I reckon it was around mid March, 2019 when I met Mark, a man whose destiny I would enchain. How did I get to be this malevolent? I hated evil but look at me now.

I grew up in a conservative Christian home. I went to church every Sunday and I read the Bible everyday. I wasn’t allowed to wear anything besides long skirts, long dresses and extra large T-shirts. My cleavage was not to be anywhere close to exposure.

I didn’t get involved with anyone until I got into varsity. I had enrolled into one of the best universities in Lusaka. I was very elated to study there because I strongly believed that I would at least meet someone special there.

I was taunted through out my high school. People would make remarks like, “No one will date you cos of how you dress. Your acne looks like you’re suffering from a deadly ailment”. I developed a low self esteem and what contributed to it more was the fact that no boy had approached me with intentions of dating. I started thinking what if they were right? The only time a guy would approach me was when they got lost and needed to ask for directions.

At varsity, I made a very good friend, Mary whom I happened to share the room with. Mary was the sassy type but she was kind too. She had a fancy lifestyle, ate expensive foods and wore expensive clothes. I assumed she came from a rich family until months of knowing her. Mary would bring different men in the room, they were apparently the source of her luxurious lifestyle.

One day, Mary asked me why I never brought any guy in the room. I told her that I didn’t have a boyfriend. Asked about previous relationships, I shyly told her that I had never dated before. Mary chuckled at that response and told me to be serious with myself. She told me to get rid of my old unfashionable clothes and consider trying out the trends. It kind of hurt hearing her say that but I felt she knew better cos she was classy and she didn’t say it tauntingly.

Mary asked me to tag along to a party one evening, She picked out an elegant dress from her clothes and told me to wear it. It felt a little of my comfort zone but when she dressed me up, i couldn’t help but love the person I was seeing in the mirror.

While at the party, a gentleman I’d know as Mark walked up to my seat and whispered words like, “You’re so beautiful” into my ear. He had a beautiful smile that I instantly fell in love with him. He was sweet with his words, he refused to let go of me saying he couldn’t take his eyes off me.

After hours of conversing, Mark asked me to his car where he then started kissing me and touching me. It felt so good being intimate with someone. We proceeded to make out and had sex right in the car. It was a rough start but it finished on a good note.

Mark later dropped Mary and I at the BH. While at home, I couldn’t get over that night. I reminisced throughout the night about the intimacy with Mark. I even ended up dreaming about It. When I woke up, I was pretty excited to check if Mark had texted or called, unfortunately, there was nothing from him. Noon and night came by but there was still nothing. I felt bad until I thought, “Why should I wait for him to text or call when I can hit him up too”.

I abruptly got my phone and called Mark but the call immediately cut and a “Can’t talk now. What do you want?” text popped up on my phone. It sucked but I thought maybe he was just preoccupied. “I just wanted to say good morning, handsome” I replied. He replied, “Morning. Don’t call me. I will call you”. as odd as the text was, I still replied with “Okay” and he never at all responded.

A week went by and I had neither received a call nor text from him. I felt used and ugly. The man I lost my virginity to ghosted me just like that. I felt so attached to him, I craved and needed him. The memory of us was so vivid and stuck in my mind but I guess that didn’t matter to him.

One afternoon, I decided to look up his number on WhatsApp and like it was luck, I found his gorgeous face on his DP. I immediately took a screenshot cause I wanted to keep looking at him. While trying to exit the chat box, I noticed he had come online. I felt compelled to text him. “Hello Mark!” I wrote. A few seconds after he opened my message, I waited for him to respond but there was nothing. I rushed back to view his DP and just like that, he had blocked me.

Two weeks had gone by since the incident with Mark at the party. I was scrolling on Facebook when I saw a voodoo post which made me remember the one time Mary had told me about how she used lucky charms to find men with money. I rushed to ask her if there was any lucky charm that would help bring Mark back into my life. She told me she knew someone who had such charms and that she’d invite the person over at night.

When the lady arrived, she asked if I had a photo of Mark. I remembered the screenshot I had taken. I asked if that was enough, she said yes and gave me some instructions of a ritual I was supposed to perform around midnight. When the hour came, I did the exact thing she told me to.
Realizing what I had done, I felt bad and regretted doing it.

The next day came and I went to class. After the class had ended, I found over 15 missed calls and 3 messages from Mark, my heart began to pound fast as I read one of the texts. I couldn’t believe my eyes, Mark was in my chat apologizing for ghosting me and also, begging to meet me.

To be continued..

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