MARINA & MARIAH Episode 7 By Authoress Favour Story


(Hatred between two sisters)
Written By Authoress Favour Story

Episode 7

Marina decided to go check on Derick, she went to the surface several times but didn’t find Derick and was really furious.

Derick mother really like Mariah, Derick’s brother and Mariah where becoming good friends as they got to no each other very well.

Marina got angry as how Derick was able to find out, who she really is. She visited the demon king. My princess I no why you’re here, but am sorry the young man is protected by your sisters power, no spell shall work on him, he’s extraordinary said the demon king.

But it worked the first time, what then happen said princess Marina. It worked only the first due to the spells I casted on you but it doesn’t last long if the person in question had extraordinary powers. The princess, Mariah your twin sister, has a power that no one have ever had.

She’s a gifted Mermaid sent by the spirit guiding Oceania, for they knew a day will come. When Merman and Mermaid will be scared to live in the sea all because of your mother said the demon king.

Fight for the throne and let the young man be, said the demon king. I’ll always support you, but I want something in return once you win the fight. Said the demon king.

What could that be? Asked Marina, you will have to bring me back to the Oceania as your special in command said the demon king.

Marina accepted.

Mariah visited Derick at he’s place, Derick’s mom was happy to see her and loved her so much. Derick’s mom noticed the difference between the two ladies he’s son brought home.

Derick I no this was not the young lady you brought home, Derick explained everything to he’s mother, Derick’s mom was pleased to met Mariah.

Derick I think is right time to tell your family about me if they will accept me or not.

Mariah you want them to no you’re a Mermaid? Derick asked…… Yes Derick Mariah answered.
I think I should bear whatever happens now before is too late.

Mom I want tell you something ,what wrong with Mariah? Mariah was about to remove her necklace, oh so you finally want to tell me. Sit down Mariah. Mariah I no what you want to tell me said Derick’s mom. What do you mean mom? Derick asked…..From the day you brought Mariah here, I no their was something you two are keeping so I asked your sister to become good friends with her and always spy on her.

One faithfully day she was taken her bath and forgot to lock the door your sister went to her room and saw that she was actually a mermaid, she was actually scared and tell me everything and I told her not to say anything to anyone not even you because Mariah is really a good girl and won’t hurt us.

Derick turned to look at his sister! yes big bro is truth. Am really sorry mom for keeping such a big secret from you, I was afraid you won’t accept me that why we didn’t tell you, Mariah said. You’re such a good girl that any mother will pray to have so I don’t care who you are if my son has accepted you .

Marina was really angry and turn to a monster, Mariah if you’re a good person come and save this people, they where all watching news in the sitting room when they saw what was going on.

Mariah please don’t go there, we are all begging her not to go. Mom I need to go so as to save this people if not their lives will all be in danger.

Derick please don’t worry I’ll fight for you all, stay here so as to watch over mom and your siblings, if I don’t return. Always take care of yourself, I love you all.

Mariah come out here! After fighting here, next will be the sea. Ill make sure I wipe the people you cared about so much said marina.

(In the surface)
There was serious fight between two sisters, Marina was so angry. She tried as much as possible to k!ll them all but it wasn’t working. There fight lasted for two hours, Marina saw she couldn’t win here in the land.

She vanished to the sea.

(In the sea)
Oh no the evil monster has rising now we need to go to help Mariah , said Pearl. The sea warriors all got prepared. Tell some of the warriors to prepare we are going for a war in the surface, my commander surface? Asked one of the Merman, yes because we need to fight for the sea.

If not, the surface will lose so many people we also lose lots of our people because that monster can not be killed, it can only be killed by someone with the sword of the accent knife of our ancestors but we must protect the sea.

Okay commander. Mariah appeared in the sea, Pearl I need to fight this alone…… No Mariah, your father asked me to guide you. It’s true your powers have been unlocked, but you can’t fight the demon king who has transformed into a monster.

You have your sister to battle with, but before that, Pearl used he’s staff to hit Mariah and left her. Sleep and remember who you’re. Only that will enable you win this fight.

In the surface there where busy shooting at the monster who was killing people marina turned herself into two, you evil witch but how come she is this powerful let them go if you have the mind fight me instead even if it means for me giving my life just to save them let’s fight, Pearl said.

Pearl and he’s sea warriors where fighting the monster and Marina. Mariah have woken to from her sleep, now she knew the reason why her step mom hates her so much .

There was a serious war in the ocean, the mermaid and merman where all there to help Mariah, Mariah and her step sister fought really hard, but Marina couldn’t defeat her sis.

She deviated towards the mermaid and merman yet she couldn’t get them, Mariah’s power is protecting them.

Marina got angry, she tried running away but was strangled by Mariah’s power. Marina’s spirit d!ed, remaining her main bødy.

Hey Marina if you have the mind fight me instead, Marina turned to see who was talking my Derick. Marina was really calm but he shot her, she was really angry that she slapped him instead, Derick fainted, oh no my Derick I injured him.

Marina turned back to are mermaid and swim to where Derick was but Mariah pushed her and put back her necklace she was about to go .

Mariah raised her hairpin and commanded, immediately marina turned into ashes and disappeared, finally she d!ed.

She turned towards Derick who was unconscious, u can never wake him mariah because no human survive the hit of the monster he is not dead but he won’t wake up except the monster is being killed but the monster can not k!lled apart from the person with the accent knife.

E dey sweet you reach you belle nah 🤣

Don’t copy without giving credit to the writer!!!

N/B: please ignore the mistakes ooo, I just squeeze out time to write this.

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