IS HE THE ONE? Episode 3 – Rejoice James Jev

IS HE THE ONE? Episode 1 - Rejoice James Jev


Episode 3

It was a bushy path, and a lonely one at night.
The two of them stood beside the tall bushes, making strange movements.

I was bothered.
It was dark already, so it was impossible for me to see their faces.

I wondered why they stood there suspiciously.
Fear was about to take hold of me, but I braced myself up, and walked faster.

I was determined to walk past them as fast as I could.

As I approached them, they stopped speaking to each other and became silent.

Everything about them was strange.
Quickly, I walked past them.
I thought I was free until I heard footsteps behind me.

I turned back, and saw the two men running after me.

Without warning, I took to my heels as fast as I could.
I never knew I could run that fast.

At that point, if I was to compete with Usain bolt, I would have emerged the winner.

However, despite how fast I ran, the men caught up with me.
Indeed, I saw the power in unity.

“Stop there!” One of them commanded.
His voice was rough and husky.
The other got hold of my hand, and kept me fixed to the spot.

They wanted to snatch my handbag which contained my phone and purse from me, and I struggled with them.

Before I could say ‘Jack!’, one of them ran into the bush, got a large plank, and charged at me.

That was the last I could remember.

“She will be fine.
You don’t need to bother yourselves.

She sustained a slight cut at the back of her head, but we have taken care of that aready.
There’s no cause for panic” I heard the feminine voice from where I was.

I could hear my mother muttering countless ‘Thank God’ and exhaling in relief.

In a flash, I remembered all that had transpired.
Weakly, I opened my eyes, only to see the swollen eyes of my mother.

She had been crying.

“Mummy” I called.

“Oh, my daughter!” She hurried to my bedside, and hugged me tight.

“My enemies will not succeed over you.
They succeeded in killing your Father, but they will not lay a finger on any of us again.

Look at your head.
Who did I offend?
Who did this to you?

Why do they want to take my only child away from me?
Ah! A poor widowed woman like me” She lamented, thoroughly inspecting my body for injuries.

Tears were finding their way down her wrinkled cheeks.
She was almost choking on her tears.
I felt sorry for her.

“Mum, please don’t cry” I was almost moved to tears.

“It’s fine, ma. You don’t have to cry.
Everything is going to be fine” A strikingly handsome young man, dressed in a sparkling Lab coat, with a corporate wear underneath, drew our attention.

We both were too engrossed in the sad discussion we were having, to have noticed when he entered.

He definitely had to be a doctor here, I thought.
The nurse who was standing beside him with a file, confirmed it.

He turned to her, whispered some words to her, and looked back at us.

“Ma, I’ll have to quickly check her up” He told my Mum, and carried out some examinations on me.

In a few minutes, he was done.

“She will be fine, ma.
She only needs proper rest.
By tomorrow, she should be discharged, by the grace of God.”

“Ah! Tomorrow?

No, Doctor, I don’t have any money on me left.
I spent every single thing I had, on her bills.

Staying here one more day will create expenses, and I don’t have any more money on me.
Can’t you discharge her today?

I’ll take care of her at home, Doctor.
She’s my daughter.”

“Madam, she needs professional care and supervision.
Discharging her now will not be the best thing to do.
She still needs some hours to fully recover” He told her.

I watched the duo drag the issue.
The Doctor was speaking because he had my interest at heart.
Mother also did, but she didn’t have the funds.
I was unhappy.

Those thieves caused it.
If not for them, I would never have come here, causing unplanned expenses for my poor mother.

After my Mother tried hard to make sure that the Doctor saw reasons with her, he finally gave up.

He spoke with the nurse who had been as silent as I was, all the while.

He turned to us.

“It is fine, Mama.
Let her stay.
Don’t worry about the bills.
I’ll settle it.”

I was surprised.
My Mother was even more surprised.

“Hey! Doctor, thank you very much.
God bless you for your act of kindness.
I really appreciate this kind gesture” Mum was almost kneeling down.

“It’s fine, ma. You don’t have to do this, please” He tried to stop her from going on her knees.

“Thank you very much, Doctor” I managed to say, ignoring the throbbing pain I felt in my head.

He smiled at me, and said a brief “You’re welcome.”

He was such a kind and well mannered man.
People like him were rare.

I was placed under proper care and supervision.
My mother returned home to prepare some food with the little ingredients we had at home.

I was well taken care of, and in a few hours time, I was set to be discharged.

We wanted to go and thank the Doctor one more time, for his goodness.

One thing my mother loved to practice and had taught me to practice, was gratitude.

We weren’t happy when we discovered that he was not on seat.
We wished we could see him again.

The vocal training began and it went on well.

It held in the church auditorium, hours before the main choir rehearsals on Saturdays.

I looked forward to every training class with great enthusiasm.

Gideon was an amazing teacher.
Infact, he was the best thing that happened to me.

His classes brought about my growth and transformation in the singing ministry.

My fellow choristers began to wonder.
A once confused and incapable me, was becoming a great music minister.
I was immensely grateful to God for bringing him my way.

Gideon taught with simplicity.
He also made the process fun, and it made the whole thing interesting.

I was beginning to get attached to him.
I longed for each training period so that I could see his face.
His very handsome face.

His smile too, was heavenly.
He was a really handsome and good looking young man.

I couldn’t deny the fact that I was gradually falling in love with him.
My whole being longed for him.

During one of the trainings, I got lost admiring the man.
He must have mistaken my prolonged stare for paying attention.

While he spoke, I busied myself with admiring the shape of his lips.

He had nicely shaped lips, the exact one I prayed that my future husband should have.

His pointed nose, bright eyes, full and well barbed hair, made a thousand butterflies fly into my belly.

Before me, was a highly spiritual man with a great character.
His handsomeness was a plus to his amazing personality.

This man looked like the man I always prayed for, but I didn’t know if he felt the same way about me.

I liked him and wished he could see us beyond the platonic friendship level.

I got too lost in my world of fantasy and imaginations to notice that he had stopped taking, and I hadn’t stopped staring.

“Hello” He waved his hand across my face, jolting me back to reality.

“Are you okay? What were you looking at?” He asked with the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.

A brief and mischievous smile graced my face.

Two days back, I had bumped into a video on social media, where a clergyman advised single ladies on relationship issues.

He had suggested that Ladies who had interest in guys who seemed not to notice them, could take a bold step, and declare their feelings.

I had taken that particular advice to heart, and I planned to take that bold step today.

“Are you fine?” He looked more concerned this time.

I loved the way he looked with that expression on his face.
He looked mature and cute too.

“No, I’m not” I began.

I gained his attention immediately.
I commended myself inwardly.

“I think that’s a good start” I told myself.

“What is wrong?” He reached for a chair and sat directly opposite me.

It was time to say it!

I had this only chance, and if I failed to do it today, I knew I would never have the courage to do it again.
I exhaled deeply.

It was time!

“Gideon, I…”

To be continued…

Inspired by the Holy spirit.

©️ Rejoice James Jev

My people, what is this young lady trying to do?🤨

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