MEANT TO BE Episode 9 – 10 by Azeemah Salami

MEANT TO BE Episode 4 by Azeemah Salami

MEANT TO BE Episode 9 by Azeemah Salami

Zeemah writes?

?Mig’s POV?

We both walked to the couch..Or rather,i walked while she limped,we sat down and a smile lit up my face.
The thought of Elva not avoiding even after witnessing that…I felt happy there is someone apart from Fleur and my parents who likes me the way i am..

She really surprised me,i thought she would have picked her bag and left but i was wrong..
“Now you look more cute when you smile” Elva said and i found myself grinning more..
“Mig you are blushing” She said and laughed.

“No i’m not” I defended.
“Lie !! I saw you” She teased and i faked a frown.
“awwn sorry” She said
“Where’s Fleur ?” I asked.
“Oh..She went to attend to an emergency” Elva said.
“Ohh…Why don’t you come with me to the kitchen,let’s make our breakfast even if it’s too late to be called breakfast” I said and she smiled.
“Ok” She stood up limping before me to the kitchen.


“Elva just sit,i will do the cooking” I said.
shifting a kitchen stool towards her.

“No i will help” She said and i shook my head.
“I would have allowed you help but you ankle still hurt and you can’t be limping to and fro in the kitchen..Just sit and watch me okay” I said and she nodded sitting.

“Now what should i make ? Brocolli,soup,casserole,spinach salad…I virtually know how to make all the dishes” I boasted.
“Really ?” She asked.
“Yes, Mum taught me all i need to know” I said with pride.
“Ok i want you to make….” Elva said.

“What ?” I asked.
“Brocolli” She said with a doubt.
“Ohh..That’s the simplest of all meals” I said and started bringing out ingredient for Brocolli.

I placed them on the kitchen table and tied an apron around me.
Elva kept looking at every move i took,that gave me more morale..
She smiled at me frequently and i also did the same.


“Wow..The aroma is enticing, Mig you’re a very good cook” Elva said and i smiled.
The brocolli is ready and i’m now dishing it out in two plates,i remained some for Fleur.
I placed the two plates of brocolli on a tray.

“Allow me help with that” Elva said already getting down from the stool,she took it from me before i could object then limped with it to the dining..
I took two bottles of water and glass cups after her.
We sat at the dining..

“Now let’s enjoy the meal chef Mig prepared” Elva said sarcastically and we chuckled.
We started eating and i can see nodding her head at intervals..She’s obviously enjoying my Brocolli.
“Yummy..It tastes very nice” Elva said.
“Ofcourse it will…Don’t forget i’m a chef” I said and we giggled.

We finished eating.
“Elva i’m gonna show you round the house,the places Fleur didn’t show you” I said.
“Ohh…Really ? then let’s go. I want to see it now” She said.
“No you can’t” I said and a frown appeared on her face..”It won’t be enjoyable if you are still limping,just wait for few more days then we’ll go” I said and she nodded.

I stood up and started packing the empty plates back into the tray to go wash them.
“I will wash it” Elva said already standing up to collect it from me.
“No Elva,just sit. I will go wash it” I said.
“Stop treating me like i’m amputated,it’s my hand i will use to wash it not my limping ankle..You did the cooking then i should do the dishes..Please” She pleaded.

I gave in after much persuasion,i left Elva to go wash the dishes while i went back to the living room,i sat on the couch,picked up my novel and continued from where i stopped.
Elva joined me few minutes later,she also picked up her’s and continued reading.
“I’m back home..Two novel freaks” We heard and looked up.

MEANT TO BE Episode 10 by Azeemah Salami

Zeemah writes?

?Elva’s POV?

“I’m okay..Two novel freaks” We heard and looked up.
It’s Fleur.
“Welcome Fleur” I said.
“Thanks Elva” She replied with a smile.
“Hey sis” Mig said.
“Hey bro” Fleur said sitting on a couch opposite ours.
“How was the emergency ?” I asked.

“It was gruesome,we would have lost lives if i didn’t got there on time” She said with a tired expression.
“We should be grateful all went well” I said.
“Yeah but i’m starving” She said using her palm to rub her flat stomach.
I left some Brocolli for you,its in the kitchen” Mig said and her face lit up.

She scurried into the kitchen and i smiled.
She loves food a lot !
I turned back to my novel…”Mig” I called.
“Yes” He answered.
“Elara is becoming fierce” I said referring to “The mystery of revenge”.

“Yeah what do you expect from a girl whose parents were murdered by the parents of the guy she loves ” Mig said.
“That’s a mystery” I said.
“Ofcourse it is” Mig said.
“I’m beginning to love it,hope you haven’t thrashed the torn copy,i will like to stick the pieces together with some gum so i can also have a copy to myself “I said.
“I didn’t thrash it, it’s in the library shelf,you are free to have it” He said.

“Okay thanks…You seem to have almost finished that one” I said referring to the novel in his hand.
“Yeah i’m almost done with it,it’s also interesting ” Mig said and continued reading.
I don’t want to rush this novel,i want to savor every bit of it. I’m a fast reader,i could finish reading a novel in an hour but not like “The mystery of revenge”..It seems unique.
Did i just say i’m a fast reader?
How did i know that?…Cos this novel seems my first..Or;
Have i read any novel before this? I asked myself trying hard to remember but i felt a sharp pain tore through my head…I cried out.

“Elva what’s wrong ?” Mig asked with a small frown..
“Uhn..uhn i just felt a sharp pain in my head” I said.
“Sorry…Are you okay now ?” He asked.
“I’m full” We heard Fleur said before she jumped on a couch.
“You two are novel freaks” Fleur said before belching loud ‘twice’.
“Oops forgive my manners” she said but Mig shot her glare.
“I’m sorry” She said again and i noticed Mig wasn’t looking pleased.

“I said i’m sorry…What’s with the glare huh” Fleur said to Mig.
“You know how much i detest that,you should have at least covered your mouth..You lack some courtesy !” Mig shot back.
“But my apology should have pacified you,it wasn’t intended,it just came out suddenly” Fleur said with a frown.
“But yo..” Mig was saying.
“I’ve said sorry Mig..What’s all this about” Fleur said getting pissed.

“Just ha..” Mig was saying.
“Whatever” Fleur said angrily before stomping to her room..
“Mig that was uncalled for,she didn’t do anything wrong besides she also apologised” I said to Mig before we heard the loud slam of Fleur’s door.
“But that isn’t enough to get her pissed” Mig said soberly.
“Just go apologise to her” I said and he stood up and walked to her room.
I know he felt sorry…It’s actually nice watching their little fight.
Do i also have little fights with my siblings?
Do i even have siblings?
I quickly shut out the thoughts to prevent another pain in my head.

“Wow” I muttered when i heard giggles,it’s like they are playing or something.
Didn’t they just quarrelled now?
Funny siblings !!
I continued reading my novel.

They both came back into the living room distracting me with their laughter.
They sat on the couch.
“Let’s play a game” Fleur said.


We sat round the table to play a board game,Fleur taught me the procedures before we began and surprisingly ‘i won’.
We switched to a simple card game which Fleur won…She jumped excitedly and i can’t help but laugh.
“Wow it’s late !” Mig exclaimed.
“It’s 7pm” Fleur added.
“Let’s go make dinner” She said.
We all said our ‘goodnights’ after eating the meal Fleur prepared..
I actually prefer Mig’s meal to Fleur’s.
I slipped under my blanket after bathing and changing into my lovely pyjamas then i picked up my novel.

I plan on finishing it tonight,i’m always distracted by mid-days so it’s better i savor this quiet moment to enjoy it.
I continued reading from where i stopped.
“Wow” I said cleaning my tears after i finished reading it.
It’s emotional and i’m glad it ended that way …I checked the bedside clock and gasp.
It’s 2am..I have just few hours to sleep.

Well..I didn’t regret what i spent my sleeping time for..”The mystery of revenge” is worth it..
I wasn’t feeling sleepy yet so i had to open the parts i like and started re-reading it.
I didn’t realise when i dozed off with my mouth widely open dreaming about…;

Guess who ?

MEANT TO BE Episode 9

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4 years ago

Dreaming about Miguel???? I doubt so?

4 years ago

What does Miguel do at home day in and day out? Where do they get that much money to spend?

Oni Kikelomo Priscilla
Oni Kikelomo Priscilla
4 years ago

Dreaming abt mig