NOT DEAD YET Part 5 – Uncle Nnamdi



Trying hard to maintain maximum composure, I resorted to silent prayers. If ever I would have to pick between dying by bullet wounds or a snake’s venom, I’d opt for the former. That way death would come much faster and not slow and agonizing.

The voices and approaching footsteps of the gunmen had signalled the Cobra of imminent danger and it became threatened and battle ready. Their flashlights ransacked the truck through until the thick waterproof covering that housed the backspace was finally parted. The threatened reptile swiftly launched an attack, spitting right into it’s victims eyes.

As the victim withdrew his face amidst panic, fright and a yell, another gunman drew nearer and stuck his head inside to see what was wrong. The Cobra let out another lethal attack, this time bitting his next victim in the neck. Chaos began, attracting the other men to the scene.

Both men dropped their guns and fell to the ground fighting for their lives. While the first man pulled off his mask in search of water to wash off the cobra’s spittle, the other tried pulling off the cobra’s fangs that had sank deep into his neck. The other men clustered around them trying to render assistance. At that moment, I found my feet and finally my way out of the truck. I crept out in the heat of the pandemonium and escaped through the other side.

I set out through the narrow pathway, running and falling. I was crying all the while, thanking God for yet another near death escape. My feet had become sore, my skin dry and almost peeling off during to the long extreme cold exposure. I soon found a huge tree and decided to rest a while underneath it. As I sat, life gradually began to leave me.

I had to put up a fight to stay alive. I watched my feet begin to wobble, my sight grew blurry and my heartbeat reduced drastically. I was slowly passing out until I heard a snap behind me. An ounce of strength suddenly jolt through me.

Right behind me was one of the gunmen. He was part of the search party, and he seemed already exhausted due to exertion. He was slowly heading for the tree to take a short rest.

I got up immediately, timing his movement so as to not be seen by him. I observed him closely as he unhung his AK-47 riffle off his shoulder, and dropped on his backside on the foot of the tree. He exhales afterwards and shut his eyes.

I looked around and found a wet tree trunk lying nearby, picked it up and tiptoed to his side, and with a heavy strike, aimed the trunk at his head. The fatal blow left a deep gash by the side of his head as blood began to splutter, but it wasn’t enough to kill him. I watched him fall and stagger back up. He charged for me but I quickly got out of the way. I brandished the trunk one more time and charged for him. Another head blow saw him crash to the ground. I immediately got ontop of him in a bid to finish him off but he grabbed me by my dress, tried flipping me over but only succeeded in ripping it. I hit him repeatedly with the trunk and he died shortly after.

Panting and gasping rapidly, I began to undress him. I took off my dress as well and got into his. I also picked up his mask and had it on. Got hold of his weapon and began making my way back to the heart of the forest.

As I walked through the foliages, I would collapse occasionally due to extreme exhaustion, but would always pick myself up. I also picked and ate some wild fruits i found on my way, scooped and drank muddy waters that clustered due to rainfall.

After a long tiring walk, I soon appeared before the cabin. I could spot a few masked men working around. They made hand gestures at me but I didn’t understand.

I soon sat on the grass after my legs could carry me no more, and then began observing the environment. More dead bodies had arrived and some men were already cutting them open for harvesting. I spotted Irene exit a tent as she walked right into the cabin. I cringed in fury.

I picked myself up again, adjusted my mask and wielded my gun closely. Slowly I began limping towards the cabin. The other men would stop briefly to stare at me but no one questioned me. I kept on with Irene in mind, whatever happens, I was prepared.

It was beginning to drizzle and the half moon was now slowly fading into the clouds in preparation for the crack of dawn.

“It’s now or never!” I muttered to myself “No in-between”

To be continued…

Úncle Nnamdi wrote it ✍️

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