How Do I Know The Right Man For Me By Samson Idoko

How Do I Know The Right Man For Me By Samson Idoko

How Do I Know The Right Man For Me

All women want a man who they can rely on. They want their relationships to be just like it is in movies. Most women try their best to make sure their relationships last but they fail miserably because they don’t take time to understand the man they are with.

Many women go into relationships with guys they think are handsome and they never think twice about the personality of that man before they give their hearts and all to him.

Women mostly ignore all the bad signs from the beginning because they say love is blind, but they later go on to regret their decisions and wish they were never with that man.

Some of them always think relationships don’t work if you don’t make it work. As much as I agree that some men might change because of the love they have for you, I must let you know that it’s rare for this to happen. A man might change from bad to good for a while, but little things can actually make him go back to his old ways.

Some ladies are just in denial, they don’t want to think about the possibility of leaving a man they think they love.

° Is this guy the man I want for my kids?
° Can this man give me happiness for the rest of my life?
° Does he add value to me?

These are few questions you should ask yourself, after all everything boils down to happiness.
In this article, I will give you tips on how to know if that man is the right man for you.

1) He Calls You Daily To Check Up On You

While I understand some Nigerian guys don’t have credit all the time (LMAO), it’s not rocket science to figure out a guy who really loves you will call you daily. When a guy begins to give you different excuses why he couldn’t call for weeks, then it means his attention is somewhere else and he doesn’t really care about you anymore.

I noticed some guys would call you daily when they are trying to court you, but they would change to something else after you must have agreed to date them.
Always listen to his excuses and make sure they are genuine before you buy it.

2) He Doesn’t Beat You

Yes, a lady once told me she loves the way her husband beats her. She said she loves her husband more anytime he beats her and it makes the relationship even stronger. I thought it was a joke at first, but I later realized she was serious.

There’s no how a man who beats you can become the man for you. It’s high time you stopped deceiving yourself and leave that relationship with immediate effect. What if it one day leads to death? Would you still love it even in death?

A man who turns you into a punching bag doesn’t deserve you. Period!

3) He Makes You Happy

° Is your relationship a happy one?
° Do you think more about happy memories than sad ones?
There’s absolutely no reason to stay in a relationship that doesn’t make you happy. A relationship like this will lead nowhere. If a man doesn’t make you happy, then it simply means you are forcing yourself on him.

A Relationship without happiness is same as one who’s in prison. Yes, you are in prison. The main reason we go into relationships is to find happiness and when we don’t see this, then it’s better to find someone else.

The Right Man The Right Man The Right Man The Right Man The Right Man The Right Man

4) He’s Your Closest Friend

Every woman should have a man they can talk to. A man who listens and cares about what’s going on in their life.

° Is your man a listener?
° Does he listen and offer solutions and advice to the problems you have?
° Is he a man you can talk to at any time?
° Do you feel comfortable around him to tell him even your smallest secrets?
° Do you want him around every time or does his presence scare and annoys you?

These are important questions you should ask yourself daily about your relationship. If you have negative answers about the above questions, then it means he might not be the right man for you. If your answers are positive, then there’s no doubt he’s the right man for you.

5) He’s Not After Gains Alone

° Does he ask for sex every time?
° Does he only call you when he needs to have sex?
° How does he react when he talks about sex and you tell him you aren’t feeling well?
° Does he visit or ask you to visit him only when you aren’t on your period?

Some guys are after your body alone, they don’t care about your health or needs. It’s very important to stay away from this type of men. They will never add value to you, but they will make sure they suck every juice you have in your honey pot. Stay away from guys who only want sex without adding value to you in anyway.

This type of guys are likely to deny and leave you when you get pregnant without taking responsibility.

6) He Adds Value To You And Cares About Your Career

° Does he ask about your school frequently?
° Does he tell you to read your books and give you advice on how to become a better person in life?
° Is he pissed when you do something nasty, does he even care about what you do?
° Is he concerned about your welfare and your emotions?
The best man for you will definitely add value one way or the other to your life.

He should care about the slightest problems you encounter in your relationship, place of work or even at school. A man who doesn’t care about your problems is unlikely to care about you. You can’t be with a man who doesn’t care about you.

7) You Don’t Force Yourself On Him

° Do you do all the love talks?
° Do you try your best to make him happy while he does nothing towards making things work?
Wait! Why would you force yourself on a man who claims to love you? The only time a man wouldn’t force himself on a lady is when he doesn’t really love that lady. It’s 100% certain that man is giving his attention to another lady out there. The right man should definitely try to woo you everyday and give you his attention.

8) He Gives You Attention

The points above talked about this already. A man who loves you will surely give you his attention at all times. When men begin to give excuses, it means there’s something definitely wrong. You mustn’t beg for the attention of a man who claims he loves you.
I have seen many relationships where it seemed as though the girl is an attention seeker. Let your man hold you in public, he should be proud to have you as his girlfriend or wife. Never follow a man who wouldn’t introduce you as his woman to his friends and family.

At this point I drop my pen. This article will really go a long way for you. You have to stop going out with guys because you think they are handsome. You shouldn’t be a rag to any man, you should be classy to any man you are with.

The Right Man

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