MARRIED TO MY GRANDMA’S GHOST Episode 11 – Lucy C Stories

MARRIED TO MY GRANDMA'S GHOST Episode 1 - Lucy C Stories


Episode 11

The pastor heard the gh0st voices and he followed the voice, getting him to walk into the room where Lucy and the gh0st was staying. Lucy ran to the pastor immediately, “pastor, please do something very quickly.”

The pastor smiled and set his eyes on some of her wounds. “She did this to you?” He asked and Lucy nodded. The gh0st was still shouting helplessly.

The pastor closed his eyes and started singing a worship song, and this increased the voice of the gh0st. He continued singing with his whole energy and then turned to Lucy who was just staring. “Please join me in worship,” he said to Lucy and she quickly joined him.

The gh0st suddenly stopped shouting as they both sang, her eyes turned red, her fangs came out and she was about to scratch their faces deeply with her nails, the pastor shouted the name of ‘Jesus’ seven good times and her screams started coming back.

“Stop this nonsense you both!” She exclaimed immediately she stopped screaming.

Lucy saw the happenings, she started remembering everything the ghost has been doing to her. Her focus in the prayer then increased, she started singing wholeheartedly.

Suddenly, Lucy started blasting in tongues, she was facing the gh0st directly while speaking the language of the spirits. The pastor nodded his head with a smile. ‘She was the one meant to defeat her,’ he said to himself. ‘Thank you lord.’

Lucy suddenly grabbed her mother’s body from the shoulder fearlessly. “I command every kind of possession or gh0sts in this body to leave now!!!” Her voice was bold and extremely authoritative.

In the spirit realm she was winning because the ring on her hand suddenly fell down, she didn’t notice but still focused on prayer. She repeated the words she said before again and suddenly she heard, “what happened dear?” It was the voice of her mom and the gh0st had already left.

Lucy summarized her prayer on hearing the voice before opening her eyes. “Thank you Jesus,” she said and hugged her mom so tight.

“Lucy, do you know you were the one meant for this battle but you never knew. It’s good how God used you to remove the gh0st haunt in this house,” the pastor suddenly said and Lucy smiled.

“God is great,” she replied and turned to her mom. “That spirit possessed you, you were slapping and torturing me.”

“Oh my God baby, I’m sorry,” Lucy’s mom apologized and the pastor picked up his bible with a smile.

“I think I have to leave now, my mission here is complete and please the next thing that should be done is to confront the ghost of your twin sis then everything will be cleared forever.”

Confusion appeared on Lucy’s face. “Mom, are you a twin?”

“Yes baby, I’m a twin and my sis died at a very young age. That’s why Granny had to bury her somewhere near the bush in our village and then lied to the people that her body wasn’t found. Pastor said her spirit has been in this house, waiting for your Granny to d!e and immediately your granny d!ed, she started using her body to haunt you. I’m just so sorry for everything baby, okay?” Lucy’s mom explained and Lucy exhaled.

“Fine, mom.”

They turned to the pastor and smiled, let’s escort you to your car then then you can go home from there. The pastor nodded and they quickly followed him behind.

Days later, the gh0st was already confronted according to the way it’s supposed to be done traditionally.

“Finally!” Lucy and her mom exclaimed in unison as they smiled and then embraced each other.



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Shakirudeen Radhiyah
Shakirudeen Radhiyah
1 year ago

Truly awesome
U guys are the best honestly 💯 💯

Eneh Esther
Eneh Esther
1 year ago

Thank you so much for this. I enjoyed the story with the lessons involved