MEANT TO BE Episode 27 – 29 by Azeemah Salami

MEANT TO BE Episode 4 by Azeemah Salami

MEANT TO BE Episode 27 by Azeemah Salami

Zeemah writes?

**The next morning**

? Elva’s POV?

I yawned, opening my eyes…

It’s morning!

I smiled and touched my lips.. the kiss.. last night..?
“Come_on Elva stop acting like a teenager who just got her first kiss”I scolded myself before standing up…
Mig and i returned to our room at midnight after we gisted for long at the lake.

I need to get ready for work.


I knocked on Fleur’s door I’m now clad in a white v_neck gown with black sandals and black bag, my hair is packed in a ponytail as usual.
The door opened and Fleur stepped out clad in a pink shirt withh white pants, pink shoes with a white bag to match, her black Bob hair shone it’s obvious she applied some hair cream… her full pink lips curved in a smile… Fleur is beautiful.

“Hey Fleur, good morning”I greeted.
“How was your night?” She asked
“Very fine” I replied
Yeah sure it is”Fleur said and smiled.
What? I asked…
*wait did she know Mig and i kis…*
I thought and felt my cheek heat up.

“Let’s go”she said leading the way.
We got to the living room and met Mig and Daisy.
I was a little bit glad they were sitting on different couch. Daisy still in her purple pyjamas engrossed in her iPod as usual while Mig is busy with a magazine.
“Hey Mig, Daisy good morning”I greeted..
“Good morning Elva”Mig replied while Daisy replied me with a glare.
“Good morning Mig”Fleur greeted.
“Morning Fleur”I can see you are both ready to leave” He said.

“Fleur I don’t think you have a sight problem… you can see i’m sitting here”Daisy chipped in angrily
“Really?, I’m so sorry I didn’t notice you,we were used to be three in the house so I’ve not gotten used to having a stranger who can’t sit her flat buttocks in her own house” Fleur said with a fake smile and i struggled hard to hold my laughter.

Mig bit his lower lip and i know he’s also trying to hold his laughter.
“What’s that Mig,are you trying to mock me or what because i know you only bit your lower lip while trying to hold your laughter” Daisy said angrily.

Gosh ! Why does she have to know so much about him. *Mtcheew*
“We are actually running late” Fleur spoke before Mig could respond to Daisy.
“Bye Mig” We both said walking out of the house.
“Bye” He said.

I let put a big laugh as soon as we got outside, laughing hard the passer by’s were turning to look at me.
“Yeah that serves her right,she shouldn’t go to other people’s house” Fleur said and also started laughing.

We got to work, greeted the nurses,signed in and parted..
I entered the ward and the children rushed to greet me.
“Hey cutie are you?” I asked hugging them one after the other.
“Fine Elva” They responded going back to their beds,i walked to my desk, dropped my bag and sat down.

“How was your night?” I asked
“Fine Elva”
“Elva, can’t you be staying with us permanently. We don’t like Miranda who comes after you’ve gone..She so mean” Mitch said.
“Yeah” They chorused.
“Geez !! I’m so sorry but i can’t stay here permanently,how about i speak with Doc. Steph to change her” I said.

“Yes that’s also okay” Dan said and the rest nodded.
“We will start the class after you are done with your breakfast” I said.
“Okay Elva”

I started teaching them some subjects some days back because i can’t just bear seeing them like this everyday while their mates are out there studying but they can’t, simply because their cruel parents abandoned them.

By the time they are out of here,they would have lacked behind in their studies so why not help them with the little we can,so;
I spoke to the Doc. about it and he approved and even provided us with a big marker board,some note books,text books,pen, and some other writing material.

They all felt happy after i told them i will be teaching them..I stylishly went to the school in the next street to check their syllabus and also a lot of useful things i need to enlighten the children about and I’m glad i grabbed a lot of things.
They are smart,so they grab things easily and i don’t go through a lot of stress while teaching them.

I scheduled a seminar for next week, it’s about how to improve in teaching.. enlightenment on a lot of things with regards to teaching and some stuffs.

“Elva i did my assignment” Mitch said happily.
“I did mine also” They chorused.
“That’s good…Mitch go round and collect it,then bring it to me” I said and she stood up. Eagerly collecting the assignments.

She submitted all the books to me and i started marking .
The cook came in with their breakfast including mine..and I’m surprised she’s smiling.
“Good morning ma’am” I greeted together with the kids.
“Good morning all” She responded,her smile grew wider…”today’s breakfast tastes nice,i went for some lessons over the week and i learnt a lot..I hope you enjoy it” She said and dropped the big basket on the table before turning to leave.

“I hope so” Mitch said.
“You will know so” The cook said with a smile before she walked out.
I opened the meal and the aroma that welcomed me was…*Wow*
It’s cranberry sauce.

It seems I’m gonna have a taste of today’s breakfast.
I dished it out for the children,served them round and went back to my seat.


“The cook has really improved”

“It’s yummy”

“She was right”

“I love it”…

They said obviously enjoying their cranberry sauce.
I smiled and started eating mine and the waste was more than ‘Wow’ she has really improved a lot.

We finished eating and I packed the empty dishes back into the basket,i kept it aside for the cook.
They all finished their breakfast today with nothing remaining in their plates..

“Children…how about we take a nap before starting class” I said.
“Ok Elva” They said laying on their beds.
I placed my head on the desk and slept off.


I woke up by some voices shouting ‘ emergency ‘.
The children are all awake playing around.
“Ok children, let’s start class” I said and they arranged their chairs sitting down quietly.

I walked to the board with a red marker in hand.
Our topic for today is….


We finished class few minutes before lunch,the children bombarded me with questions and I’m glad I’m able to answer it all.
They submitted their notes for marking and went back to their beds waiting for lunch.

I was marking when the cook came in,with smiles.
“Ma’am your breakfast was yummy” I said with a smile.
“Yes we like it” The children said and her smile grew wider.
“I hope you will enjoy the lunch also” She said,dropped the lunch basket,carried the breakfast’s and walked out.

She now looks happy…I’m glad for that.
Nurse Claire came in immediately i finished serving the children their lunch and i know Ben is already waiting for me outside.
“Thanks Nurse Claire,Enjoy your lunch children,i will be back soon” I said and walked out to meet him.

We walked to the cafeteria chatting and laughing as usual.
We got there and i was surprised to see few ladies outside poking their heads into the cafeteria.
I gave Ben a what-the-hell-is-going-on Look.
He shrugged and led me inside .. I’m curious to know what got the ladies attention.

We entered and i also stood rooted to the spot.
I saw..saw..Mig and Daisy seated like couples and my anger rose.

Daisy leaned over and pecked him on the cheek,i felt my anger overose and stomped towards them.

Daisy should consider herself a dead meat today.

MEANT TO BE Episode 28 by Azeemah Salami

Zeemah writes?

?Elva’s POV?

*Daisy consider yourself a dead meat today* I thought stomping towards them with anger but i stopped to reconsider.

What the hell did i wanted to do?
I know Daisy to be dramatic, she’s definitely putting up that show for it to be clear to others that Mig is her boyfriend so what the hell did i want to fight her for.
I’m more angry with Mig for following her down here. But she must have forced him because Mig doesn’t really like going out.

He’s even looking more handsome.
What the hell are they even doing here?
The waitresses were already flaunting their selves at him. I know he’s faking that smile, he’s not very comfortable.

The whole cafeteria was filled with the word; “Omg he’s so cute”
The manager had to chase the ladies away as they were causing noise and bringing some attention to the cafeteria.

Mig is looking uncomfortable even if he’s trying to put up that fake smile.
Oh… My poor Mig
“Elva, I know he’s cute but you are keeping me standing”Ben interrupted my thoughts.
“Omg I’m sorry Ben. That’s Fleur’s brother”
“Really?” He asked.
“Yeah, let’s go say hi”I said walking towards their table with Ben behind me.

“Hey Mig”I said on getting to their table he looked up and saw me,a smile lit on his face,but it died immediately Ben appeared beside me, with his hand around my neck I was surprised cos he never do that. I wanted to pull his hand away but i don’t want him embarrassed.

“Hey Elva,I know this restaurant or rather cafeteria is near to your hospital so I’m not surprised seeing you here”Mig said.
“Yeah… this is Ben the one Fleur told you about that works in our hospital”I said
“Ben this is Miguel, Fleur’s bro” I said with a forced smile.

“oh…hey Ben” Mig said
“Hey Miguel” Ben said and they both shook hands,
“Don’t you think it’s unprofessional to come out for lunch during working hours and besides your hospital provide lunch for the staffs”Daisy said with a smirk.
I stared not able to utter a word. “you should say that to me because I was the one that asked her to accompany me and besides this isn’t the first time we will have our lunch here”Ben said.and i think i saw Mig’s eyes widen but the look quickly disappeared.

“Oh really you mean this isn’t the first time you’ve both been coming here for lunch?” Daisy asked.
“Yeah” Ben said.
“Wow what a nice couple you would make”Daisy said with a smile.
“No we aren’t” I was saying.
“Our pleasure”Ben interrupted and led me towards our table before i could respond.

“What will Mig be thinking by now” I thought sitting down with Ben opposite me.the waitress come over to our table and Ben ordered the normal.. she left,I noticed she didn’t wink at him or shake her butts while leaving.. well not when Mig is here.
“Who’s that lady? she doesn’t seems to like you”Ben said
“Hmm… she will be staying with us for a while”I said
“Ohh… really?”
“Yes”I said resisting the urge to turn and look at mig…I’m actually backing their table, the waitress returned with our order and Ben started eating while I sipped my drink with cookies.

“The Cook’s meal has improved a lot,the breakfast she served was very delicious”
“Yes, she has gone for some classes”
“Well..I didn’t taste it… since I don’t normally eat her meal”
“Ohh”I said..I’m not really in the mood for talks now… Mig’s presence in the restaurant is making my heart beat faster I’m very sure it isn’t only my heart beating… there are also other ladies in the restaurant who couldn’t keep their eyes off him.

“Fleur’s brother sure have the looks” Ben said.
“Of course” I said and grinned before I could stop myself.
“Yes he does” I said again and turned to look at Mig. Our gaze locked and i smiled but he removed his face instantly and i can see bit of anger in his eyes..I turned back to my drink lost in thoughts..

*Have Daisy gotten him annoyed?or am I the one? He only does that when he’s annoyed.
How did Daisy managed to take make Mig follow her down here.

“Elva I heard Ben called
“Huh?”I said glancing up at him he has almost finished his meal.
“it seems you like Mig” Ben said.
“Yeah..I like him Mig a lot,he’s nice person”I said even if I know what he meant.I had to quickly divert it.

“The weather is nice”I said trying not to start the discussion Ben was bent on starting.
“Yeah it is, but i still can’t wait for the weather to turn humid, it all goes chilly and nice”Ben said
“Humid?” I asked remembering Mig’s disease which only appears during the humid weather.

” Yeah I love humid weather”Ben said…

Isn’t it ironic Mig’s most dreaded weather is Ben’s favorite…
“humid weather doesn’t really turn up”I said.
“The weather forecast humid by 3 o’clock today”Ben said with a smile and my eyes widened.
“What?”I gasped checking the clock on the restaurant wall

Mig’s disease!!
5 minutes remaining!!!
I need to get him out of here ASAP.
I stood up and fled to towards table.

“Mig” I called breathing fast.
“What?” He asked…I can still see the look of anger in his eyes but i don’t care at the moment.
“Mig you need to get out of here” I said hurriedly.
“For what huh?” Daisy asked glaring.

*Omg 2:56*

“Mig let’s get going” I said and dragged him up.
“He’s going nowhere” Daisy said dragging him away from me.
I dragged him back but Daisy also dragged him back from me.

“Mig please you have to leave now” I said.
“Why?” He asked with a confused look.
“Just let’s leave for home,i will tell you everything” I said.
He freed his hand from Daisy’s and was about following me.
Daisy dragged him back, pushing him to sit.


*2 minutes remaining !!!*

(being Elva)

Episode 29

Zeemah writes?

? Elva’s POV?

2 minutes remaining!!
Gosh…Mig can’t be embarrassed.
I pushed Daisy roughly and dragged Mig’s hand running out of the cafeteria..
People looked weirdly at me but i don’t CARE !!
I have to get Mig home first. I took his hand and we ran all the way home.
I’m grateful our house isn’t far from here.

We’ve almost gotten home when i noticed Mig’s body changing…I gasp.
Gosh we are still on the street.
His body hasn’t changed much,but he’s starting to feel weak.
Our house is just few walk from here.
I dragged his hand once more and ran with him.

Thank goodness !!…. we’ve gotten home.
His body transformed completely immediately we stepped onto the porch.
I quickly took the key from his pocket and unlocked the door.
I have no choice than to push him inside.

I locked the door firmly behind me when we are both inside.
I looked down at Mig and a tear escaped my eyes.
His veins had stuck out,his body complete pale and swollen,his red lips are now completely white.
He groaned in pain and i cried more.

I ran to Fleur’s room to take the injection used for him,i opened her first aid box but i don’t know which one to take.
I smiled sadly when i saw “for Mig” inscribed on an injection.
I grabbed it and ran back to the living room.

I crouched over Mig,I’m a little scared to start jamming the syringe all over his body but i just have to do it. I can’t lose my Mig.
I started jamming the syringe all over his body with my eyes closed..
I stopped when i noticed his body had lessen,i opened my left eyes and saw that he’s back to normal before opening my right eye.

He’s now asleep with his body back to normal.
I breath in relief and stood straight,I walked back to Fleur’s room to return the syringe.
I closed her first aid box and kept it in its position.

I walked into my room and headed to the bathroom to wash my hands.


I walked back to the living room,Mig is still asleep.
I sat on the couch opposite him.
It’s past lunch,i have to go back to the hospital but Daisy isn’t back yet, i thought she followed us when we left the cafeteria.

I can’t leave Mig here alone…

I shook my head when i looked at Mig again..he’s just so nice to have such a disease…I mean just look at him….he’s so handsome, God took days in carving every inch of his body…If not…how could someone be this cute,have a perfect body. His hair is always glittering,his silver eyes always sparkling.
…..In short, he’s breath taking.. The only problem he gat is his disease.

There is truth in the saying “No one is perfect”.

Oh…my…I didn’t even say goodbye to Ben before rushing off with Mig…I have to go back to the hospital because of the children but;

I can’t leave Mig like this…why isn’t Daisy back yet?
I stood up and took few steps towards the telephone on the shelf,i have to put a call through Fleur.
I placed the receiver on my ear as the call was going through.

Fleur…pick…. please

“Hey Fleur” I called into the receiver.
“Hey Elva,are you home? because i recognize this number as the one for home” She said.
“Yes Fleur I’m home,Mig disease appeared so i had to quickly rush him home”
“What !!” She exclaimed.
“OMG how could i have forgotten to check the weather forecast,I’m coming home right now” Fleur said worried.

“Nevermind Fleur,I’ve jammed the syringe from your first aid box in his body and he’s very much okay now.. sleeping presently”
“Wow…. Thanks so much Elva,but where did you see Mig? Cos he doesn’t like going out” She said.
“I will explain everything to you as soon as you get home,can you help me sign out and tell the Doc i had to attend to an urgent matter”

“Of course i will gladly do that” She said.
“I should be coming straight away but i can’t leave Mig all alone in the house”
“Really?… where’s Daisy?” She asked.
“She isn’t back yet” I said.
“Ok, i will also hurry with whatever i have to do now…I will get home soon okay” She said.
“Ok Fleur bye” I said dropping the receiver.

I stood straight and walked back to Mig, i knelt beside him looking at his sleepy face.
“Mig” I muttered stroking his hair.
“I know it isn’t your fault for having such disease,i promise i won’t ever leave you even in your most vulnerable state..” I whispered and placed his arm on my chest as a sign of promise.

I stroked his thick eyebrows with with my finger.
“Mig you are the most handsome guy I’ve ever seen” I said even though he’s asleep and can’t hear me.

I stood up and walked back to the couch,i sat on it and lowered my back into it…I slept off.

? Daisy’s POV?

“Gosh” I exclaimed when that prawn left the cafeteria with Mig.
Of course i knew the weather will turn humid by 3 o’clock,that was the reason i forced him here,he didn’t want to come with me so i have to threaten him with the cure before he agreed to follow me.

He attracted a lot of attention..Mig is cute of course and you know what ‘ I was glad at the look on his face when he saw Ben and Elva together.
I know that look on Mig’s face whenever he’s jealous,and there is no reason for him to be jealous if he doesn’t have any feeling for Elva.

Mig have feelings for that damn Elva !!

Her beauty pisses me off, she’s beautiful and has a damn perfect body. I don’t want Mig and Elva together.
Seeing the way Mig looks at her always trigger my heart.
I know Mig isn’t that submissive unless he has a soft spot for the person.
I noticed Ben is also into Elva,that makes it good…I gotta strike a deal with him.

I looked over to his table and thank goodness,he’s still seated.
I stood up and walked to his table and sat on the seat Elva was occupying I saw the look of hurt on his face when Elva left with Mig.

“Hey”I said
“Hi” he replied
*Ben is also cute but can’t be compared to Mig.
“Ben I will go straight to the point… do you have any feelings for Elva?” I asked
“And what does that have to do with me?”he said.
“Cos I want to help you get her”I said.


“Yeah but it seems you don’t want me around you so forget it” I said and stood up to leave in pretence…
I smiled when he pulled me back…yess! he’s catching the bait.
I sat down back…
“please just help me I do have feelings for Elva” he said.
“Ok then you have to do something” I said.

“What?” He asked.
I looked around and push my chair forward then whispered in his ear.

“Isn’t that too difficult?” He asked after he finished listening to what i whispered to him.
“You can choose not to do it if you want to lose Elva” I said and a frown appeared on his face.
“I will do it” He said.

“Deal ?” I asked.
“Deal” He said and we both smiled.

*What a fool…He doesn’t know I’m using him to achieve my aim* ?


MEANT TO BE Episode 27

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4 years ago

You are too evil Daisy

4 years ago

Daisy is bitch, she’s just disgusting ??

Mrs A
Mrs A
4 years ago

Why are the men in the novel so gullible? #frustrating