Nobody Buys The Cow If They Can Get The Milk For Free – Without Blemish

Nobody Buys The Cow If They Can Get The Milk For Free - Without Blemish

Nobody Buys The Cow If They Can Get The Milk For Free – Without Blemish

Nobody buys the cow if they can get the milk for free! Have sense!

The first day I heard that saying I was bemused and for days I kept wondering what it meant. Yesterday on the radio, I heard a presenter ask why there are so many young unmarried people with children and yet they seem to be fine with it. The only answer I could come up with was that saying I heard a few years ago “Nobody buys the cow when they can get the milk for free!”

Today, it is becoming the status quo for young guys to have baby mama littered all over the place and several children out of wedlock because there are several young ladies out there who are willing to allow them access to their bodies.

Dear young person, dating or courtship is not a license to sex. That you are engaged and set to get married in a few months doesn’t make them your husband or wife so, NO SEX!

Dear young lady, no guy would marry you nor place value on you if he can touch you whenever he wills. If he indeed loves you as much as he professes then he would wait until he has done the right thing which is – MARRIAGE. Marriage with the consent of your parents. I mean legal, God-authorized, and parentally approved marriage.

Place value on yourself, you are worth far above rubies. You should be treated like what you are worth. You should be treated as the invaluable precious jewel that you are. But that treatment, honor, and respect will not come to you if you do not price yourself any less. People will accord you the same amount of respect you give yourself. If you come off as cheap, you will attract people who will treat you poorly.

Premarital sex does not only reduce your worth as a lady, or a guy, it is a sin to God. A grave sin that can jeopardize your destiny and alter the course of your life. God’s standard, thought and commandment has not changed, sex outside of heterosexual marriage is still a sin. Forget whatever name society chooses to sugarcoat it with, it is still fornication. And fornication is a sin to God and your body.

Nobody pays for an online course when they can get free access to it. Or who pays to have an eBook when they can get a free download? Have sense o.



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