Miss Arrogant Episode 5 – JM Konet


Miss Arrogant
Episode 5
They Kissed passionately, Greg had to carry his boss romantically to the bedroom. In the bedroom they made love, it was so intimate that Sophie felt safe with Greg.

It felt like their souls were attached with each other and that they had known themselves for long. After the Love making they fell asleep.

The next morning been sunday, She was still tired because they went all the way the previous night. She felt a little headache. As she was waking up in the morning. Greg brought Tea and egg for her on the bed.

Breakfast is served Sophie. Greg said. Sophie looked at him and looked at the Breakfast. Thank you she said, she put on a little smile and started eating. Are you going to church? he asked her. I don’t know I’m a bit tired. she replied.

You should, I mean we should go to my church, its Sunday. Greg said. After much persuasion from Greg. She finally agreed to go to church. Greg quickly took his bath, and waited for her to finish her breakfast and take her bath.

There was something different with Sophie that morning, but Greg couldn’t figure out what it is. They went to church together and the service was mind blowing, After the church service they came back together.

When they were coming back from the church to the apartment. Is this our wife? One of Greg’s neighbor asked immediately she saw him with Sophie. Sophie just smiled and entered the apartment.

Must you always talk? Greg asked the neighbor. Guy you have sharp eyes. the neighbor said. But Greg cut the conversation short and went inside to meet Sophie. Hope you enjoyed the service? Greg asked smiling.

What was that for? Sophie asked Greg angrily. What? he asked confusedly. You already told your neighbors that I’m your girlfriend? Like seriously? Sophie said. I didn’t tell anyone anything. Greg replied.

Then why was he calliing me our wife? He didn’t mean it. Greg replied. Sophie are you okay? he asked feeling concerned. I really appreciate you helping me in this trying time, Greg, but I want to put it clear to you that there is nothing going on between us.

Greg was quiet. You shouldn’t have anything in your head, you shouldn’t be deceived by last night. Last night was a mistake. And I regret it. Sophie said. The whole house was quiet for some time.

I respect your opinion, Greg said minutes Later, But you see last night? It wasn’t a mistake to me. But you could have still told me this without holding a long face all through the day. Greg said and sat on the sofa. Whatever Sophie replied.

Sophie went to the bedroom, she sat on the bed. Thinking about what she has done. An ordinary driver? Why would she let an ordinary driver touch her. He won’t have respect for her again. She fúcked up, why would she let her emotions have the better place of her. She yelled on the bed room.

Greg sat gently on the sofa, immediately Sophie went to the bedroom. He became pondering on the words that Sophie said to him. How last night meant nothing to her.

He was hurt, he was deeply hurt, he thought that at long last her madam has noticed the love he had for her. Is this how it felt to be rejected? is this how it felt to be used? He felt used. why would she raise up his hope when she was gonna throw him away like trash. He sat on the sofa trying to control himself.

Did he do anything wrong? Was he bad on bed? What did he do? Many thoughts ran through his mind, as he was still thinking he heard a knock on the door.

At first he thought the knock was at his neighbors apartment, but then it became very clear that its his door, he went to open the door and saw this handsome young man by the door light skinned with full beards.

I’m here for Sophie, he said. Who are you? Greg asked anxiously. I’m Joe, can you at least let me in or tell Sophie I have come. Joe said. By a means Greg replied.

He was still standing by the door half opened. Sophie, someone is here to see you. Greg shouted from the living room. Sophie came to the living room. O Joe, she hugged and kissed Joe immediately she saw him.

Greg meet my boyfriend, he has been away for the UK for sometime now. I told him about the company and everything, he flied down to take me. Sophie said as she was with Joe.

Babe, this is Greg, my driver. He has been amazing and helpful this pass few days. Sophie said. Joe reached out for a handshake which Greg reciprocated. So, Greg. I really want to thank you for all you do. I will be going with my boyfriend now, till things are sorted out. Sophie said.

She went to the bedroom and arranged her stuffs. Greg sat down and was watching Joe. Minutes later Sophie can back with her bag. Thank you again. Babe the cheque. Sophie told Joe. Joe removed a cheque and gave to Greg. This 5million naira will go a long way. Sophie said, but Greg rejected the cheque that he wasn’t interested.

Greg watched Sophie go out of the house with her boyfriend Joe. Tears dropped down from his eyes even though he tried to control them. He was heart broken.



A JM Konet Original Story.

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