MEANT TO BE Episode 51 – 52 by Azeemah Salami

MEANT TO BE Episode 43 by Azeemah Salami

MEANT TO BE Episode 51 by Azeemah Salami

Zeemah writes?

?Mig’s POV ?

We arrived home chatting and laughing,we entered the house and i packed the woods to set up the fireplace while Elva and Fleur walked to the kitchen to prepare dinner.
I arranged some woods perfectly in the fireplace before striking the match.

A log fire cracked in the fireplace and added pleasant warmth to the living room.
I stood up and pulled off my sweater before sitting on the couch.
Thanks to the lit fireplace,I’m now feeling warm,i stared into space clicking my tongue.
I remembered Daisy and felt my body shook.
Her death hurt me a lot,Daisy is just like a family and i like her so much. Why did she just have to die like that,I’m very sure she would have turn a new leaf but that’s too late now ..

I brushed off my thoughts and stood up, walking towards the kitchen to meet Fleur and Elva..I’m getting bored alone.
I met them washing the dishes in the sink with their backs to me.
I smiled to myself as a thought crossed my mind .
I mewed like a cat and they screamed so loud in fear with the dishes dropping out of their hands.
I laughed hard, holding my stomach.

They turn to glare at me and i smirked.
“Mig that isn’t funny” Fleur screamed.
“Mig you scared us !” Elva exclaimed.
“That was how you growled like a snow monster earlier” Fleur said with a frown.
“Come-on girls,you get scared easily” I said.
“Gosh… that was scary,i thought a cat had walked into the kitchen” Fleur said and i chuckled.
Fleur has always been like that since childhood, she gets scared easily and i usually taunt her with it.

“Why haven’t you started preparing as anything?” I asked.
“We are still debating on what to make for dinner so we decided to wash the stained dishes first” Elva said.
“Okay why don’t you make casserole?” I asked and saw excitement written all over their faces.
“Yes!!” They exclaimed.
“But” Fleur said.
“What?” I asked.
“You are gonna prepare it” She said and a frown appeared on my face.
“But you said it yourself that I’m still recovering”
“Hmm…yes but that doesn’t stop you from preparing casserole” Fleur said as i felt like knocking down her head.
“Aaaargh” I sighed frustrated.

“Okay let’s all make it together,you will be the main cook. Fleur and i will just be of assistance” Elva said.
“Yeah i agree” I said and smirked when i saw Fleur’s face.
*She’s so lazy*
“Let’s wash our hands then pick our aprons and hair nets” I said and we did that.
We began cooking.


We sat round the dining with a plate of casserole and a glass cup of water each placed in front of us .
“Wow..I can’t wait to start eating” Fleur said.
I shook my head and she sent me a glare.
“Let’s start eating” I said and we began eating.
“It’s yummy…I’ve missed casserole” I said with a nod.
“So….we will check out the passage tomorrow right?” Fleur said.
“The door code is still with us right?” I asked.
“Yeah…it’s scribbled on the paper, that’s in the shelf.
“Okay tomorrow then..” I concluded gulping down my water.

I’ve finished eating my dinner..I noticed Fleur and Elva finished before me .
“I’m going to bed” I said standing up.
“Awwn…let’s all go to bed together,wait a little so Elva and i can sort out the dishes” Fleur said and i gave a loud sigh.
“Ok I’m in the living room” I said with a yawn before walking there.
I sanked into a couch and yawned again… I’m very sure i would have dozed off before they finish washing the dishes.

?Elva’s POV?

Fleur and i took the empty dishes to the kitchen sink and started washing.
We talked about a lot of things and ended up spending up to an hour on few dishes.
We were finally done with the dishes,we placed it in the drain board and dried our hands before walking to the living room.

We met Mig already asleep on the couch.
“Whoa !! Mig slept quite early today” Fleur said and i nodded.
She gave him a light tap on his shoulder and he opened his eyes sitting right on the couch.
“Mig come sleep in your room” She said and he nodded sleepily before standing up.
We entered our various rooms after saying our goodnight.
I jumped right on the bed squealing excitedly.
“Damn I’ve missed this room especially this soft bed” I muttered looking around.
I smiled before getting up from the bed.
I picked my pyjamas from the cupboard then headed to the bathroom.


I walked back to my room after bathing and brushing,then changing into my pyjamas.
I bounced on the bed and turned on the bedside lamp,i slipped the blanket over my body then yawned loudly.
*I will finally have a good night rest*
I closed my eyes and before i knew it. I had fallen into a deep sleep.

?❣️ Next morning?❣️

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body .
I walked out of the bathroom and headed towards my bed.
My today’s outfit is spread on the bed .
I dried my body before slipping on my undies,I picked up the body lotion,pressed it on my palm then rub it together before applying it on my body.
I wore my white tank top with my blue short skirt .
I adjusted it and it fits me perfectly.

I already received my monthly pay and I’ve told Mig and Fleur about it when we were still at the hospital.
I plan on buying Fleur the black beautiful shoes she always stare admiringly at everyday on our way home and Mig ?… I don’t know yet but i will definitely come up with something.
I brushed through my hair and applied some hair lotion before packing it into a bun,I slipped my feet into my flip flops before jogging happily out of the room.

I got to the living room and met Mig sitting on the couch with a novel in hand..he’s clad in a cute white top and black tanned jeans.
I pinched his head and he flinched, turning back to look at me.
I laughed.
“That’s the pay back of what you did to us yesterday” I said and stuck out my tongue.
He sent me a playful glare and i smiled before sitting beside him.

“Title?” I asked pointing to the novel in his hand.
“The kiss” He replied.
“Wow !” I exclaimed looking at him with puppy eyes.
He smiled,he already know what i meant.
“Okay… okay,i will borrow you once I’m done with it” He said.
“Yaaay” I squealed excitedly hugging him.
He kissed me in the process and i smiled blushing deeply.
“Where is Fleur?” I asked.
“In the kitchen, making breakfast”
“Uh.. okay, let me go help her” I said” I said and stood up.
I gave Mig a playful tap on the shoulder.
“Ouch” He said and i laughed, sticking out my tongue before strolling to the kitchen.

I met Fleur already setting up the table..
She’s done cooking.
“Good morning Fleur”
“Good morning Elva”
“ already make breakfast” I said and she nodded.
“It’s pancake and tea..and you know what?” She asked.
“I’m very good at making pancakes,you are really gonna enjoy you” She boasted playfully and i smiled.
“Help me call Mig to the dinning please” She said walking back to the kitchen to drop the tray.

“Mig” I shouted from the dinning..”breakfast is ready” I said.
“Okay… coming” He said and i heard loud footsteps coming towards the dinning.
Fleur also returned from the kitchen and we all sat down to eat.


We washed the dishes after breakfast and truly i enjoyed Fleur’s pancake.
She’s gonna teach me how to make it some other time.

Mig took the paper containing the code and we all headed to the underground passage.
We opened the door and climbed down the stairs before getting there.
It’s dead silent and i kinda felt scared.
Daisy’s luggage stood by the side of the door and Fleur shook her head sadly before dragging it aside.
Mig’s face had turn sad.
He sighed and shifted closer to the door,he pressed in the code and surprisingly the door opened.

“Wow” We exclaimed at once with our mouth agape.

MEANT TO BE Episode 52 by Azeemah Salami

Zeemah writes?

?Elva’s POV?

“Wow” We exclaimed at once with our mouths agape.
Before us is the most beautiful garden in the the world, the most beautiful garden I’ve ever seen.
The leaves are complete golden,the grass is clean and clear ,the trees look beautiful and the flowers … OMG.
They shone brightly and beautifully.
Damn there are butterflies..I mean the most beautiful ones.
All the parts of the garden ‘wowed’ me and i nearly cried.
This is too beautiful to be true.

“OMG OMG OMG ” Fleur screamed in excitement already jumping into the garden.
She smiled happily as she ran about, touching the leaves,trees, flowers and a lot more.
I smiled and winked at Mig before joining Fleur in the garden.
I pulled off my flip flops and the grass felt damn soft beneath my feet.
“OMG” I exclaimed in amazement.
The garden is even more beautiful on getting closer to it.
I touched the leaves first and damn it felt like raw gold,I hugged the beautiful trees one after the other and wow..there are different types of flowers.

I bent to pick a flower then smell the delicate fragrance.
“Wow…it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever smelled.
I jumped around happily while Fleur screamed happily,still running about.
I grinned as i saw a beautiful purple butterfly perching slowly on a sunflower.
I crouched and stretch out my finger beside it,it perched gently on my finger and i smiled.
I look at in in admiration and i was about touching it when it flew away.
I noticed Mig has joined us in the garden as i run after the butterfly going deeper and deeper into the garden.

It perched on a high tree and i gazed up at it, i was hearing sound of falling water but i was more concerned about the butterfly wishing it will come down but it flew away and i gazed down in disappointment only to see the most beautiful waterfall conjoined with a lake.
“Wow !” I exclaimed almost crying..
Have you ever wish to cry cause about a thing that is too beautiful to be true?
The water is pure,the perfect colour of a healthy water,and it glittered.
The water fell to the valley lake and the twisting silver of a silver lake at the bottom, glittering.
My eyes sparkled as i take in the magnificent view.

“OMG Mig,Fleur” I screamed in enthusiasm.
I heard their running footsteps coming towards my direction.
“Elva what’s wr…” Mig was saying but stopped when he saw the view.
Fleur’s mouth opened by itself while Mig’s eyes almost pop out of it’s socket.

“OMG..” Fleur screamed in excitement and started jumping around.
“Wow !!” Mig exclaimed
“This is more than beautiful”
“Yeah it is”
We heard a splash in the water and turn to look at it only to realize Fleur had jumped into the lake fully clothed.
She brought up her head and giggled like a kid.
She started swimming to and fro with happiness written all over her face.

“You guys should get in here ,this water is as cool as …” She was not done talking when Mig and i jumped into the lake.
We couldn’t resist the beautiful lake anymore.

“Wow !!”
The water felt delicious against my skin,my skirt floated up to my waist which allowed my skin to contact the water directly.
It felt damn good.
I saw Mig and Fleur already swimming..
I giggled in excitement as i joined them.
We squealed happily as we swam around the lake.
We moved closer to the waterfall and stretched out our hands.
The beat our skin in a beautiful way and we couldn’t help but laugh.

“Let’s swim race” Fleur shouted.
We stood equally in the water until Mig shouted;
We started swimming,each of us struggling to get to the end of the lake first.
We ended up dragging back each other when we see the person is about getting to the end .
We did that continually till it turned to water fight.
We splashed water on ourselves laughing and playing.
We played in the water till we got tired.

“I love this”
“This is awesome”
“I’m gonna come here everyday” We all said and chuckled still in the water .
“But According to Daisy’s iPod,its golds that are here” Mig said.
“Initially i don’t believe that” Fleur said.
“Isn’t all these better than golds,this garden alone worth more than gold.
If it was gold we found here,the government will take ownership and we are gonna lose everything but just take a look at this whole garden..
It gives us the happiness that golds can’t ,even golds can’t buy this whole garden cause it’s worth more.
It’s pure and natural,it provides us happiness and comfort so what else do we need” Fleur said.

“Wow !!” Mig and i exclaimed at her utterance.
“You should go for a lawyer” I said joking.
She smiled and shook her hair in pride.
Mig and i laughed and she also joined in.
“It will be nice to have a picnic here” Mig said slowly gazing around.
“Of course” I said.
“Should we?” He asked.
“Yes” Fleur and i chorused happily.
“Ok then.. let’s go change our wet clothes and prepare for picnic” Mig said.
“Aaaargh…i don’t feel like coming out of this water again” Fleur said.
Mig and i stepped out of the lake followed by Fleur.

Fleur and i played in the main garden for a while before going in to change.
I walked inside my room and quickly peeled off my wet clothings.
I picked a blue mini gown and quickly put it on.
I dried my hair and repacked it.
I applied a little body lotion and wore my flip flops.
I spread my wet clothings on the bathroom cabinet,i will come wash it later.

I walked to the living room and met Mig preparing the basket for picnic.
He has also changed his wet clothings .
“Wow..the gown looks beautiful on you” He said and i blushed slightly.
“Thanks Mig”
“Now help me with this rug to the lake side, Fleur is already there” He said and i collected the rug and headed to our beautiful garden.


Few minutes later,Fleur and I were at the lake side preparing for picnic.
We found a cool spot and spread the rug.

“Geez !! I don’t want ants creeping in my pants” Fleur said and i laughed.
“It’s obvious there aren’t ants here…it’s clear clean” I said and we sighted Mig coming with the picnic basket.

Damn..he’s so cute ?

He got to us with the picnic basket and dropped it in the middle of the rug,we all sat round it.

“Let’s picnic” Fleur shouted excitedly.

“Yesssss !!” We screamed happily..

MEANT TO BE Episode 51

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4 years ago

Hmmn cute mig. Elva dont die of love oooo.

4 years ago

Garden inside a room or is it a magical room. Lovely

4 years ago
Reply to  Harbey

The writer never really mentioned it as a room… I guess the door just leads to that beautiful scenery! ☺️☺️

4 years ago

This is damn beautiful ???