MARRIED TO MY GRANDMA’S GHOST Episode 8 – Lucy C Stories

MARRIED TO MY GRANDMA'S GHOST Episode 1 - Lucy C Stories


Episode 8

“Moooommmm!!!” Lucy suddenly screamed on the top of her voice, still standing at her spot and not wanting to move then her mom rushed inside, making Grandma’s Ghost disappear.

“What happened dear? The way you screamed got me so scared like you were being strangled or you were in a great trouble.”

“Yes, her spirit came again to haunt me. She hasn’t stopped yet, she’s still appearing to me despite the fact that you’re around.”

Lucy’s mom got pissed and began shouting, “stop being stup!d and show your face!” She exclaimed, looking around the whole kitchen. “You heard me! Show your face! Why do you suddenly disappear on just seeing me?”

“Never will I be scared of a mere human,” Lucy’s Grandma finally showed up. “I’m here now, do you want me to stop haunting your family? Then I’m sorry, I can’t stop!”

“Today will be the last day you’ll haunt my family! You can’t just continue like this. Isn’t Lucy your favourite daughter when you were still alive? And now you had to force her to wear your stup!d thing called ring, giving you the access to haunt her every single day!” Lucy’s mom explained and Granny’s ghost chuckled.

“Let’s see how it goes. Do you know that I have a God? And he can’t allow my daughter remain married to a ghost. Not just a ghost but her fellow woman which is uncalled for!” Lucy’s mom exclaimed. “Well, I want to introduce you to my God, my daughter mayn’t be strong enough to defeat you because fear has taken over her entirely.”

“What kind of a f00lish God is that? Don’t try such nonsense with me or else I won’t hesitate to take your life this instant.” Granny warned.

Lucy’s mom closed her eyes tightly. “Baba God. Don’t let my enemies ask me — where is the God that I claim to serve? Please don’t fail me.”

“Look at her spewing stup!d words,” Granny chuckled while Lucy just stood at her spot, still staring at the both of them.

“Elohim, Adonai. Oge erugo, bia gosi onwe n’ime ndum taa.” (It’s time, come and show yourself in my life today.)

Lucy’s mom started with worship songs as she kept weeping and repeating herself: “I know you’ll not fail me Lord.”

Suddenly, she hit another worship song and her Granny’s ghost started screaming, she was struggling to maintain her stand.

Lucy kept watching the whole drama and her mom suddenly started blasting in tongues. Granny’s ghost was trying to use her powers on Lucy’s mom but it wasn’t working, it seemed like Lucy’s mom was covered in a powerful shield.

“Stop that n0nsense you call prayer already!” Granny exclaimed, still receiving so much pains all over her body from no where but Lucy’s mom ignored her as she continued talking to her God in the spirit and as she continued fighting the spiritual battle tirelessly.

Lucy was just staring at her mom as she was sweating profusely and her mouth never lacked words as she continued to blast in tongues.

Suddenly, Granny’s ghost screamed so loud that her voice can even reach the sky before she slowly disappeared into thin air.

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