MEANT TO BE Episode 49 by Azeemah Salami

MEANT TO BE Episode 43 by Azeemah Salami

MEANT TO BE Episode 49 by Azeemah Salami

Zeemah writes?

??Next day??

?Elva’s POV ?

I sat beside Mig on the bed, he’s off drip and now very okay .
He’s sitting up on the bed after eating the breakfast I went home to prepare.
“Doc . Steph said you are now very fit to go home and you will be discharged tomorrow or a day after”

“Wow I can’t wait to go home.. and ?”
” What?” I asked.
“I heard you fought some lady yesterday” He said.
“Yeah it’s Miranda, the lady who normally takes over my shift,i found out she has been starving the kids and confronted her. She slapped me and i retaliated” I narrated.

Mig suddenly bursted out laughing and i smiled.
“What’s funny?” I asked.
“Never mind” he said.
“Come-on tell me!!” I said and the door opened.
Fleur walked in looking exhausted.
“How’s Daisy?” Mig and i asked together.
Fleur told us she was brought to the hospital soaked in blood, they had been attending to her since yesterday .
“She’s okay for now but she’s on oxygen and I really hope she survives it” Fleur said sadly.

“What was the cause of it ?” Mig asked worriedly.
“She pulled out a gun from the police’s hand and shot herself thrice in the stomach “
“What !!” We exclaimed.
“Yeah… I really hope she survives it , cause one of the bullet hit her right on the kidney “Fleur said and shook her head.
“OMG !!”Mig exclaimed looking more worried.
“Can we go see her now?” I asked with pity.
“No we will all go see her later,she needs to rest now” Fleur said.

“Why the hell would she do that?” Mig said and i observed how worried he is.
“She probably felt guilty about shooting you and she did the same to herself to make it equal” I suggested sadly..
I really felt for Daisy even with all she did,i don’t and will never wish her death.
I very much hope she survives.

“She shouldn’t have tried that” Mig said.
“Well…let’s keep hoping she survives.. and i’m starving” Fleur said and i a plate of sandwich and coffee,i passed it to her she muttered a thanks and started eating.
“I have to go check on the children” I said getting up.
I walked out and headed to their ward.
I entered and met them on their beds playing silently.
They smiled on seeing me and rushed over to me.

“Elva” They called.
“How are you?” I asked.
“We are fine Elva” They chorused.
“I hope you’ve all had breakfast?”
“Yes Elva…the cook served us all” Dan said fluently and i smiled.
I so much love this little boy.
“Okay…I came to check on you,so should i stay longer?” I asked already knowing their answer.
“Yes Yes yes yes” They chorused and i smiled.

“Ok then let me sit” I said and went to sit on my chair,they also hurried to their beds, sitting down quietly.
“Elva it’s been long you told us a story,can you tell us a story now. Please” Mitch pleaded and the rest joined.
“Ok okay..I will, and guess what?..I have an interesting story to tell you” I said.
“Yaaay” They screamed excitedly positioning their selves comfortably on the bed.
I smiled and began;

?Daisy’s POV?

My eyes flicked open and i gazed round slowly in pain,i felt some heat on my nose together with my mouth.
I gazed down with difficulty and saw an oxygen placed firmly on my nose together with my mouth. I blinked a little surprised.
I clearly looked round and observed that I’m laying on an hospital bed.
I closed my eyes tightly trying to remember how i got here and;

Boom !!

I remembered it all..I had called a police officer to get me a glass cup of water and grabbed his gun in the process and shot myself thrice in the stomach before i could have a rethink.

Damn !!

That actually brought me here,i had plan to escape from the hospital but i know with the intense pain I’m feeling right now that i can’t move an inch from here.
I feel so weak,i can’t move. I can only roll my eyes.

I suddenly had a bad feeling when i heard the door of my ward open followed by some footsteps.
I didn’t know who came in cause i can’t move nor turn.
My eyes widened in shock as i saw Sasha with some guy.
I have a feeling she didn’t come here for good..
Who the hell allowed her in? I pondered scared.

“Hey Daisy” She said but i couldn’t respond,my mouth and nose are covered with oxygen.
“You this brat” She said slapping me.
” Boss sent you here to accomplish a mission but you ended up ruining it all,do you know how much we would have gained from those golds..but you just have to fall in love with some handsome guy who deceived you” Sasha yelled quietly.
She didn’t want anyone to suspect a thing going on here.
“I’m sorry but i have to kill you as Boss ordered me to” She said and a tear roll down my cheek.

“Oh Lord, please forgive me all my sins” I said inwardly when i saw her pull out a pistol from the khaki pants she wore.
I shut my eyes tightly and i suddenly felt her remove my oxygen.
I felt breathless, gasping hard for breathe.
“Rest in peace” She said before two bullets penetrated my chest.
They both hurried out.
I felt my body shook,with the bullets spreading deep into my heart.

I stiffled a cry and groaned in agony.
Blood gushed out, immediately soaking the bedspread
All of my body has gone hot,and i smiled amidst tears.
I know i won’t survive this.
I’m actually getting the reward of my sins.
The pain I’m feeling now is in explainable.

I saw two doctors rushed in looking shocked.
They were about to commence treatment on me but i stopped them.

“Ple-a-se ju-st g-et m-e Fl-eu-r,M-ig and El-v-a” I muttered trembling.
One of them rushed out and returned later with the three of them.
They all rushed to me, looking at me with pity.
Mig held my hand and knelt down beside me, i can see his eyes already soaked in tears.
I looked over at Elva and Fleur who has started crying.
I felt touched,i couldn’t believe they could cry for me considering the way i’ve acted towards them.

I’m ready to put things straight but i don’t have the chance anymore,I’m out of chance. I didn’t put things straight when i had the chance.
I can’t endure the pain I’m feeling anymore,i have to ask for their forgiveness and tell Elva who she really is because i know i will never survive this.

“Mi-g,Fl-e-ur,El-v-a I’m sorry for all I’ve d-on-e to h-ur-t y-ou al-l p-le-as-e fo-r-gi-v-e m-e” I said weakly with life seeping out of me gradually.

“Daisy I’ve forgiven you long ago, please stay alive please” Mig said trying hard to hold his tears but they came rolling down his cheeks.
“Daisy i forgive you, just hold on huh?” Elva said,cleaning her tears.
The girl I’ve always treated like thrash now cries for me,not wanting me to die.
“Daisy,i forgive you also and we will always love you” Fleur said crying loudly.
She already figured out that I’m not gonna survive this.

I motioned for them to bring their hands closer and they did.
I held their hands in tears.
“Th-ank yo-u..I wi-ll mi-ss you all,i wi-sh i ha-d the ch-an-ce to s-et th-in-gs str-ai-gh-t” I mumbled and they all nodded.
No one could say anything without tears.
I have to tell Elva about herself.
“E-lv-a” I called slowly.
“Huh?” She asked and i saw a drop of tears slip from her eyes…
“Yo-u ar-e..yo-u ar-e..Vi-n..Vi…” I muttered trying hard to complete my statement but i couldn’t..
I guess that’s the limit…there is nothing i can do.
I tried with all my strength to mutter my last statement..

“Do-n’t cr-y f-or m-e,I’m n-ot wo-rt-h yo-u-r te-ar-s” I muttered with difficulty and held on their hands tighter.
I smiled as life slipped away from me finally.
I shut my eyes and knew that was the end.

“Daisy !!!” I heard their screams far away and i know I’m gone.

I’m gone !!

I’m gone forever !!

Daisy is no more !!!

MEANT TO BE Episode 49


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Ogboye Samuel
Ogboye Samuel
4 years ago

Hmm what a pity Daisy is gone

4 years ago

Is bitter to pay for your sin with death

4 years ago

Serves her right ? I’m not surprise!

4 years ago

Ah! What a pity?

4 years ago

I feel sad for her…
Hmm.. at least she repented
I wish she was able to tell Elva everything to prepare her for what’s lurking around ?
Poor Elva!

Oni Kikelomo Priscilla
Oni Kikelomo Priscilla
4 years ago

Hmmm so sad