I Saw a Birthmark on my Niece’s Body Part 3 – Ebunoluwa Soneye

I Saw a Birthmark on my Niece’s Body and Realized That My Husband’s a Cheater – Ebunoluwa Soneye

I Saw a Birthmark on my Niece’s Body Part 3 – Ebunoluwa Soneye

My hands trembled as I held on to the result, staring at it and willing it to change. I couldn’t help but wish it was all a dream and none was real.

The rest of the day was spent trying to decide whether or not I wanted to keep the baby, even with the current circumstances I found myself in.

David kept trying to call me, and I still refused to pick up. It was clear that there was nothing for us to discuss.

But within a few days, the money I had with me ran out, and it didn’t help that my card and all my clothes were left at the house.

The next day, I finally decided to go back and pack all my things. I considered going to my parent’s house and staying for a while before getting a more stable place to live.

On getting to the house, after knocking on the front door, I wasn’t even shocked to see Fiona open the door instead of David.

“Why am I not surprised?” I hissed at her the moment my gaze landed on her as she stood there.

Seeing her already staying in my home just pissed me off even more.

“Carmen, I’m glad you’re back. There are so many things we—” she began to say, but I simply shoved my way past her without even trying to hear her out.

I no longer cared whether they were real siblings; all I knew was that I wanted to put some distance between them and myself.

“Carmen, It’s not what you think. I and —” I heard her try to explain, but I continued walking up the stairs, hoping not to see David before leaving.

Annoyingly, I had just gotten to the top of the stairs, walking straight towards the bedroom, when I saw him standing there with a welcoming smile as he carried Sofia in his arms.

I was gone for days, and Fiona’s presence in the house made it clear that she meant more to him than I ever did.

Even the way he carried Sofia in his arms showed that he loved and cherished her like she was his own, probably because Sofia was.

When he looked up from feeding Sofia to see me, I was tempted to turn around and walk away.

To forget about the things I came to pick and walk away and never return. It didn’t help that I found out I was pregnant, which only made me even more furious than I already was.

But instead of waking out of the house, I gritted my teeth and walked straight into our bedroom to start packing my things.

“Carmen!” I heard David shout as he walked towards me, but I completely ignored him with no intention of saying a word until I left the house.

“Carmen, it’s good that you’re back. I’ve been trying to call you—” David talked, but I made it clear that he was speaking to himself as I continued to pack.

“Listen to me, Fiona is my sister!”

“Even if she is. It’s not like it’s unheard of,” I muttered under my breath, without caring whether or not he heard me, but surprisingly, he did.

“Carmen,” he loudly called my name, trying to get my attention, but at that moment, I felt I had endured enough.

I threw the clothes I was folding straight into my bag and jumped on my feet with an enraged expression.

“David!” I yelled back at him, glaring as I turned to face him.

“I swear to you, Fiona is my sister, and Sophia is my niece. Trust me!” He began speaking before I could.

“I don’t know why you would think Sophia is mine, but I can assure you she isn’t. I would never cheat on you,” David gently said, but I was past caring.

“If it looks like a rat and smells like one, what the hell am I supposed to call it?” I asked, bending down to zip up the bags I managed to pack.

Seeing that I was about to leave, I wasn’t surprised to see David move in front of me to stop me, even with Sofia in his hands.

“If you don’t believe me, how about a DNA Test?” David offered, but I shook my head.

“I already took one in secret,” I replied, wondering what else he could say, only to see an astonished expression on his face.

“And what was the re—” he began to ask after getting over the shock he felt but was interrupted by Fiona’s arrival, who immediately walked up to me when she entered.

“Don’t even bother saying anything. I always wondered who Sofia’s father was and why you never talked about him, but now I know,” I told her to her face.

“You don’t come for the wedding but suddenly move into the neighborhood a few months later. Was marrying me to hide the affair between the both of you?” I asked them.

“I saw the birthmark! I KNOW THE TRUTH!” I yelled as the floodgates of my eyes tore open, and tears streamed down my face.

I tried to be calm, furiously wiping it off my face, but I only felt it worsen as my entire body shook from the pain I felt.

My current situation was like all those dramas I watched on TV. The only difference this time was that what was happening to me was real.

Who would believe it if I told them my husband was having an affair with his sister? He had a child and, to cover it up, decided to marry me instead.


Please share and like my other story Betrayed By Love.

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