I Never knew My Husband is a Dead Man 4 – Tishania Ginikachi


I never knew my husband is a dead man…

Part 4
Final episode

We arrived at my house just around 9:45pm, I got into house first and told smith to wait behind the door till I call him after seeing if my husband was home. I could low the light became and lots of red roses and petals on the floor, the house smelled so sweet. Frank was standing by the dining…looking so handsome as ever with a bright smile as he ushers me to take a seat in the dining.

He prepared nice meals including my favorite and they all smell good, it made me feel so hungry but I was here for a serious business and not the food.
I looked at him as he dashes into his food and takes a huge sip of wine perfectly poured into his wine glass.

“Where have you been? Have been waiting for a to come home”, he asked while his eyes where fixed in his food.

“I was out getting answers and the answers I got wasn’t pleasing”, I said while looking at him.

“What answers are you talking about?” He looked at me with a serious face.

“I went to your so-called village and woman who you introduced to me as your mother told me the truth. She isn’t your mother and you paid her to be your mother. How long will you continue this act?” I replied while looking straight into his eyes, all I saw was a scared man.

“That’s a lie, she is my mother”, he replied me.

“Your still lying right? You don’t want to tell me the truth, okay I have something for you”, I said while I threw the photo album on the other end of the dining table where he was seated.

“Do you remember that?” I asked.
He was just looking at the photo album with fear, you could see how furious he was.

“Where did you get this?” He asked with tears in his eyes.

“I accidentally met your brother Smith in the mall when I was going through marital crisis, he took pity on me and came here to talk to you but instead he saw your photo and revealed something strange to me that I didn’t believe at first till I saw that photo album”, I said to him as I stood up walking towards him with fear.

“Frank, your real name is Mike Walsh right? Did you really die or this is a joke?” I asked him wanting to just believe it’s a joke.

Frank began to weep loudly, abd I didn’t understand why he was weeping that much.

“Frank talk to me and stop weeping like a child”, I scolded him.

“You have no idea of what you have done, you have brought the devil right to your door step”, frank said as he cried more.

“What do you mean I brought the devil to my door step?” I asked looking confused.

“It was a lovely Saturday when I and my family was traveling to the village of my bride to be Emily. Smith didn’t come with us because he was handling the family business at hat time but I was so happy that I will be with the love of my life finally after the marriage rites have been done, but things took a different turn when a big van got in our lane and we had an accident. I couldn’t move I was bleeding out so bad, the rest of my family died. I was trying to come out of the car when some men came out of the van that caused the accident. They where wearing black mask I couldn’t see there faces, but one of them took their mask off and behold it was my brother Smith that was the gang leader”, frank said crying.

“What?” I screamed out of fear.

“Yes smith took of his mask and brought out a gun and shot me so many times”, frank said as he began to feel some type of way.

“Frank why didn’t you tell me all of this? Smith is right outside”, I said as a began to cry.

“What? Jane you have to run, his going to kill you and I won’t be able to save you”, frank said and it got me scared.

“Jane am so sorry, I didn’t tell the truth early I really love you and I wish I could stay and be with you but you know the truth now am a ghost, I died long time ago. Smith only wanted the wealth, the families wealth and company that’s why he killed me because am the only one that has the full right to everything. This child you have for me is the ticket to everything I have and own stay safe and love again,” frank said as he began to fade away bit by bit.

“Baby please don’t go, I love you so much please”, I screamed but nothing at that point could be done. Frank was ghost and his time was up, I watched frank vanish into thin air. I quickly called the police because smith is still in my house and I never knew he was the devil but in sheep clothing.

The suddenly opened and I saw smith with a gun pointing straight at me.

“Where is he?” Smith asked.

“Who?” I asked looking scared.

“Ode, I mean your husband”, he replied.

“His gone”, I replied as a cried nonstop.

“What do mean gone?” He asked looking side by side looking for Frank.

“He vanished”, I replied.

“Since your ghost husband is nowhere to be found then you will join him in death”, Smith replied me as he cock his gun.

All I heard was gun shot, I was happy he shot me finally I could join my lovely husband Frank. But when I opened my eyes I wasn’t wounded or shot, rather it was smith who was shot. The police officers came on time and they shot him before he could shoot me.

Smith was taken away, I was rushed down to the hospital because my water broke and the baby was about to come out. I gave birth to a lovely boy who just looked exactly like Frank and I knew my husband was back.

The mansion, Frank’s family company and all other properties was given to me. I was happy but a little sad because frank wasn’t here to comfort me, my family heard all that happened and crowned me a brave woman.

Few weeks I heard smith couldn’t make it, the bullet got stuck at the other angle of his lungs. I felt bad but I think that was his punishment for killing his own brother out of greed.

I never knew my husband was dead man I would have let him stayed a bit longer so I could show him what real love feels like.

The end.
© Tishania Ginikachi

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Sophia Andrew
Sophia Andrew
1 year ago

Nice story

Lady May
Lady May
1 year ago