MY UNCLE AND I Episode 5 – Funny Lad




Author: Funny Lad

I got home that day with excitement. For Sola to approach me that means I am beautiful, I said to myself. I looked myself in the mirror severally. Not long, Sola called me and we talked for long. He told me I am beautiful and that he wants me to be his girlfriend. At first I didn’t know what to say but deep down within me, it was a YES for me.

I started Dating Sola. His house was just 7 houses away from ours. So I do branch there to play with him and do my assignment. We were very free to do whatever we like and that was because my Uncle comes home mostly weekends, even my own parents don’t call. Sola’s parents too are not always around. They are always busy with work.

This period, Rachael always come home very late. I wondered why. I later discovered that she always branch Ifeanyi’s house after school. Even if we come home late, no one will question us. We were free.

On a Saturday, I was in Sola’s house. He has been demanding for kiss since we have been dating. That very day, we kiss€d. We ended up having S€x that day. I was ashamed of myself, I ran home immediately.

I met my Uncle in the House, he came home early that day. Around 6:30pm, Rachael was still no where to be found. But my uncle didn’t bother much. It was clear to me that She went to spend time with Ifeanyi in his house. I went straight to the room, I showered, changed my cloth and I heard my name. My Uncle called me and I know what that means. I went to meet him in his room. He started what he used to do. That day, we had s€x severally. Rachael came back that day when everyone had slept.

It was in the morning my Uncle questioned where she went to the previous night. She lied that she went for a group assignment in her friend’s house. My Uncle overlooked it as we prepared for church that day. My Uncle is not the church type. I can’t tell if he was a Christian or a Muslim or a traditionalist.

I felt I was at the peak of my life. Doing what you like without anyone questioning you seemed cool to me. I was dating Sola. He showed that he loved me. The truth is there was no one to Tell us if what we were doing was right or wrong. To I and Rachael, we were feeling like big girls. S€x no longer become something new to me. At times, I will have it with Sola in his house and also with My Uncle whenever he is around.

 One Wednesday, I came back home from school. I met couple of people sitting in the  sitting room. My Aunt was part of them. It appeared that her eyes had swollen. I wondered what was going on but everyone was quiet. I greeted everyone but their responses was cold. I was on my way to the room when I heard "Pls Don't tell her Yet" from my Aunt Mrs (Eunice). Immediately, I rushed back to the sitting room to ask what she said they shouldn't tell me. It was at this point I got to know that I was an Orphan. My Aunt revealed to me that  My mom and Dad had died in a Ghastly car accident on their way from one party they went . This news weakened me. I sat on the floor that day wailing and rolling on the floor. But it was the little I could do. They are gone forever. That day was the saddest day of my life apart from the First Day my Uncle rap€d me.

Everyone soon moved on with life. I was to remain with Rachael and my Uncle while My 3 siblings moved to My Aunt’s House to continue their Education. She has promised to be a father and mother to us all whenever we need help.

It was barely 2 months after my parents death when my Uncle started again. He was a shameless man. He knew I wasn’t going to resist him. He knew my weakness and he was using it to his own advantage. As usual, we had sex that day. So it continued because at this point I lost all hope. My parents her gone. I felt empty and weak.
Two weeks later, I fell ill. Vomiting and running temperature. I was taken to our usual family hospital where it was discovered that I was Pregnant again for the second time. They (He and his doctor) gave me a pill to take that night. While all these what’s happening, Rachael wasn’t aware. My Uncle lied to her that I had malaria and that I was going to be fine.

I thought I was going to be fine but no I was wrong. The symptoms still persisted. He took me back to the hospital and the doctor confirmed that The foetus/baby has grown beyond what he could Terminate. Which means all the pills he gave me Didn’t work. All this point, I prayed for the earth to swallow me. I was ashamed of myself. The reason is that I don’t know who was responsible for the pregnancy between Sola my boyfriend and My Uncle because they both had s€x with me during the same period. So I was devastated.

To be continued…

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