Intensional Episode 1 – Tishania Ginikachi



Episode 1

It shouldn’t have been this way but it had to. Serveral weeks ago my friend Jennifer got a job after so many years of job hunting together, she got a job before me and I was happy for her. I was still job hunting it wasn’t easy getting a job, I wanted to start a thrift store popularly known as (okirika wears) with my savings but I didn’t want to start something have had no experience about or idea.

After few weeks of Jennifer acquiring a job they quickly promoted her, giving her a well furnished apartment and a company car. I was happy for her too, you know Jennifer and I have been friends since childhood.
We literally did everything together, most at times I gave up some important things in my life for her to be happy.

She was getting everything she wanted with ease, even when I have just one thing I love so much she still take it for herself. I was thinking it’s a normal since we were friends but it wasn’t.

When it got to men she gets lucky, they shower her with gifts and money. The annoying one was the period I was dating Chidi then in school. She made sure I was invisible, like she completely obsessed with him. Chidi couldn’t see anymore and there after they started dating. It felt like I was dating myself in the relationship or forcing myself on him.

“Chidi and I are now an item I hope you’re not mad about it?” Jennifer asked.

“Oh no am not, it’s fine enjoy”, I replied with a warm smile. I was lying but I didn’t want to spoil my friendship because of a man. If Chidi really loved me he wouldn’t fall for my friend Jennifer or anyone else.

“Thanks girl, Chidi and I are going on a date today in one of the finest restaurants, I wanna look hot for him”, she kept blabbing and I would be quiet watching her.

Sometimes I work hard to get the fancy things I had, I would buy a bag, shoes or even expensive dresses I liked in a store. But when Jennifer sees it she will rush to wear them without my permission. When I try to scold her about it, she will get angry and I will end up apologizing.

My mother warned me about her but I waved it off, friendship has ups and downs right? I felt it was a habit with Jennifer but no it’s not an habit it’s an addiction. It’s not like Jennifer didn’t have all those fancy things, she did. She gets lucky everytime, guys purchase lots of goodies for her, with or without her permission but she will never share them with me.

I didn’t mind as long as I worked hard for mine, am content. After Jennifer’s promotion she began to meet new people and new men, that’s all she ever wanted. I tried to talk to her to speak to her boss to fix me somewhere at least.

Jennifer never spoke to him, she kept giving me plenty excuses. I finally got a job at a small firm, not much but at least I managed to feed, and pay rent.

Jennifer will come home with plenty shopping bags and jewels, I will be wondering how she got them.

“Girl how did you get all this expensive clothes and jewelry?”, I puzzled.

“You need to be updated, where I work I get to meet rich and famous men. They fancy me alot and you know I love fancy things so we went shopping”, Jennifer replied.

“Wow that’s nice, but please be careful not all that glitters are gold”, I said.

“Please don’t start, allow me enjoy this moment “, she replied with a dumb face.

I quickly minded my business, I returned to ironing my dress for work the next day. Jennifer never asked me how I managed to find a job but I told her anyway but she wasn’t even listening…all her attention was just on her phone snapchating.

The next day at work I met a really fine gentle man who came for a business proposal, my heart tingled when our eyes met and a bright smile shined on his face. He was so clean and cooperate, it’s a bit intimidating.

“Hi”, he greeted.

“Hi, Mr handy will meet you shortly”, I replied.

“Yeah I know that, I just spoke to him on the phone. Are you new here?”, He asked.

“Yes, I started few weeks ago”, I replied, tucking my neatly straighten natural hair backwards.

“That’s good, there something about your smile it reminds me of my long lost friend Cynthia”, he said.

“Oh sorry”, I replied with a frown.

It was quite off that my smile reminded him of a died person, men will never cease to amaze me. He walked straight to the office as soon as Mr handy my boss was free. I just sat quiet on my seat in disbelief.

Some minutes later he came out with bright smile, then I knew the meeting went well. I didn’t mind his presence anymore, his first impression was annoying.

“Hi, I didn’t catch your name”, he said.

“You don’t need my name, I already remind you of your dead friend”, I replied with my face fixed on my computer.

“Oh my God, am so sorry I didn’t mean it like that”, he apologized.

“Hmmm well am Anna”, I expressed.

“Am Jake”, replied swiftly.

“Am really sorry, here is my business card. You could call me whenever you want to”, he said giving me his business card.

I gave a warm smile as I watched him leave. That day I kept thinking about him, so much smile on my face. I got home and freshened up, I decided to make something to eat when I noticed Jennifer’s things are no more in the apartment. I quickly called to inform her, maybe we where robbed or something.

“Hey, jenny. I just got home and found out your things are no more here”, I said.

“Oh yes, I moved all my stuff to the apartment my company gave me. I want to stay in my new apartment, that’s my I moved my remaining stuffs”, she replied.

“Okay you would have informed me, I was busy thinking we where robbed”, I said.

“Don’t worry have the apartment to yourself”, she replied and ended the call.

Jennifer’s attitude is becoming annoying and it not cool. She has finally moved into the apartment the company gave her and she didn’t tell me, well it’s alright.
I sat on my bed looking at the business card written JAKE ENTERPRISES.

I called him and we talked for a while, and there after the calls became constant. Slowly I began to fall inlove with him, we go on dates most of the time and it has been amazing. Quickly I realized how I wanted to spend my life with Jake, although he hasn’t made his intentions of marrying me yet but I was hoping he did.

Few weeks later, I was returning from work one evening when I saw Jake standing in front of my door when he saw me he quickly went down on his knees stretching forth his hands with a ring and poped the big question.

“Anna will you marry me?”, He asked looking into my eyes.

I was so shocked and surprised, we have been dating for some months but it didn’t expect him to actually pop the big question so soon.

“Yes I will marry you”, I replied as I jump on him.

Jake is the kind of guy every girl will dream to have, no matter how stubborn you are his presence alone will humble you. His fun to be with, kind and so strict when it came to business but it’s a good thing. He is a young billionaire who created everything with the little his father left for him, he turned a little income into a massive empire that made him a billionaire at an early age.

We started planning for the wedding, my mother was so excited about everything. We wished my father was alive to witness his only child getting married, not just to any man but to Jake a young billionaire. So many girls are dying for, the wedding was all over the news and other social media platforms. I became so popular that I can’t go to the mall without paparazzi taking unaware shots of me. This lifestyle is pretty new to me and I was trying so hard to adapt.

Jennifer wasn’t left out of the plan, she helped in the little way she could. But something wasn’t right, Jennifer kept asking me to schedule a meeting with Jake so she can meet him personally. What’s even wrong with this girl?.

“Just set a schedule with your fiancee let me meet with him, have heard so much about him and am so eager to meet him”, she said.

“Why do you want to meet him so bad? His a busy person and doesn’t have time for unprepared meetings. On my day of marriage you will see him”, I replied. I still don’t know why she was eager to meet him.

“How did you manage to meet such a wealthy man, who just proposed to you in a short while?”, She asked.

“Well it’s Gods grace”, I replied turning to do other things.

“Am happy for you”, she said while walking away.

I quickly told my mother Jennifer’s request, my mother smiled to me and told me to learn from my past experiences with Jennifer. Yes Jennifer had done alot of wrong things to me but I don’t see her taking over my fiancee. My mother warned me saying danger was coming but I didn’t understand till the day of my wedding.

© Tishania Ginikachi

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