knowing you are his niece, oh my God…uuuuh! but God…merciful God who sees my repentant heart and knew that I have silently suffered so much for my past sin protected you…God is good Pia, It seems like a dream to me, God brought you home to me and whatsoever you open your mouth to ask will be all yours, i know you are still finding it difficult to settle in, i know you still find it difficult to call me Daddy, i understand Pia, I do, I haven’t being a good father, you suffered because of me, they maltreated you and called you a bastard because of me, you were starved and look so thin and malnourished because of me, sorry is not enough for all you went through, I can’t imagine somebody born of a woman calling my own daughter a bastard, Koh or whatever her name is.. she was lucky because I wasn’t in your life then, she and her whole family should go and thank God, she and her husband would have being cooling off in jail by now if i had known earlier but I have no case against them Pia, because I wasn’t a good father either, she called you a bastard because she thought you don’t have anybody, but you do now, you are no more a bastard, you have a father who loves you with his life, and is ready to go extra Mile for you, you have everything at your disposal, my wealth is yours, I am happy.. So so happy because my hopes has come back to life, I’m sorry if I embarrass you often with my tears…they are tears of joy, do you see the magazine my company made for us, we appear on the cover of Chez international magazine, do you see the way the people’s world news carried it, it was also on the recent news headline, when i picked up news paper from my office desk yesterday, our story was on the first page, the first thing I saw was the owner of K Brown international limited reunite with his daughter after 21years, and the news followed suit, do you know that some people can’t still believe this our testimony, is too much of a truth, God still answers prayer Pia, God is good…

“All the time.

My Dad was getting my papers ready to go study abroad, he cancelled the plan to continue my education here, I’m leaving the country soon, he wanted me to attend one of the best university abroad, so once everything is ready I will be out, the joy in my heart is overfilled,

Jerry came back from his journey and came to visit us, as usual I ran to give him a warm hug and to fill him in on my new transformation, but he already knew, he told me he saw me on television while he was away and was surprise too, it baffles him, the news seems to be everywhere now, God used Jerry to lead me to my father, Jerry was so happy and he thanked God for choosing him to be the vessel that reunite me and my Dad,

I wanted to go check June today in school so I ask Jerry to go with me, and we drove down, I know June will be bigger now because is almost four years I saw her last, she will also be in a higher class now, so on getting there we waited till break time, and we went to the school security and tendered all our information, when they saw the name I wrote PIA K BROWN, they started whispering within themselves while smiling for me, we waited at the school reception while they went to fetch her, the moment she saw me she ran and threw herself on me, I carried her like a Baby, she was still slim but taller now, she cried like a child in my arms, and I couldn’t hold back my own tears on seeing my little friend again, it was because of her I didn’t spend another night begging for bread in the street, I was able to locate my Dad, June saved me by giving me her snacks money and with a note to let me know she will be praying for me, she was an angel, she stood by me even in her parents house, I can never repay her and Jerry for their kindness,
My phone was ringing, so June gently loosened up and sat down, Jerry was also there, she hugged Jerry too, i checked the caller and just as expected it was my Dad

“Hello Pia, just want to make sure you are safe, is Jerry there with you…

” yes Dad… I’m fine, meeting with June like I told you before leaving the house…

“Yeah, I know dear, please be safe and if possible you can invite your little friend over for saturday, we will be going for a horse ride and picnic this Saturday, I know she will love it, except if Koh, her mother will have other plans once she knows where the invitation is coming from,

” oh Dad, Richie planed to take me to the movies on sat, Sonia will also be coming with us, as for June I Will find away to get her to come with me but if not then I will wait for another time, but we are not horse ridding again this weekend maybe next one Dad…

“Richie will not allow me to enjoy my pretty daughter again, he is always going ahead of me, hahahaha, I’m joining you guys in this movie, I don’t Want to be left out, but only if you approve because you are the boss lady now, Richie can not spend the most wonderful moments with you more than me, I also want to fill your mind with good memories so that you will forget how the past was like, and when you finally leave the country to study you will have a lot of things to remember home, because I will always be home praying for my beautiful daughter..

” alright Dad… We Will talk more when I get home, June only has thirty minutes break and we have already spent ten out of it, just want to make good use of the 20minutes left before the break will be over, please let’s have a comfortable gist when I get home I may even allow you to join us for the movies because I’m the boss lady now…hahahaha, Dad I have to go..

“Hahahaha.. Alright boss lady, my kind greeting to June, and please be good, I have no worry because Jerry is there with you, I will get your favorite food ready before you get back, then you will rate my cooking skills better than the last time…oh..oh I can’t just stop talking, please be safe, bye…

June smiled again before saying

” wow Pia, you have totally transformed, If not that they mentioned my visitors name was Pia K Brown and Jerry Smith, I wouldn’t have known it was you, I met Jerry once, I can still recognized him, I also saw you on TV, entertainment show with your Dad, nobody believed it was you, mum, dad, Lano and Midi did not believe, mum said you were probably dead somewhere and has rot away, because you are a nobody and even if you are alive you are probably pregnant with a bastard child like your mother, or prostituting yourself for bread to feed, nobody believed that you are the missing daughter of the wealthy K Brown, mummy said it was very unfortunate that you are bearing the same first name with K Brown’s daughter, but I believed, although you have changed a great lot and unrecognizable but I believed it was you, although it was quiet shocking but it was one if the miracles I prayed for that you will find real happiness, I also prayed that you will come looking for me someday and the day has come, I’m in higher class now, Lano is in the university and Midi joined her last year, Dad is not having money like before, he said once Lano and Midi finishes school they should go and get a job to support the family…pia there’s another important thing I have being praying for, I have being praying for Cecelia, mum’s new house help, since you left, she has gotten two helps and one ran away the other stole dad’s money and mum’s jewelries, yes she actually stole it with other things and left, nobody was around when it happened, mummy cried when she saw her empty jewelry box, and swore she will never get another housemaid but after few months she got tired of the chores and got Cecelia, Cecelia is not so strong or young like you, she is really going through alot in mum’s hand, she is a poor orphan pia, and she is older too, she has spend two years with us and it has being a terrible experience for her Pia, mummy is using all the old annoyance she stored up for the girl that stole her jewelries and money on innocent Cecelia, mum starves her too, she hardly eat, I have being praying for her so that she will find the courage and run away but she doesn’t have anywhere to go, please can you help her Pia please

God has answered June’s prayer because my Dad need a housekeeper, a replacement for me, help has located Cecelia today, please let’s go and rescue her from Aunty Koh.

PIA Episode 14 by Amah’s Heart

Jerry was busy with work the day I was suppose to go meet with Cecelia, June gave me the necessary information about how to locate her,
My Dad got a car for me and a well built driver, who looks like a bouncer, my dad thinks i need a body guard, so he got the huge man, who will be driving me for the main time before I leave the country, I told him I don’t need a body guard or a driver because two months from now I will be gone, I insisted so he decided to teach me how to drive by himself and Jerry too thought me in his spare time,
now I know how to drive, ,
So I drove my car to see Cecelia, it was a two hours drive, i still put the learners sign as daddy insisted,
i parked at a place waiting for her, June told me that she Will be going to the market today so i waited,
After sometime I saw slender lady, not more than twenty eight or thirty, she was walking so fast, I guess that was her, she fit into the picture, just the way June described her, so I quickly came down and waited until she got closer

“Hi…Cecelia.. I’m Pia, I don’t need to ask you how you are doing because the answer is obviously written on you, June sent me to you, the girl has being praying for you and God has answered her prayers again, I guess you are going to the market..

” hmm..yes ma..

“I’m not ma, don’t call me ma call me Pia, and I’m here to help you, I once live with Aunty Koh and her family for almost ten years, it was years of hell for me too, she’s not just being wicked to you wickedness lives in her, she’s ill tempered I don’t know if she will ever gets better

” I have hard so many things about you Pia, so many bad things from Aunty Koh which I can’t really tell you, but June.. Oh June she’s just a sweet loving child unlike her siblings, she told me not to believe anything her mother says about you, and she do tell me that she’s praying for me but I never takes her serious, what can a prayer of a little girl do,

“Do not underestimated the power of prayer and positive words, is one of the reasons I’m still breathing, I use to doubt like you but today I can loud it with a trumpet that God is not dead, he sees and he hears, so are you ready to get the freedom you yawn for, are you ready to be Free from aunty Koh, I got job and accommodation for you, and you will never go hungry again, I don’t want to force anything on you Cecelia, you need to make this decision yourself, you need to make a choice,

” I have always wanted freedom, yes I’m ready even now if is real, I so much want to be free but realize there’s no freedom in this world, life is so difficult, I don’t even know how to smile again, I have live with different people and being with different people, and I learnt that people will always treat you like trash when they realize that you are a nobody, i have being so unlucky with everything, with love too, empty promises Pia, some men will promise heaven and earth to you before crossing your leg but once they achieved that they bid you goodbye leaving you shattered, having nobody to call for help in time of need is just another painful part of life to the unfortunate, I was stranded then I heard a woman was looking for maid, and it was Aunty Koh, the first time I met her she seem like a nice person, I was happy, she told me she will be paying me a certain amount, which was little because she will be accommodating and feeding me and I jumped at the offer, even if she doesn’t pay me but having food to eat and a place to lay my head would have being OK for me, is being a terrible experience so far Pia, I can’t described how terrible it has being, she slaps me and stone me with anything that is at her reach, she threw her high hill shoe on me last week and it landed on my head and I was in pull of my own blood, I could have being gone but where will i go to, nowhere, I loose hope on God, if he ever existed is not for somebody like me, why will a loving God watch bad things happen to good people, the evil people keep prospering and the poor keep being their servants… Is saddening..I have no friend, no parents or even relatives, life is not fair

“I use to ask God such questions too but that never stop him from being God, God does things according to his own timing not your own, and this is God’s time for you to smile again Cecelia, i Will drive you down to the market and you will buy all you were sent to buy and I will give you extra Cash to buy even more things for aunty Koh, that will be your goodbye gift to them, she always say her maids steals from her so I want us to dry words from her mouth, let’s surprise her, by the time she Sees all the whole packs filled with food stuffs and wears she will remain speechless for the rest of her life, after the whole shopping I will drive you back and help you offload everything, then you will carry everything inside, once you are done just come out let’s start going, I will be Waiting for you,

And that’s what happened, Cecelia was out after she did as I told her, as she stepped out if the gate I watch her removed her sandals in front of Aunty Koh’s gate, she clap the two sandals together like she was dusting it at same time saying something’s after she was done she wore her sandals back and came to join me in the car, I quickly asked her the meaning of what she just did and she said she dust off every bad luck from Aunty Koh and family that will follow her, and she prayed that aunty Koh will never find another child born of a woman to use as slave again,
I just laugh and we drove home, the journey back home took another two hours drive,
Cecelia quickly settles in, she was going to be living in the staff quarters, my Dad and everybody in the house were cool with Cecelia as she began work,

Just about six weeks and I Will be leaving, Jerry hasn’t being himself of recent, I noticed and asked him if he was alright and he smiled and nodded,

dad’s friend always visit with his son who is two years older than me, the young man who’s name was Frank studied abroad and he speaks like the Americans, he was also handsome and Frank father want me to go on a date with Frank before traveling out, he said it in a funny way but I know he meant it, Jerry who has being acting so cold of recent was also there, Jerry stood up and went outside,
I know he is worried because I will soon be off and he doesn’t know how to tell me his concern about me leaving, I will really miss him too, yes, i will, but is just for few years and I will be back, i will still be visiting home too,
Frank took a walk with me one day and he held my hand as we walk round the big compound, he told me he’s in love with me, I just smile because i don’t feel same way,
I feel so connected with Jerry not Frank, I told Dad to tell his friend that I can not date his son because I’m dating somebody already even though that was a lie, Dad laughed and ask me to be bold enough to tell Frank how how i feel, i shouldn’t be scared of anybody, because one day and very soon i will be in charge of his business,
so one day Jerry visited, he wanted us to spend cool time together before I travel, so I was sitting by the swimming pool gisting with Jerry when Frank drove in and walked up to me, he suddenly bent over and kissed my two cheeks and just when he was coming to my mouth I sat up, Jerry excused us and walked away, I was not happy that Jerry left
So I used that opportunity to tell Frank that we can’t be lovers, I can’t love him the way he want and I’m already in a relationship, he was not happy and pleaded but heaven has sealed my word because I wasn’t going to change my mind for anything, not so easy, love suppose to be mutual not one sided,
because his dad is well connected and a friend to my dad and he want to seal their friendship by wanting his son to marry me, Frank is already acting like he owns me, I don’t like that, Dad wants me to handle this myself and that’s what I’m doing

Jerry was inside his car when I met him, I apologies for the interruption and he smile and said he just want me to be happy, I don’t understand him because I’m Happy,
he looked at me like he has never did before, I even thought he was going to kiss me, he looked at my eyes and down to my mouth, he then took my hands into his and at that moments I thought he was going to say what I have always wanted him to tell me but he just open his mouth shut it again, then he closed his eyes for few seconds rubbed his hand together, he was uncomfortable, he wants to say something whatever it was he was struggling to say it,
He later asked me if I will like some sea food and I nodded even though I just want to make him happy, and that is not what he wanted to tell me, so he drove me down to sea food restaurant

I know Frank will not easily give up, he will keep trying until he wins me over
And all I wish is for Jerry to tell me whatever that is bothering him before I travel out, Jerry is very outspoken I just wonder why he is finding it difficult of recent to speak to me,
I know I love him but I’m waiting for him to tell me how he feels first
Until then I have to get ready for my journey which is a week from now.

PIA Episode 15 by Amah’s Heart

As Jerry dropped me at home that day, and just when I was I about to open the door and step down he held my hand and as I tuned he bent over and planted a kissed on my lips, just as I have anticipated, I have always looked forward to this so we locked lips for sometime before loosing up, and he sat back,

“I have always wanted to do this Pia, for a very long time now, but I don’t want to be out of line, I love you Pia, so much, even before you came to know that Mr Ken was your father, I will probably say I just got connected with you right from the first day, but whatever I did for you I did it with a clean mind, I wasn’t expecting anything back, I was just working according to Gods direction, I saw darkness, so much sadness in your eyes even without knowing your story and I vow to bring light to those eyes again, you were first on my priority list, I was just a young man trying to follow my dreams when I met you years back, and I have being thought the power of outspoken words so I wanted to teach you to speak positively about yourself…always.. no matter what the situation maybe, it was my first word to you when I first met you if you can remember, You were put on my path so that I can guide you through, I was constantly praying for you that God will help you to believe that he loves you first before anybody, it was just a year ago I found out I was always thinking of you, even when I’m on a journey the only person that occupies my mind was you, I didn’t even know how to approach you with such because I don’t want you to read a wrong meaning to it, I love you Pia, I do but I’m not forcing you or making you feel you owe me anything, no, you don’t owe me anything, not even your love, if you love frank I will always be here as your friend, I will never ask you more than what you can give, I watch you and Frank and I think he loves you, his father is also a friend of your dad, your father, Mr Ken will not want you to make any mistake or to be forced to do anything, neither will I, just follow your heart and allow it to guide you well, I just feel…kinda… jealous when I see him with you but I try not to be, because you have every right to love anybody you want, i…i just want you to be happy Pia, you have seen too much sadness at your young age, and I’m happy you are beginning to feel what real happiness is like, I’m glad when I see you happy, that period I went looking for you after you left June’s mother’s house, it was the most sad moment for me, I thought I have loosed you, I thought something bad has happened, I couldn’t even sleep, I was hearing this still voice asking me to pray for you, I prayed like I have never prayed before, because I know we live in a world filled with evil, many perverts were on the loose and still on the loose, looking for the innocent soul to devour, many evil people are looking for a vulnerable young girl to make their sacrificial lamp, I prayed until my whole body was covered up with sweat, I was so privileged to be used by God to bring you home, and I also thank God for your little friend June, i have watched you grow to be a strong woman that you are, handling every challenges life threw at you without breaking down, you are my true definition of a strong woman, and I’m blessed to know you Pia, I became more spiritually strengthened because of you, and I will never stop praying for you even when you travel out, I will always be your true friend like I have always being, I promise you that…I will really miss you , I will so much miss you while you are gone, but I will carry you in my heart like a treasure, I will always look back and remember the wonderful moments we share together, I feel so happy having you close to me, and I will cherish every moment we have spent together…

I was already in tears as I listen to Jerry speak, I have looked forward to this moment and was almost giving up, I thought it will never come, I gently went into his arm and he held me very close, while still saying he was going to miss me, I told him I love him, I loved him now and I will always love him, I could have being disabled by aunty Koh, raped by the crazy men under the bridge, ended up as a street beggar without ever knowing who my father was, sometime when I’m alone in my room all I want to do is to sing out my thanks to God, he saved me from what could have killed me, through the help of a young man named Jerry and a little girl called June, who made me feel I was somebody, they made me feel I was important, I could roll from edge to edge and is not enough to show God my gratitude, I looked deeply into Jerry’s eyes as they sparkle with tears and I assured him that I will forever love him and we sealed up our love with another memorable kiss,

A day to my leaving I was in my room when I heard a knock and I opened the door it was my dad, he smiled as I ushered him in, he sat beside me and he started speaking

“I feel like not letting you out of my sight, I wish while you are gone I will press a button and you will appear physically again back home, I wish I can say you shouldn’t go and look for any good school around the country for you to attend so that I can be seeing you everyday but I just have to hold myself from all that thought, I want you to have a great experience not just to go and study, if it was just to study I will put you in one of the best schools here, I want you to have nothing but the best out of life, while you are there… don’t just read alone or memorise books from page to page, have some fun too, go surfing, tour around the country and outside the country, attend dance and music classes, attend live shows, make friends, experience life in another dimension, be happy, send videos of your activities to me, and help me to smile from here while watching you laugh, you will always be my little girl… always remember that, I will miss you Pia, but there’s no problem, I may travel down to pay you a visit and check up how you are faring over there, anytime you need me just know i will be on the next available flight coming over, I will always be your super dad, your super man,I know you love Jerry, and he loves you too, he is a good young man, and he will make a great husband someday, while you are out there making friends and enjoying life do not forget there’s a young man called jerry who will never give up on you, he will be there for you both rain and sun, if you ever have a change of mind while you are there, and you feel you love another or your feeling is divided between jerry or somebody else, please call me before you make any decision, all I want is nothing but the best, and we have avoided talking about another important thing all this while…and that is your mother, we both hurt you, me and your mother, I know that, I denied you and she abandoned you and nobody has ever hard of her since when she got married and moved out to another city with her spouse, but we can’t deny the fact that she is your mother and will always be, she bore you with pain and rejection in her heart, putting you behind her must have being a painful decision for her to make, it was either you or her new life which includes a husband who will put roof over her head and food on a plate so she made a choice that will favour her, and I bet you she must have regretted her choices, would you love to see her someday…

“mmmm…yes dad, I do…I do wonder what it will feel like to really know what my mother looks like, hmmm…I cant remember what she looks like, except that you told me she looks like me, I have forgiven her even before now, we all make mistakes, she is not perfect neither am i, i wish to get a mother’s hug someday, I know you have being a great dad but i can’t still deny the fact that… I was born of a woman, and I pray I will meet her someday, I can’t wait for that day to come, reunite with my mother, thank you dad for everything, is as if I have known you all my life, I will truly miss you and don’t worry about me having a divided feeling for jerry, that will not happen, I will remain focus, and will always try to be a daughter you will be proud of.

He gently drew me into a warm hug, while blinking back tears that clouded his eyes, he prayed for me before leaving,

Richie also came later after my dad left and we talked and he asked me if I will able to fly down for his wedding, he said he doesn’t want me to miss out or he will come over and get me, we both laughed, he was planning to marry Sonia soon after he complete his own house, which was almost completed, he has already engaged Sonia, I told him I will not miss his wedding, I will be there live, we gist and crack jokes and laugh some more before he return to his room,

And Jerry was around the following day, my flight was in the evening so I spent some quality time with Jerry, I got a call from somebody and it was June, she was hiding and calling me with her father’s phone, to wish me well, I was so happy to hear from her and she thanked me for saving Cecelia, and told me her mother has not being able to get anybody again to come work as maid after Cecelia left, she is still searching but has not being able to get anybody, June said she is very happy as her mother has not being able to get another maid who she will end up turning into slave, June said she will be praying for me as usual and will call me once she gets her own phone, i thought within me is probably what Cecelia did outside aunty Koh’s house the day i saved her that is working against aunty Koh not being able to get another maid, Jerry made me to understand that outspoken words are powerful.
I promise June not to worry I will always carry her in my heart and will send a smart phone to her once I settles in, she can tell her mother is one of her school aunty’s in abroad that sent it for her,
because her mother will never believe anything good will come from me, she still thinks I’m rotting away in the street begging for bread, but I will surprise her when the time is right,

after the call it was time, time to be on my way, I bid all the house workers, Mr Puff, the other security young man who was now my good friend, Cecelia, Ben and every other person around goodbye, I wish June was here too,

My dad drove me to the airport, Jerry was in the same car, while Richie and Sonia drove their own car to bid me a farewell,
And after the whole hugging and crying was over at the airport, we said our farewells and they waited until the air plane that i was in took off.

who knows when i will see the three important men in my life again, my Dad, Jerry and Richie. I’m looking forward to that day.

PIA Episode

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4 years ago

Awwww?? I am so happy for you Pia. I can’t wait for the day your Aunty will see you and know that you’re somebody now

4 years ago

What kind of a person is aunty Koh????

I wish you the very best in all your endeavors dear Pia.