IS HE THE ONE? Episode 4 – Rejoice James Jev

IS HE THE ONE? Episode 1 - Rejoice James Jev


Episode 4

“Gideon, I…” I began to fidget with my dress.

“Come on, talk to me” He urged me.

“Okay, I…” His phone rang.

“Oh! I’m sorry. Let me take this call. I’ll be back shortly.”

I nodded.

“Hello, my Love. How are you doing today?” I heard him say as he moved away to speak with the caller.

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets.
“My what?” I asked myself.

I hoped I was dreaming.
I decided to eavesdrop on their conversation, since he wasn’t too far away from where I was seated.

“Oh, dear. I’ve missed you so much, my baby girl.
I can’t wait to see you again. Please, greet your Mum for me. Help me tell her that her Son-in-law to be, sends his greetings” I heard him say.
I stopped listening.
I didn’t want to hear such heart-breaking words any further.
What I had heard was enough to sustain my tears for about three days.
If I listened to more, I would definitely keep crying for a whole month.
The emotion and affection in his voice, confirmed that he was truly in love with the Lady with whom he spoke.

In my head, I could hear a thousand voices, laughing me to scorn.
I was in great shock for a few minutes.

“My God!” I whispered to myself.

I was unhappy.

However, I was grateful to God for letting her call come in at that time.
How would I have taken it, if he had told me by himself that he was already engaged? I thought.

I would definitely have felt ashamed of myself and more heart-broken.

Somehow, I felt jealous of his woman.
Yes, I did.

Having such a man to herself alone was a big win.

I began to imagine how she looked like, and thought of the possible reasons why she won his heart.
My eyes dimmed with pain and anguish.
I gnashed my teeth in fury.

I wished I never nursed any feelings for him right from the beginning.
I shook my head in regret.
“I told you to focus, remember?” I could hear the still, small voice of the Holy spirit in my heart.
I wish I obeyed. I would have saved myself this stress.

“But I couldn’t, Lord. He looked too appealing” I lamented.

“My grace was, and is always sufficient for you.
All you needed to do, was ask for the grace not to lose focus.
He’s not yours, and that was why I didn’t want you to go about, wasting feeling and emotions.
Now, you’ve found everything out, by yourself” He said.

I sniffed.
That was when I realized that I had been crying.

Gideon came back and found me that way.

“What’s wrong? You’re crying?”

“Nothing is wrong, I’m just not fine.
Can we end the training for today?
I don’t feel well, and I’ve lost concentration as well.
Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine” I said.

“Oh! I’m so sorry.
Please, whatever it is, take it easy on yourself” He told me.

“Thank you. I will.
Let me take my leave now” I hurried out of the auditorium.
I didn’t want him to see how miserable I was going to look, when my tears finally came out in full force.

I thought he was the one for me; I knew better now.

I learnt that, Not everyone you come across and like, is meant to be in a relationship with you.
If there was anything I thanked God for, the most, it was the fact that he didn’t let me say what I had intended to say to Gideon that day.
It saved me a lot.

A year passed, and I had gotten over Gideon.
I was ready to let the Holy spirit take the lead, this time.
I wasn’t going to move ahead of him.

That fateful morning, I was having my quiet time, when the Holy spirit urged me to go out for jogging when I was done with my quiet time.

It was a Saturday, and I had planned to get some more sleep after having my quiet time.
That was because during the week, I hardly slept well since I had to get to work early.
Weekends were the only time I had, to sleep well; Saturdays especially.

I wondered why today was different.

“You won’t sleep after you’re done today.
You have to go out and jog” He kept ringing it in my head.

It was almost four months already, since I stopped my early morning jogging.
I couldn’t understand why he wanted me to start it again, all of a sudden.

I was still thinking about it, when my Mother came into my room.
She was an early riser too.

“Good morning, ma” I greeted politely.

“Morning, Martha. Hope you slept well.”

“Yes, I did, Mum” I replied.

“Okay. Thank God.
I just thought I should ask why you stopped your early morning exercise.
Don’t you know it’s good for your health?
You need to keep fit nau” She said, and I wondered if she and the Holy spirit had planned to attack me together.

“I know, Mum.
But I’m fit.
Besides, it’s not like I’m fat and want to lose some weight” I answered.

“This has nothing to do with being fat.
I’ll like to see you start again.
It’s good for your health” She said, and walked out, gently shutting the door behind her.

I was amazed.
The Holy spirit had indeed confirmed it.
He truly wanted me to go out this morning.

Mum was not a lover of sports, so I wondered why she suddenly picked interest in my sport life.

I had gotten the message anyway.
He wanted me to jog today, and I was going to obey him.

To be continued…

Inspired by the Holy spirit.

©️ Rejoice James Jev

What do you think the Holy spirit has for Martha to see?

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