I CAN OFFER YOU MY HUSBAND 2 Written by Unknown



Episode 2

“Oh wow” i said

i wasn’t expecting her to find out about us yet , i was shocked.

i mean how could she have used ray’s phone to call me; maybe she has finally found out.

Many thoughts came in i nearly forgot i was still on call with her.

“hello, hope am speaking to vivian” she asked.

“yes…yes it’s me, please i’m…”

“it’s okay! just that this line has been calling his phone for sometime now that’s why i decided to know who it is even though your name is boldly written on ray’s caller identity”.

My nerves was calm atleast she doesn’t know am his girlfriend.
so i replied quickly

“i’m his cousin , yeah his cousin but he hasn’t been picking my calls for weeks now” i spoke with confidence awaiting her response while standing;

“but ray has never spoke about you before; never knew he’s got another cousin that i know nothing about; so bad of him”.

i was sweating pro*fusely

“Well we had a little misunderstanding but we have reconciled though i was living outside the country for quite some time , when i came back last week i wanted him to know my arrival but he blu*ntly refused to pick my calls” .

“you claim to be his cousin but refused to come to his house to checkup on him; even though he refused picking your calls as you claim .
He is in the hospital!”

“you say what? what happened to him” i asked.

“well he has been hospitalized, he survived a ghastly car accident. for like weeks now he is in coma”.

i sat down on my bed on hearing such bad news.

“i’ve been with him through out but my work is really demanding, please grant me a favour by coming to take care of him, abi what are cousins for, atleast i’ll be relieved and will focus well in my work place please?”

i couldn’t turn down such request because it’s about someone i loved

I accepted with full chest

“i’ll come, i mean if i don’t take care of him as my cousin who will?”

i was happy he survived it ; maybe i would had committed suicide if he had di*ed i never saw myself with any other man apart from him but i was abit skeptical about everything. what if she was setting me up ?
but whatever it was, ray was worth the risk.

“hello vivian…you’re not talking”

i was lost in thoughts but awaken by her voice.

she thanked me and hunged up the call , a few hour laters tshe sent the hospital’s location to my inbox.

Lilian came into my room and glanced at me smiling.

she asked why i was smiling i told her everything.

“you’re just taking risk for nothing what if she wants to end your life at once, i pity you , you better leave that family alone leave that woman’s husband alone; go and get yours, you won’t listen. she ye*lled.

“oh oh please stop! she hasn’t even found out. she was only asking me to come and take care of him in the hospital. so my dear i’ve got to cook his favourite ” i smiled.

“would you mind joining me in the kitchen” i left her and went to the kitchen.

I was in the kitchen preparing what i’ll take to the hospital, his favourite meal precisely.

Lilian walked in slug*gishly

“vivian…don’t you think it’s high time you stop this, i mean you’re beautiful you can get any man you want stop chasing after someone’s husband ; can’t you see it’s wrong.

i stopped slicing the onions and turned to her.

“lilian i can’t help it anymore seriously i don’t mind sharing him with his wife. am his girlfriend he is my responsibility i should be there for him in times like this, he would have done same if i was hospitalized see my dear love conquers it all.

i rested my palms on her shoulder but she threw my hands away and pointed her fingers on me.

“you want to split that woman’s home right?”

“Noo love i can’t do that, i’ll rather share” i giggled

she walked out of the kitchen like a soldier. i wasn’t moved though.

i quickly prepared then turned everything into the food flask and hurriedly left to refreshen up , wore my clothe just then a call came in , i picked up behold it was my mom

“vivian how are you”

“mom am fine” squeezing my face because i knew she was about asking when i’ll bring a man home to show her.

“vivian you know i am getting old, i need grand children o..infact what are you doing in Akwaibom self they are fine akwaibom men all over choose one please . i think i’m coming over there very soon” she said

“Noo mom don’t come i’ll be busy i’ll relate to you when i’ll be free… please i’ll talk to you later am in a middle of something right now please bye”

“vivian i want grand children bring a decent man home”

“mom what if i’m pregnant without a man you go like am?”

“Godforbid i only wanted you to get a man that will marry you not getting pregnant out of wedlock”

i smiled

“okay man nodey yet when e dey i go let you know” i assured her then cut the call and headed out to the hospital happily.

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