MARRIED TO A WiTcH Final Part 4 – Daniel k David



I went straight to the door and peeped through one side,lo and behold I saw these two lizards with rose on my bed

what?is this a joke or what?or I’m I dreaming?I said to myself while peeping through one side of the door

I wanted to know what will be happening so I stood by the door while I kept watching… suddenly,these two lizards turned into humans beings (Two women)
I was so scared seeing that;
The next minute,I heard one of them telling Rose that it was time for her to carry out her assignment because they have already tied my spirit the very day I had sexual intercourse with her..
At this point,I now realized Rose wasn’t blind,she was actually sent to destroy my life and my life was at stake

I knew if nothing was done,this girl will eventually kill me because she already tied my spirit after I had sex with her

I quickly left the house immediately and went back to my friend house…i told him everything and he said I shouldn’t worry that he will take me to his pastor..five minutes later,we went to his pastors house and luckily,he was around

I explained everything to him and without wasting time,he quickly dressed up off we journeyed to my house..
When we got to my house,I started hearing them calling my name and instantly,it was as if a power was pushing me and I started going to the room when the pastor stopped me..
Rose and her two women knew something was happening outside so all of a sudden they just appeared before us

Leave him for us for he is ours,his spirit is already in our hands; Rose and the other two women said!
I quickly hid myself behind the pastor!

You lie,for the Bible said in the book of John 10v10″for the devil cometh to steal,kill and to destroy but CHRIST came to give life and give it in abundance “now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,I command you to loose your grip;the pastor quoted!

The prayer was still going on and all of a sudden,the three of them turned into lizards and disappeared!

The end!


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