MY WIFEπŸ‘°πŸ‘° IS A GHOST Part 5 – 7😱😱 by Samson Dreama


πŸ’πŸ’ EPISODE 5πŸ’πŸ’

One month later, Martins and Flora were done with their wedding and all of that, they were now living together..
But the strange thing is that Flora refused to do church wedding, after the court wedding, she said that she is very okay with the court marriage, and she doesn’t feel like having a white wedding, Martin found it hard to talk her into having a white wedding, after some days of argument, he finally let her be,when she threatened that she will leave the marriage if he insist on having a white wedding..
Martins was very confused, and the love he has for Flora made him not to be thinking straight, his father has talked to him, to leave the girl and get married to another girl, but Martins was not even having it, he told his father that he wants to respect his wife decision because he loves her and wouldn’t want to loose her for any thing sake….
Martins father gave up, since he couldn’t help the situation…

Flora mother who was gradually healing from the heartbreak she had when her daughter died, with the help of her siblings and their children, she felt loved again, and they even took her out of the village, she is staying with her niece who lives near the village.
She is always having this peace of mind that she doesn’t know where it’s coming from.and with the way her niece is treating her, just like a daughter should treat her mother,the woman was gradually getting over the heart break.

Two months later, Flora was confirmed pregnant by their personal doctor, and she was very happy, she told martins and he was also happy,
Flora’s business was moving forward,, she expanded her shop, money was flowing in, even out side her husband’s money, Flora was rich, but what marvels people is that she is doesn’t brag about her wealth, she was loyal to all, and she doesn’t have friend apart from her husband and workers,she doesn’t mingle with the rich men wife, she is always on her own, many people said she is just being proud, but she herself knows why she is the way she is.

One year into the marriage, it has been terrible for Martins, after Flora gave birth to her child, which was twins, a boy and a girl..
She willed all she had to their name, and also made sure, she opened account for them.
Martins was surprised when he saw her doing those things, she was acting really strange, she was still very young and healthy, but the way she was sharing her things between her daughter and her son was very strange to Martins…
It started earlier that very month of March, when its night, Martins will start hearing an erie sounds, when ever he is entering the compound, there will be a serious goose bumps all over him, some times he will start vibrating like Nokia 3310, at first martins thought it was just his imaginations, but his fear grew more, the day he came back from work, it was very late, as he was about opening the gate, since his lovely wife Flora sacked the gate man the previous day, with no reason at all, when he asked, she said that she’s feeling insecure about the gate man, Martins was surprised about such statement, the gate man has been loyal to them since they employee him, but in order not to annoy his lovely wife, he decided to let the Matter die down.
When he wanted to employ another person, she said she will be doing the gate man work herself, that really marvelled him, but he decided not to say a word..
So as he came back that very day, he was about coming down from his car In order to open the gate, but surprisedly to him, the gate started opening, he was surprised but decided to drive in, he thought that maybe his wife has decided to employ another gate keeper that very day, but he got shocked when the gate was being closed, he came down from his car and checked, there was no body there, goose bump filled his body, he walked to the security house, he shouted, who is there, but no one replied him, he switched on the light, but the light refused to come up, he tried using his phone, but his phone didn’t come up, he decided to go out of the security house, immediately he closed the door, the security house light came up, Martins was very scared, it was as if there is some one walking around the compound, he switched on his phone light, but there was no one there, they don’t have neighbours, the house that they were living, belonged to him… He was certain that the house was really hunted. But why will it start recently, after 12 months of living in peace in the compound.

Martins entered his house, he met his wife Flora, breast feeding her kids, he was breathing heavily, because he ran inside the house, when he felt some one passed him,

β€œ honey, why are you painting, who is after you” Flora asked Martins who was looking very terrified.
β€œ did you employ any gate keeper?” Martins asked his wife
β€œ not really, what happened to you?” Flora asked Martins…
β€œits fine, am just stressed out” Martins replied her, while rushing to the bathroom to shower because he was very hot….

Few days later, it seems like everywhere was fine, no weird sounds at night, no gate opening on its own, Martins felt relaxed, he was not scared any more, but not until the day he was at the office and his door that was closed opened and closed with full speed, he jerked up and went to check who did that, but, he did not see anyone, he went back to his laptop that he was using to record some filles that was sent to him by his secretary, but the door closed and opened again and his laptop also closed and opened like some one used anger to close it, Martins with fear rushed out of the office like some one that is running mad, his secretary that was even heading to his office, he pushed her down while running with speed…
Martins dun enter🀣🀣🀣🀣

πŸ’πŸ’ EPISODE 6πŸ’

    While Martins was running to the reception, his secretary that he pushed down was very scared, she had to join him and ran out too, when she got to where he was standing panting very high...

β€œ sir what is the problem, what is chasing you, I was heading to your office to let you know that the company of Mr Elias has approved the contract, but I saw you running like you are being chased by a lion” the secretary asked Martins who was almost resumed his running when the secretary tried to catch up with him.
β€œI’m sorry, I don’t mean to push you, I’m very fine” Martins told the girl who didn’t believe him…
β€œ Okay sir, if you said so, I was about giving you this documents to go through it” the lady gave him the file which she came to give to him…
β€œ okay, thanks, but please, don’t tell anyone what happened today please, let it be a secret between us please” Martins pleaded with the secretary with his hand that was shaking like he was having fever…
β€œ okay sir, noted sir” the girl said….
Martins walked back to his office, only to see some one who was sitting down on his table, the person faced the window that is in his office, he was very scared that he didn’t even think twice or ask any question, he ran off and entered his car..,
When martins got home, he rushed to the bathroom to cool off his head, his wife was in the kitchen preparing food while his kids were sleeping, when Flora was serving food on the table, Martins walked out and joined her in the kitchen, as a normal human, she would have asked her husband why he was coming back so early, but rather she told him welcome and served him food, Martins was not surprised that she didn’t asked him why he came back earlier than usual, he already knew that she won’t ask him, she behaves strange this days….

Two days later, Martins was being seriously tormented, both when he is sleeping and when he's awake, he will be feeling a strange presence, but he doesn't know what it's all about, he has tried so much to neglect it, but it's growing worst each day, and the worst part of it is that is a woman that is tormenting him and he doesn't want to tell his wife about it, because he doesn't want her to be scared, so he decided to deal with it on his own, he doesn't sleep at night, immediately he closes his eyes, he will see a woman crying and begging for mercy, her wailing will be so high that he will have to jump up from the bed, but his wife will be sleeping very comfortable.

The next day in his office, a woman came to his office, she greeted him which he answered, but he was surprised that the secretary didn’t call or text him or even come with the lady to his office, rather the lady came on her own, he offered her a seat, she sat down, he asked her that why didn’t she meet the secretary? But the lady replied him that she didn’t see anyone at seat, he was surprised because with the screen in his office, he is seeing his receptionist at the reception, and the secretary in her office, fear gripped Martins, but he tried to comport himself, he asked her what does she want, the lady smiled and told him that she has a contract for him, that the contract Worth’s billions of naira, but Martins didn’t say anything, he was just staring at her,
After she has finished saying all she wanted to say, he asked her what her name is, but the lady said it’s not important, he asked her why did she think her name is not important, atleast they should do formal introduction, before moving to business,
The lady told him that she knows everything about him, but he doesn’t need to know any about her, she asked him to think about the contract, immediately she walked out of the door, Martins tried to catch up with her because he doesn’t understand what she is saying, but when he opened his office door, he didn’t see any one, he called the securities to lock the gate and send the woman that is outside back to him,
But he was more shocked when the security was asking him which woman he’s talking about, because they have not opened the gate for anyone today, apart from the staff
β€œ what do you mean that you have not opened the gate for anyone today except the staffs, am talking about the chocolate lady who you opened the gate for, ten minutes ago” Mr Martins who was loosing his temper shouted at the security man.

β€œ Boss, am serious, no client has entered this gate since morning, I have been at my post, so if anyone had entered, I would have being the one to open the gate for her or any one.” The security guard explained to Mr Martins, who was now scared,
Martins ran to the reception and ask the receptionist if he saw any lady that passed through the entrance, the receptionist who was shocked because he has not received any one since he resumed. Mr Martins was surprised and confused,
β€œ what do you mean that no one has entered here since you resumed, and what time did you resumed or are you just coming now?” Mr Martins asked the receptionist who was looking at him very confused of what is happening…
β€œ Sir, I didn’t receive any one today, and I resumed work since 7:30″ the receptionist answered Mr Martins who confusion was written all over his face.
β€œ okay, get the CCTV footage for me right now” Mr Martins commanded while sitting at the reception because he was even scared going to his office, after some while, the secretary came out of her office, heading to his office, but when she saw him at the reception, she went to deliver what he asked her to work on,
β€œ sir am through with the corrections on this file” the secretary said to Martins who didn’t notice her presence when she walked into the reception, he flinched when the girl tapped him, he jumped up from the sit almost when running when the girl stopped him..
β€œ sir it’s me, favour, why are you running, I have been calling you since five minutes that I came here and it’s your mind wasn’t here, that was why I tapped you, am sorry if I scared you” the secretary said to Mr Martins when he finally stopped on his track,
He was looking very terrified, he was about talking to her when the receptionist and the security came to him with the CCTV footage, he took it to his office while asking the receptionist and the secretary to follow him to his office, they obeyed him and followed him to his office, but the secretary was confused, she doesn’t have any Idea of what is happening.

When they got to his office, he started to play all the records of the day, but as he was about giving up, that was when their eyes caught something strange..
They didn’t see any human coming, instead, it was a weavon they saw crawling into the compound, it was just as if, it was a breeze that blew it, and it passed through the reception, but when it got to Mr Martins office, it changed to a very fine lady that is chocolate in complexion, and it was still the same person that came into Martins office, they were all scared of what was displaying on the screen in Mr Martins office, the one that terrified them the more was that when she left the office, they didn’t see any other thing outside his office, nor outside the compound,
They looked at themselves, not knowing what to say, Mr Martins was already drenched by his own heat under an air conditioner, the secretary was very scared, it was only the receptionist that seems to be a little bit strong,
β€œ Does ghost really exist or this is just a programming done by you, Felix?” Mr Martins asked the innocent Felix who doesn’t know anything about what they just saw..
β€œ sir, I don’t know anything about this , at least from the video, you saw that I was writing when the weavon passed like a breeze, I don’t know anything, and I don’t think ghost exist” Felix said to Mr Martins..
β€œ Sir I think ghost really exist” the secretary favour was saying when they heard a knock on the door, they looked at their self one after the other, the office became as silent as if a ghost just passed, the knock came again, and the person was trying to open the door, immediately when the door finally opened they all shouted and held themselves together, shouting β€œ blood of Jesus, blood of Jesus”
β€œ Boss, favour, Felix, what is the problem, why are you guys scared, I was knocking and no body answered me that was why I decided to open the door by my self” Mr Martins personal assistant told them as he entered into the office fully and saw the people that was forcing themselves to enter under the boss’s table, he was surprised and amused at the Same time, because the sight alone was very funny, imagine three adults struggling to enter under a small table that can barely contain one person…

When they found out that it was Mr Pablo, they got up and adjusted their clothes that was already rumpled due to them struggling to enter under a table that is as small as...

β€œ guys, what is happening, can someone explain to me why you were shouting like you saw a masquerade, even masquerade is friendly at times and people only run from it for fun, but you guys seems like you have seen a ghost” Mr Pablo asked them since they were looking at the window as if the ghost would come through there..
β€œ you mentioned ghost πŸ‘», does it really exist or you are just exaggerating?” Mr Martins asked Mr Pablo the moment he mentioned ghost..
Mr Pablo became more confused..
β€œ yes ghost do exist, at least I have experienced it during when my grandma died, her ghost was hovering around her our house, even in her room, you will be hearing her voice, but it stopped immediately she was buried, but why asking such strange question sir?” Mr Pablo asked Mr Martins who horror was written all over his face…
β€œ over there, just replay the video that just finished on my screen” Mr Martins told Mr Pablo…
When Mr Pablo finished watching it, he breathed heavily,
β€œ there is a problem sir, but this face is strange, I have not seen her near this environment before, did she drop her contact?” Mr Pablo asked mr Martins who was more scared than before.
β€œ not really, she didn’t drop her name talk more of number” Mr Martins replied..
Martins turned to favour his secretary and Felix his receptionist, β€œ this should not be heard outside or even be heard outside the four of us, do you understand?” Mr Martins said to them in a very shameful voice..
β€œ Sure sir” they chorused..
β€œ alright, favour tell everyone to leave the premises, you guys are resuming work on Monday and remember, don’t say anything to anyone” Mr Martins said to them, and they left,
β€œ Mr Pablo, I will meet you outside, let me pack my stuffs, so we can discuss outside” Mr Martins said to Mr Pablo who nodded and left to pack his own stuffs..

While Martins was still trying to pack his things, his window shut with force, hmm, martins didn't even bother to carry his bag again, come and see temple run activated, he even forgot to carry his car, not until Mr Pablo who was waiting for him outside, asked him to stop, because people has started watching already...

Mr Martins stopped, he came back to carry his car, that was when he remembered that his key was still in his office πŸ€£πŸ€£β€¦.

MY WIFE πŸ‘°πŸ‘° IS A GHOST 😱😱 πŸ’πŸ’ EPISODE 7πŸ’πŸ’

When Mr Martins found out that his car key is not with him, and going back to that office was not an option for him, he became stranded, but Mr Pablo decided to go get the car for him, Mr Martins tried to stop from going, telling him that in side there is risky , but Mr Pablo already left to get the key, When Mr Pablo got to the office, he checked and found the key, then he checked the window to know what happened to it that it closed by itself self, only for him to find out that where the rope that holds the window was tied, the hook went out because of the way Mr Martins and his people were pushing while trying to enter under the table, it was already loosed that was why the window closed forcefully, which made Martins ran out and refused to enter back and get his car keys, he was thinking it was the ghost that closed the window… When Mr Pablo went to meet Mr Martins in order to give him his car keys and his brief case that he left behind, Mr Martins was lost in thought, he has called him several but he was not replying him, had to touch making him almost jump out of his skin. β€œ Jesus, Jesus, ohh, why did you do that nah?” Mr Martins said after realizing it was Pablo that was tapping him.. β€œ Pablo bursted into laughter, sir, you really have to stop this, you are a man, why are you being scared like a woman, if you continue this way sir, you will get hypertension at an early age” Mr Pablo told Mr Martins who was seriously glaring at him for making him to panik again for the fifth time today.. β€œ Sir, what do you think will be cause of this thing that happened today?” Mr Pablo asked Mr Martins when they have settled in Mr Martins car, β€œ Honestly, I don’t just understand anything, I can’t even remember offending any one, I always hear about ghost this, ghost that, but I never knew it was real, I used to think it’s just a fake story cooked up in order to scare people something, but with what I saw on that screen, I think true that ghost really exist, but she was looking so beautiful and real, I don’t just understand why all this things is happening. ” Mr Martins said to Mr Pablo.. β€œ well, I have heard of haunted house, where some one will build his house with some kind of human sacrifice or Maybe some one was forcefully killed in that building and the person’s spirit is not yet at rest, but I’m very confused that it didn’t start last two years when we started using here, why will it be now” Mr Pablo said to Mr Martins.. β€œ but is there any solution to this kind of situation, because I don’t want this to continue, imagine me trying to hide under the table, not only that, dragging the space with my staffs, all because of fear, no nah, it’s a disgrace, imagine the height of insult I have insulted my self today while running out from my office, just because of a window that closed by itself, and the next thing, people will think am having insanity, I really need solution, no matter what it is” Mr Martins said to Pablo who was laughing at him when he was talking about him running out his office because of a window that shut it’s self, because he explained to him why his window closed by it’s self, when he came back with his car key and brief case, but he couldn’t stop laughing remembering the way his boss was jumping the stair case while running from nothing, β€œ why are you laughing, you think all this things is funny right, or you are making jest of me, well it’s not your fault, If you have any suggestions, let me know, because am loosing my mind” Mr Martins told Mr Pablo, who couldn’t stop laughing.. β€œ well, sir, I will take you to a place in my home town, that was where we found out why my grandma refused to rest, and they also gave us solutions to get rid of her spirit before her burial, we can go anytime” Mr Pablo told Mr Martins who listened to him very attentively.. β€œ okay, get prepared, we will be leaving tomorrow for the so called place” Mr Martins told Mr Pablo, who nodded at what his boss said… When Mr Martins got home, he was really exhausted because of all the running he has been running around like mad man, he hugged his wife who came to welcome him, he pretended like he was okay, because he felt that telling his wife all her has been experiencing will get her worried or scared.. She served him food when he was done with his shower, after eating,, he carried his little ones, then he proceeded to tell his wife about his urgent travelling the next day, he promised her that he won’t take long, and she agreed, after she advised him finish as a wife, should to to her husband.. The next day, Mr Pablo and Mr Martins left to Pablo home town, in order to seek solution for the situations at Mr Martins company. Mr Martins is not used to all this traditional things, he is just a Catholic church member, he can’t even remember the last he went to the village, but for him to get solution and peace of mind, he had to travel to a place he doesn’t even know anything about. When they got to Mr Pablo Village, his people welcomed him and Mr Martins very well, after they have settled down later in the evening, Mr Pablo told his mom about their reason of visiting the village, after their discussion, she agreed to take them to the place. Mr Martins was finding it hard to feel comfortable there, because he wasn’t used to all this village stuffs, but he decided to endure because if his mission to find solutions.. At night, Mr Pablo and his mother came to Mr Martins room, they told him that it was time for they to set out for the mission.. Mr Martins was very scared, β€œ how are we supposed to go out in the night, what if we meet another thing that we don’t need to see in the bush?” Mr Martins asked Pablo and his mother who were all dressed in a black garment and handing him a black garment for him to dress up and follow them out. β€œ Mr Martins, please stop asking all this questions, take the clothes and dress up, before you can ask any of your questions, there’s no time by our side and we need to do this fast so that we can return back to the city in the morning, I have missed my wife and children so badly” Mr Pablo told Mr Martins who sluggishly took the black garments and wore it, he went and collect his shoes but was stopped by Mr Pablo mother, β€œ my son, you don’t need any shoe, just tie your hair so that we can leave here and be back early” Mr Pablo’s mum told Mr Martins who was more than irritated on the journey he’s about to embark.. β€œ ma, you mean we are entering this bush at the back yard with bare foots or I didn’t get you well, pls explain ma, because I can’t go on bare foot to any where..” Mr Martins told Mr Pablo’s mum… β€œ my son, we are about to embark on a sacred journey, you must obey any instructions given to you, if you are truly here for a solution” Mr Pablo’s mum told Martin’s in a very harsh way because he was already getting on her nerves.. β€œ fine, no problem, let’s go, am through..” Mr Martins said to them when he noticed that Mr Pablo’s mum was not happy with all the questions he’s asking… Forty five minutes later, they finally got to a place that is high like a mountain, and there was several types of sculptures that was having fire on each of their heads, Mr Martins was just holding his patience because what his eyes has seen since he started this journey was something he has never imagined that it’s exist, but he was just keeping his cool because he doesn’t know what to expect if he should reacts.. While they were entering the bush, he saw some people that was carrying fire on their hands from afar, but when they got closer, he didn’t see anything there, the place was very much empty and silent, he wanted to scream when he saw something like a masquerade but it has a snake head, but he remembered what Mr Pablo told him before they started coming, Pablo had informed him earlier that if he sees anything, he should just pretend and do like he saw nothing. Finally they got to a place where there Was a very big tree there, it was decorated with many sculptures, different sizes and different colors of clothes was used to decorate it. When they got there, Mr Pablo’s mum knelt down, Pablo joined her, while he dragged Mr Martins who was busy looking around the places down, they all bowed and Mr Pablo’s mum made some Incantations, after some while, a man came out from the tree…. β€œ there’s a stranger in our midst, what has he come here for, speak noww” the juju priest instructed …. Mr Pablo touched mr martins who was already scared of what he saw, he was busy asking himself how a person will be living inside a tree, or is it magic or Chinese movie that he’s watching right now, he was brought back by the touch of Mr Pablo who urged him to speak to the juju priest about his problems, at first Mr Martins couldn’t speak, but when the juju priest told him that if truly he wants a solution that he should speak up and stop wasting the time of the gods, Mr Martins finally gathered some courage, he explained to him how he has been tormented by the ghost that he doesn’t know where and how or what he has done to any one or any spirit that made them to start tormenting his life, he told the juju priest that he wants to know the genesis of the ghost and also,he wants the ghost to stop disturbing him… The juju priest laughed and told him that the ghost is coming from far away, and he was the one that caused everything that he’s passing through… He still told him that in order to be free from the torment, he should buy a virgin goat, a dog that has only a female puppy, a cock that has never slept with a hen before, after that, he will be free… Mr Martins asked him how he’s going to get all those things, but the juju priest shut him up, telling him that no one ask him questions and go Scot free, that he’s going to pay for asking him questions…. …

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