MY UNCLE’S MIRROR 🪞 Final Part 2🪞- Missing pen

MY UNCLE'S MIRROR 🪞 Part 1🪞- Missing Pen

MY UNCLE’S MIRROR 🪞 Final Part 1🪞- Missing pen

“What made that sound are you okay?”he asked anxiously as he held me trying to calm me down.


He took me to his room and made me sat on his bed before sitting close by me.

” You have been spying on the mirror to know what was wrong haven’t you?” He asked with outmost concern.

“Yes sir” I said with tearful eyes as I rest upon his shoulders.

“You know the woman that gave Ellen your cousin sister that mirror was my ex, I thought she got over our brake up since she was married already. She became a friend and I saw nothing wrong in the gift she gave your little sister, not until she turned 4”

He said looking sad, I could see the tears in his eyes as he continued.

“When she turned 4 years she started going out of bed at night to view the mirror and one by one our family relations began to miss, that was why I made that rule actually” he said as tears flow down his chicks.

I also explained to him my own discoveries about the mirror, how my parents told me to make one of his child look at the mirror inorder to brake them out.

My uncle had three children and immediately he called them over, as he brought down the mirror.

He made them look at it one after the other but still nothing happened, we both were confused at how it didn’t work or is it that they were all not my uncle’s biological children.

In broken hearts my uncle took his second and last born to the clinic, just to ensure if they were actually his children . The results came out clean, they were his children.

To find out the full information about how to get them out, I suggested to my uncle for us to spy on Ellen at night, and get full details from my parents.

Sooner it was late in the night and I and my uncle hid behind the dinning table waiting for Ellen. This time she came with one of my uncle’s children, while she was in the body form of my uncle, so the little boy taught it was his daddy.

My uncle couldn’t hold himself and attempt to run towards the direction, but I held him and by mistakenly my uncle hit the chair.

Ellen looked towards our direction and asked her younger brother to go to his room. ” Who is there” she called out with my uncle’s voice.

Me and my uncle silently walked towards the door braking from the dinning area to the kitchen, which we left open before hand as an escape route.

We couldn’t accomplish our mission that night but at least my uncle’s child was saved. That day I told my uncle to stay back while I go find the answer, he wasn’t too sure but let me since I was the only one who has ever gotten close to the mirror asides Ellen.

When it was time I silently took my position and watched her do you practice before the mirror. When she was done and left for bed I took a bold step and looked into the mirror.

After a while the face of my father showed up

“Son what is taking you so long? ” he asked with sadness in his face.

“Dad we have brought all uncle’s children before the mirror and nothing happened, I mean his biological children proved by DNA test” I replied with deep concern and emotional outlook.

My dad sighed and asked me to take view of the mirror that I’ll find my answers . He then despeard and a view showed up on the mirror, I saw………

My dad sighed and asked me to take view of the mirror that I’ll find my answers . He then despeard and a view showed up on the mirror, I saw………


I saw auntie precious my uncle’s wife and my uncle’s ex exchanging babies in the hospital, and that baby turned out to be Ellen. Every thing went blank and I rushed off to bed.

The next morning while asleep my uncle barged into my room and woke me up. I stood up and narrated everything down for him

“Uncle why will your wife do such an abominable thing or don’t she love her child?” I asked looking deep into my uncle.

My uncle was in awe as he explained that…… when His wife got pregnant of thier first child, he was still building his current company and wanted to use his first child as the next of kin.

The whole thing got us confused as to why she wanted Ellen to inherit my father’s property. Well I and my uncle paid a private investigator to run a proper research on the case for us.

Two weeks later the investigator brought the full information and it States that my uncle’s wife is the sister to my uncle’s ex.

They both have been in so many marriages and they both are mystic, using their magical powers to acquire wealth from men who they’ve dated or married.

According to him Ellen was the daughter of their brother and my uncle’s biological child is a boy and he stays with his ex girlfriend as her son.

We both got overwhelmed at the report the private investigator gave us, all we had to do was to make my uncle’s son look at the mirror.

The investigator gave us the school address where my uncle’s biological son studies and we both made our plans to get to him.

When we met the boy , he actually had some resemblance with my uncle but still that wasn’t enough to convince the boy.

The boy requested for a DNA test as proof, which we did at a near by hospital. The results came out the next day but we couldn’t take it because I had exams and my uncle had to get to work.

It was 4 pm in the evening while I was washing my clothes when the boy appeared from thin air. I was shocked to see him perform a magical act.

He assured me not to be afraid that he was taught some magical tricks by my uncle’s ex , he also came with the test results which showed positive.

No one was at home as of that moment so I quickly took the boy inside to solve the mystery. Immediately he saw the mirror he started making some incantations.

While making the incantations, our family relations faces began to appear one by one. As there face came up he will touch the mirror and they would come out.

He freed every one of our relations and we all sat in the parlour waiting for my uncle and his wife to return.

When they both came in, on sighting my uncle’s biological child and other family relations my aunt began asking for Mercy.

Not long enough my uncle called the police and bundled her to their custody, while my aunties accomplice went on the run, awaiting to be caught.

The End 💥💥

My pen don’t bleed ❣️❣️❣️❣️ it writes…..

©️Missing pen

Read this Awesome inspirational Story > TALITHA CUMI!

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