IS HE THE ONE? Episode 5 – Rejoice James Jev

IS HE THE ONE? Episode 1 - Rejoice James Jev

IS HE THE ONE? Episode 5 – Rejoice James Jev

When I was done with studying the word, meditating, and praying, I stood up, and walked to my wardrobe.

I brought out my sport wears, and laid them on the bed.
I also took my sport shoes from the shoe rack, cleaned them, and placed them carefully, beside the bed.

I went into the bathroom, had a quick and thorough bath, and came out to prepare.

Lots of thoughts ran through my mind, as to why the spirit of God was leading me to do this.
I couldn’t place it, and I let it be.

I looked at myself in the mirror, and I liked what I was seeing.
I sprayed some perfume generously, all over my body.
I loved to smell nice, even while I jogged.

“Dear Lord” I prayed.

“I don’t know what plans you have for me today, but I ask that you help me not to miss out on whatever you are set to do with and for me.

Let your will be done, oh Lord.

Order my steps aright.
Thank you, for I believe you have heard and answered.
In Jesus’ name I’ve prayed, amen!”

In a few seconds, I was out of the house.

I got to the main street, and was confused.

“Where do I go, Lord?
To the left or to the right?” I asked.

I felt a strong force moving me towards the left.
I couldn’t help but take that route.

It felt like a strong wind was pushing me towards that direction, and I couldn’t resist the force.

Normally, I played gospel music and plugged in my earphones everytime I jogged.

I did that to keep myself entertained while I exercised, and it helped me not to feel too tired.

Like I always did, I took my phone and made to put on my favourite song, when the Holy spirit stopped me.

I felt restless and lost my peace as I tried to plug in my earphones.

I couldn’t ignore the restlessness I felt within.

“What’s the matter, Lord?” I asked, my forehead creasing into folds as I looked confused.

“Blast in tongues instead.
Don’t listen to songs today.”

“Ahn ahn.
But they are spirit lifting songs, and holy spirit inspired songs.
He knows that I don’t have worldly songs in my phone” I soliloquized.

“Obedience is better than sacrifice, and to hearken, than a fat of rams” The words resounded in my head.

“It’s fine. Okay… Okay” I gave up, lifting my hands up in surrender.

I started jogging and praying in tongues as well.
I couldn’t understand what he was trying to do, but I obeyed anyway.

It felt like strength was multiplied in me as I spoke in tongues.
I discovered that I had covered a distance that I normally wouldn’t cover if I had been listening to music.

“Try to get to the T-junction before 7:30am” He dropped another instruction in my spirit.

“The T-junction?” I asked rhetorically.

Checking my wristwatch, I discovered that it was 7:18 already.

The T-junction he talked about, was a bit far, so I had to add efforts and double my speed.

I kept on jogging and blasting in tongues under my breath.
It wasn’t easy, but I kept at it.

In no time, I had arrived at the T-junction.
Quickly, I stole a glance at my wristwatch.

The time was 7:28am.

I smiled in satisfaction. I had successfully beaten the time.
I slowed down, and paused.

“I’m here now.
What next, Lord?” I asked, my hands on my waist as I tried to catch my breath.

There was no response.
I looked around and found no one in sight.

The road looked dry and empty.
With my hands akimbo, I wondered, “What did I come to do here? There’s no one and nothing here.”

I felt like a fool.

“Lord, I’m here now and you’re not saying anything.”

There was still no response.

I found a big stone, where I sat to rest for a while.
Everything looked confusing.

However, I decided that I was going to sit there for about 10 minutes, and then jog back home, since the Holy spirit wasn’t saying anything too.

10 minutes passed, yet there was no one in sight, or anything to explain why I was out there in the cold.

I stood up at once, and started my journey back home.

I knew that the Holy spirit operated in different ways, but I didn’t understand why he would ask me to come out and jog in the cold morning, only to meet an empty road and a few trees around.

He was God after all, so who was I to question him.

I had obeyed and done my own part of the instruction.
It was now left for him to do what he wanted.

I was deeply engrossed in my thoughts that I hardly noticed a stone in front of me.

By the time I saw it, it was already too late.
I hit my foot against the stone, and like a film trick, I saw myself on the ground.

Unfortunately for me, I fell in a place where there were quite a number of people, and they did well to stare.

Those who were close by, managed to sympathize with me as I tried to get back on my feet.

“Here” I heard a voice say.

I looked up to see a hand stretched out, and ready to offer help.
I didn’t have the luxury of time to hesitate, so I quickly placed my hand in the stranger’s hand and got off the ground.

“Sorry. I think you’ve got some bruises on your left arm” The good Samaritan said.

I studied his face for a while.
He looked familiar.

I was good at recalling faces, so I racked my brain to see if I could recall where I had seen him before.

It came in a flash!
Memories came rushing in.
He was the one, he definitely was.

“Good morning, sir.
Thank you for helping out” I told the gentleman.

“It’s fine, young Lady.
Why don’t we go over there and see what we can do to your wound?
At least, I can help you clean it” He offered to help again.

I was in pains, and I couldn’t resist the offer.

Together, we sat on some heaps of block.
He inspected the bruise. He bought some satchet water from a nearby shop, and washed the wound.

“Sorry. Hope it doesn’t hurt so much.”

“Not so much. Thank you, sir” I appreciated him.

I took a closer look at him.
He had a striking resemblance with someone I had met before.

His eyes, nose, smile, and basically everything about him, looked like that of the man I was thinking of.

The only difference was that, this one was more handsome, had fuller hair and beards, and looked more muscular.

I racked my brain to see if I could remember where exactly I had seen the other person.

After some seconds of brain storming, I finally figured it out.
Yes, I was good at recalling faces.

I now remembered who he looked so much like.
It was the Doctor!

While he carefully observed my injury, I observed him too.
The urge to ask him several questions, was building up.

“Excuse me, sir.
Are you a Medical personnel?”

He looked up.
“Yes, I am.”

“You’re so kind.
You don’t even know me, but you’re treating my injury.

Thank you, sir” A smile of gratitude parted my full lips.

“It’s fine. I couldn’t possibly see you hurt and let you be.
I knew you needed help, and since I could help at least, I decided to help you out.”

“Thank you, sir.
You remind me so much of a kind Doctor who helped me about a year ago.

He paid my bills when we had run out of money, and saved my life.
You look like him too.

I wish everyone could be as selfless as you two.
The world would be a better place” I didn’t want to say this, but I found myself saying it.

Slowly, he turned to look at me.

“What hospital was that?” He tilted towards me almost in a rush. He became surprisingly interested in the matter.

“King’s Court. That was the name of the hospital.”

“My God! You don’t mean it!
You’re that lady.
You really are” His gaze hovered about me.

The look on his face portrayed nothing but excitement.

A boyish grin, graced his handsome face.

“I don’t understand, sir?” I tried to gain clarity about the whole situation.

“I mean, you are correct.
I don’t only look like the Doctor you saw that day, I’m he.”

My face lit up with surprise.

“Oh my God!
You look so different now.”

“The same way you have changed completely.
I couldn’t even recognize you.
You’ve become more beautiful and fleshy.

You must really be feeding well” The joy in his voice was too evident to be ignored.
I was elated too.

“Thank you, Sir!” My cheeks turned red from blushing.

“Ever since I left the office that day, I never stopped thinking of you.
I sought another opportunity to see you, but you had already been discharged, and the next week, I was sent on an official assignment that took me out of here for a while.”

“My Mum and I have also been praying to see you, so that we could thank you for what you did for us that day.
Thank you so much, sir.

You have no idea how much you helped us.
Thank you so much.
My Mum will be pleased to see you. Can you come over to our house, please?”

I will.”

I wondered why he said he had been looking for me too.
My Mum and I were the ones who were supposed to look for, and thank him again.
I wasn’t getting some things straight.

I noticed again, that he acted more informal with me this time.
I tried to shove it all off anyway.

“I stopped here to get some stuff from a nearby shop, so I came in my car.
Let’s get in” He told me.

As we got into the car, many thoughts randomly crossed my mind.

I couldn’t understand the weird sparkle in his eyes as we spoke, neither did I understand why he shot long stares at me at intervals.

“Holy spirit, why exactly did you ask me to come out today?
Was it because of this?” I asked, within me.

“Be sensitive enough to pick signals” I heard within my spirit.

Signals? What signals? I wondered.

I decided to watch things unfold.

The drive was an interesting one, as we chatted and enjoyed each other’s company.

Mum was overly excited, when I re introduced him to her.

She thanked him sincerely, and insisted that he joined us for breakfast, but he politely declined, and he stood his ground.

We exchanged contacts, and he left.

Since that day, I lost my composure.

I began to nurse feelings for him.

Overtime, we built a strong bond of friendship, and we cherished each other.

My feelings were getting stronger by the day, and I didn’t want to get consumed in it, before doing the necessary.

I went to God in the place of prayer and asked, “Lord, is he the one, or should I expect another?”

I could feel the Holy spirit smile at me, place his hand on my shoulder, and say, “That’s your husband.”

As I tell this story, I want to scream aloud, “God leads his children!”

It’s been a year of marital bliss for me and the sweetest man alive, Doctor Gerald.

I didn’t make a mistake, saying yes to this man.
I hear people say horrible things about marriage, but my marriage is sweet!

My sweetheart, is all I need in a husband.
He makes me wish we had gotten married long before now.

I bless the day I went out to jog.
Our paths may have never crossed again.

At every point in life, obedience to the voice of the Holy spirit is important.

My husband is the best thing that happened to me after the salvation of my soul.

It pays to hear God for yourself.
When you do, it won’t be difficult to hear him concerning marriage too.

Build a relationship with him today, and he will lead you in every area of your life.

Do you want God to lead you aright when it’s time to get married?
Build a relationship with him now, and grow in the spirit as he trains you.
His sheep hears him and knows his voice.

To hear him on marital issues, you must have been a sheep all the while.

Love is sweet when you find the right person, and I have found my Gerald.

When it’s time to find your lover, depend on God’s leading.
He’ll lead you aright.


Inspired by the Holy spirit

©️ Rejoice James Jev


I hope you learnt something.😊


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