I CAN OFFER YOU MY HUSBAND 3 – Written by Unknown





Luckily for me i was able to locate the hospital, i walked into the premises heading towards the entrance of the door that leads inside.

“hope am not making a great mistake by coming here” i murmured to myself as i opened the door and walked in.

i sighted one nurse the counter i decided to walk up to her and approach her ,

when i got closer to her without her notice

i cleared my voice to get her attention.

she finally lookeup.

“Goodafternoon ma” i greeted

“Goodafternoon too please how may i be of help to you?”

” Thank you! please a patient was admitted into this hospital two weeks ago , his name is ray thomas” i looked firm into her eyes.

she gazed at me for a while then said

“okay ! let me check” she carried up the book infront of her and glanced through it then looked up and said

“Yes i have seen his name; but sorry for intruding , who are you to him because his wife left a while ago”. she waited for explanation before directing me to his room.

” i am his cousin , i’m here to see him ” i made a smirk smile.

she looked away asking me to follow her ,

she finally showed me his room and left without a single word.

I opened the door and went inside and saw the pipes and machine connected through his nose.

i dragged a chair behind me and sat down.
he was in coma so he wasn’t able to see me but i know he felt my presence maybe.

“my love am sorry i never knew this is what you’re passing through! i am really heartbroken to see you like this. i’m so sorry! i sobered.

“i brought your favourite but i know you’ll not be able to getup and taste this; get well soon my love”

I relaxed back on the chair, and slept off unknowingly.

i didn’t want to go home so i laid a clothe on the floor and slept till daybreak.

It was morning already and i was still asleep suddenly i felt a tap on arms.

“who is that” i spoke on a faint voice while trying to get up ; i gotup and saw a beautiful lady standing.

So i sat upright ! it could be his wife i thoughts; so i looked up to her.

“Goodmorning dear! awww you shouldn’t have slept on the bare floor; please getup, getup please! you’re his cousin right…. the one i spoke on phone?” she asked.

i struggled to carry myself up.

“yes yes ma, am his cousin! nice to meet you finally” i stretch forth my hands to greet but she pushed it aside and choosed to hug me instead.

“wow you’re so beautiful, he never told me he’s got a cute cousin! please sit…sit down dear!” she said

i dragged the chair and sat down.

she sat down on ray’s bed all smiling staring at me.

i was confused so i kept my face down kind of shy though

“see my dear sister, work has really hooked me up that’s why i was looking for someone that would come and look after him and luckily for me when i called and discovered you were his cousin i was relieved , at that instance i knew am free! you’re a good cousin”

she turned around and saw the foodflask

“awww you brought food for him that’s so nice of you” she said

i giggled! i was abit unrelaxed ; so i decided to go so my tension would be eased.

she stared at me.

“i think i’ll have to go ma” i stoodup and carried my foodflask.

“But why are you in a hurry, why” she looked dissapointed.

i wasnt comfortable with the whole thing, her friendly nature , her smiles i had to go before i loose my sanity.

“i have some chores to take care of ma, i’ll have to bath , brush…you know” i smiled.

” okay no problem, you can still come back okay? let’s do this some other time right?…like sitout , get to know eachother i really wanna be closer to his family members i think that will create a bond between us.

i was speechless

“hmmm but ma…i…”

“shhh” she interrupted “i want you to come to my home, your cousin’s home, please don’t reject”

she raised her index finger

my hands couldn’t hold firm to my bag ; i hold it welll! i was dumbfounded.

she up to something

“Well that will be so nice atleast i’ll get to know his abode but it might be nextmonth, i’ll be abit busy this week and next.

I smiled stu**pidly after saying that.

” i really want us to bond well, please try and come” she insisted

“Alright alright i’ll come so when is that?” i asked

“tomorrow,tomorrow precisely” she said.

” alright please take care” I accepted so she could free me to go. i was about opening the door to go out when the door handle got hold of my clothe; i almost fell to the ground.

” Be careful with the door handle dear so you won’t fall; see ya tomorrow

she smiled like someone that’s up to something

“okay thanks” i smiled back stup**idly like a clown and left (to be continued)

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