MY WIFE👰👰 IS A GHOST Part 1 – 4😱😱 by Samson Dreama



         💐💐   EPISODE 1💐💐

Meet Martins, one of the cute young billionaire in town,
His family is abroad, he has spent all his life in America, he was born and brought up in America but his parents are Nigerians, his father has an oil company and that made him to be as wealthy as no other person in him home town, Mr Philip which is Martin’s father is a right definition of a philanthropist, he has made his village looks like a city, he has made sure that they had water and no more streams, he made sure his home town has a very good road, he always gives to the widows and less privileges food stuffs every three, three months, and that made everyone to love him,the king of his village has been begging him to take chieftaincy title but Mr Philip is not interested in any of that.

Mr Philip being a very good man, but his first son Martin is the opposite of him, though Mr Philip has three other children, but he chosed to love his first son more than every one of his children, and that made Martins to feel that every thing he wanted, he must get it.

Martins has no respect for any one, during his school days, he was one of the head of the gangstars in his secondary school, same as when he entered his higher institution, his father has advised him severally, his mom has done the same, because no months passes without martins getting into one problem or the other. Martins will always throw a party in his own house that his father bought for him, every Friday, martins is disturbing the neighborhood with his loud music and lousy friends, they will get drunk and do whatever they wish to do with the girls that will honor their invitation to the party, whereby killing some through rape, the police will always arrest all of them, but luckily for martins, he always escape the arrest because he has an underground building in his house which only him knows about, so the way he always disappears always marvels his friends.
The report got to Mr Philip, Mr Philip got very upset and sent his son back to Nigeria, thinking that he might learn his lesson in a hard way, when he has been beaten by rain or when the sun in Nigeria hits him small, but martins rather came back to Nigeria to do more evil.
💐💐 EPISODE 2💐💐

When Martin came back to Nigeria, his father handed him two of his companies to manage them, since he was a graduate and he was very intelligent,
Martins was angry at first, but when he learnt of how things in Nigeria are being done, the corruption and all of that, he decided to settle down fully in Nigeria and continue his evil doing.

Two years later, that martins was sent back to Nigeria by his father, the company was actually doing well, but martins has already useless almost the female workers working in the company, some of the girls willing allowed him to used them, thinking they have seen a nice guy, a cute CEO but they have no idea that martins is not who they thought he was, some of them who thought he was going to date them felt disappointed when they saw him with other ladies, and if he asks any of them out and they refuses, is either he sacks them or rape them to death and still finds his way out by bribing the law, this continued for a very long time.
Not until Martins did same thing to one girl, this girl is from a poor family, her old mother has struggled to train her to the university level, she has graduated and searching for job, she was lucky to have one in the company owned by Martins father, which martins was overseeing here in Nigeria.
She came with all the necessary things needed for the interview, fortunately for her, she got the Job, her mother who was in the village was very happy that her daughter has finally gotten a Job in the city,she danced and praise the name of the Lord for seeing her daughter through and providing a very well paying job for her after toiling the whole city searching for job, the company was paying very well, especially when you are a graduate with a good grade, Flora was one of those people with good certificate, which was why the company employed her among the twenty five people that came to search for the same work.

Two months later, Flora has been doing well with her new job, she makes sure she provides for her mother, Flora was just a twenty five years old girl, who refused to let her condition to define her, she made sure she read very well during her school days, because she doesn’t have money to sort the corrupt lectures or even repeat a class,
So she gave in her all to the work, but unfortunately for her one day Martins visited the company, because he doesn’t stay near the company, so he visits them twice a week, and that day was one of the day,
So while he was supervising everything, he met Flora at her own department, he appreciated her good works, Flora who doesn’t know who her boss Martins is, responded politely with a smile and focused on her work, not even being moved by his cuteness, she came to work and not to admire guys, she thought in her mind.
After the supervising, Martins went to his office, he sent for Flora being the accountant, she went, she didn’t knew that will be her end, she have not heard anything bad report about their boss, since everyone is minding their business in the company because of the CCTV camera that is sorroundering them, so no one has the opportunity to talk to any one or gist about anything.

When Flora entered the office, she met Mr Martins, who gave her his devilish smiles, but she didn’t respond to any.
“ you know, since the first day I saw you entering the company gate, I fell in love with you and I will love to have a taste of you pretty damsel” Mr Martins said to Flora who doesn’t understand what he was saying,
“ sir please, I don’t understand, is there any file I should get to you?” Flora asked him innocently, not aware of what is going on.
But Martins grabbed her, he tore her clothes, and had his way on Flora, Flora’s voice couldn’t be heard because of the sound proof door that was in Martins office, by the time Martins could have satisfied himself, Flora has passed out, and he didn’t try any way to revive her, the pains was much on her and the bleeding, it’s was actually her first time,
But martins instead left her there and pretended as if he did nothing.
It was closing time and everyone was already going home, but Flora has not still woke up,
Martins asked everyone to go and leave him alone, that he has things to sort out before going……

💐💐 EPISODE 3💐💐
When everyone has left the company, Martins rushed back to his office, only to meet the cold Flora lying dead on the floor, he shaked her to wake up, but Flora was dead, it wasn’t his intentions to kill any one, he just wanted to satisfy his urges, he was confused, but later on, he deviced a means to sort himself out, he carried her body, dumped it in his boot, he carried her and left the company that night, he doesn’t know what else to do, he dumped her body on the road side and took off to his house when he found out that no one was watching him.
Mean while, a man who were coming back party and decided to ease himself on the road already saw Martin’s when he was dumping something on the bush side, he hid himself but was fast enough to recognize his face because he’s one of the rich guys in the city, and people do interview on television very well, so almost everyone knows Martins. After Martin left Flora and drove off, the man rushed to the place and open the duvet, lo and behold, he found a dead body in side the cloth. He called emergency number immediately and they arrived there in no time, they carried Flora stiff body to the hospital, later on, they informed the police who questioned the young man that called the hospital the previous night, after he finished explaining what he saw, he described the person that he also saw, that dropped the dead lady,
The police people drove to the hospital, and the autopsy shows that she was forcefully raped and the pains was unbareable that was why she passed out and finally died when there was no one to revive her.

Mr Martins was arrested and as it has always been, with bribing he shut the police men up and was free again, the case was closed because Flora mother doesn't have money to involve the lawyer in the case, so it was shut down by the one who had the money.

Few weeks later, it was Flora’s burial, her mother weeped, she was broken, Flora was her only hope of living, Flora was the only person she had on earth, she weeped so badly when Flora was about to be laid at rest,
The woman brought stick, knife and asked that Flora spirit should avenge her death since the people that has money has won, that Flora should go and fight, she cried and cried, but Flora friends were able to calm her down a little bit,
After the burial everyone left to their various destinations, it was the old woman alone in this world, though her nieces and nephews do come to visit her in a while, but no matter what they bring for her, your own is actually your own and our own is our own, so they must definitely return to their own house leaving the old woman to stay there alone by her self.
And every night, she is crying, asking her daughter to avenge her death, asking her daughter not to let her killer to have peace of mind.

Five years later, Martins has finally calmed down and he is ready to settle down now, he’s ready to have a family after his father has advised him severally to settle down because he was thirty three years old, and Martins decided to agree and settle down.
One night he was coming back from work late at night, he decided to stop at a eatery and buy food that he was going to eat, since he doesn’t have any girlfriend that can help him and cook and he was very tired due to the stress at the new branch he was opening at another state, and he has decided to also relocate to that state, in order to concentrate fully and leave his bad lifestyle, he only visits his other branches twice in a month, but he was fully concentrated to the new branch.
When he entered the restaurant, he ordered food which was packaged for him, as the lady was handling the food to him, all this while he was on his phone, as he was about giving the lady her money, he caught a glimpse of this beautiful girl, who was also serving in the Same restaurant, he wanted to talk to her but she so busy that she didn’t spare him a glance.

While Martin was driving home, all his mind was focused on the lady he just saw at the eatery, he made up his mind that he’s going to try again to get her attention, because, it’s the type of lady he would love to be with…………
💐💐 EPISODE 4💐💐

Two days later, Mr Martins made up his mind to try again, he is deeply falling for the lady he just met three days ago, and the worst part is that she is not give him attention, he tried approaching her the previous day, but she didn’t reply him, just was focused on her work.
When he got to that restaurant that evening, the place was less busy, unlike other days that he do come around, the sales girls was sitting at the outside of the restaurant gisting while the girl that Mr Martins is looking for, was just inside the restaurant, she was sitting at the back of the table, she looked Soo moody, Martins gathered some courage and walked to her…
“ hello pretty” Martins said….
The girl didn’t look up
“ is anything the problem, why are you sitting down alone here, while others are outside,” Martins asked again, since the girl didn’t reply him the first time..
The girl looked up at him, Martins saw some streams of tears on her face, he squatted beside her, he asked her why she is crying,
“ it’s nothing sir, I’m not crying, please what do you want to buy”? The girl asked Martins who was already in love with her angelic voice,
Martins just smiled and told her that he doesn’t want to buy anything, rather,he came to see her,
The girl was surprised at what Martins said,
“ I know that we have not met before, yes, I like you from the first that I entered this place, but you were busy, so I didn’t want to distract you from work, but since you are less busy today, can we step out, maybe you take permission from your boss” martins suggested…..
“ well I own the shop, so we can stay here and discuss anything you want to talk about..” the lady said…
“ okay, am Martins, i moved into this vicinity new, just trying to set up some things here” Martins introduced..
“ am Flora, I have been here like five years now, just started my new shop here, like six months ago” Flora introduced herself too…

  Four months later, Flora and Martins were in a very serious relationship, Martins who was ready to settle down with Flora, really brought out the best in him, he was this caring and loving boyfriend, they were admired by people around, any time Martins was coming back from work, he will stop by, and wait until Flora closes, then he will take her to her house, before driving back home...

Martins has fully started up his new establishment, and he has employed people to work for him, he also had the intention to employ Flora too, since she said she was a graduate, but decided not to work for any one, rather she wanted to be the boss of her own, so he gave up and employed other people that applied for work.

Flora always go to Martin's house only on weekend, she will help him do his laundry and cook for him, she was genuinely In love with Martin's,the way he treats her, the way he Pampers her like a baby, he makes sure he doesn't hurt in any way, and that was the kind of man that Flora wished for herself before things turned sour for her..

“ say yes, say yes, say yes…” Flora workers were shouting, it was evening and there was no customer, so Martin and Flora were discussing, when Martins knelt down and started …..
“ my love, my Flora, my world, I bless the day that I found you, please will you marry me?” Martins asked Flora who was surprised because she was not expecting that..
Her workers who were attracted to the scene, started shouting…. Say yes, say yes..
Flora nodded her head and Martins slide in the ring into her finger, he got up and they hugged themselves very tight, while Flora workers clapped for them..
Martins had already planned of how he’s wedding is going to be the talk of the Town, but Flora told him that she doesn’t want crowd, all she wants is just little wedding celebration that consists just his parents and her workers,
Martins asked her about her aunt she said was the only person in their family, since she said that her parents were no more and she doesn’t even know the road to her village, because it has been long that she visited there.
But Flora replied him that her aunt has gone out of the country and she doesn’t have her number, that she heard that from a family friend she met last week..
Martins don’t know what else to say., He decided that they should do the way Flora has said..
Two weeks later, martins and Flora, has done their court wedding, before the event took place, he wanted call camera men and other media men to cover the small event, but Flora refused, she said that he shouldn’t even post the pictures on social media,. Martins was surprised about all this her request, because the other girls he he has dated before he travelled to the place that he is now, his girlfriend’s were the ones telling him of how colorful their wedding will be, how big and crowded it will be, but Flora is here wanting a private wedding that consists of only ten people, this thing’s marveled Martins but he decided not to think about it, he thought that maybe it’s her nature…. And he loves her no matter how she is……

To be continued….

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