Kelvin made it back to the boarding school where he and Walter left Special.

“Good day sir”the school receptionist greeted.

He smiled back,eye searching zealously for Special or anything that looks like her.

“Good Morning,I came to see my daughter. It’s very important, Special Kelvin”.

The receptionist nodded with a welcoming smile.

“Please have a seat,I will be back”.

She pointed at the waiting couch.

Kelvin thanked her ,but he was too anxious and excited to sit down, he stood still, his heart racing.

Minutes later, she came back.

Have you voted for my book?

 It’s my first ever competition. If I lose it will discourage my writing skill. If you think I have talent as a writer and you enjoy my stories please vote for me.

Download moboReader app, create an account with the app then come back and click on the link below in the comment. I will forever appreciate you.

“Sorry sir, she’s among the set of class six that just graduated,did you miss their graduation?”

The question was a pain peeler to him but first,he should have thought of it.

“My baby girl is no more a primary school student”

He smirked to himself.

“Okay …please do you know the address of Mrs Gina ,the principal”.

“Mrs Gina relocated months ago,none of the staff knows her new address”.

This answer worried him.

She’s the only one that can tell where Special is, definitely.

He waved off the fear that was rising in him,about Special’s well-being,Gina will definitely take care of her.

But what if she turns out to be the same with Cynthia and her brother, maybe also Sarah.

I won’t hold back to deal with her if I find out she ever mistreated my baby.

Enough my baby girl is too young for all that.Maybe I’m exaggerating, he thought.

“But if you want I can give you her contact”.

I was very pleased with that reply,I thanked her and collected the number ,on my way back in the bus heading to Mrs Gina place,I hope she gives me her new address ,I called her impatiently.

I had several trails then she answered.

“Hello ,who am I speaking with?”

Her voice annoys me.

It reminded me of Walter but let me focus on getting back my daughter. The incident was my own misfortune.

Have you voted for my book?

 It’s my first ever competition. If I lose it will discourage my writing skill. If you think i have talent as a writer and you enjoy mu stories please vote for me.

Download moboReader app, create an account with the app then come back and click on the link below in the comment. I will forever appreciate you.

“It’s Kelvin,how is your family, ma’am?”

She was silent for minutes.

“Which Kelvin please?”

Her voice was unsteady.

“Special’s dad,how is my daughter?”

She went silent again then replied.

“She ran away from home”.

The statement cut off the breath from my system.

“Come again?”

“I accepted her as a family member,treated her like a daughter,but she was so obsessed and wondered why you never returned as promised,you know her better and what she can do,the next minute , she’s gone,I went to the police and reported but it was all useless,I kept asking Walter about you and what’s going for on,he never gave me an accurate response,I am sorry Mr Kelvin,she’s out there,maybe you can try looking for her”.

She hung up.

At first I laughed out in disbelief.

“A ten year old ,homeless in this wicked world?”

I snapped out loud. The people on the bus gave me a concerned glare.

Then I bursted into tears. It’s all my fault,I never should have left ,I promised her I would return,I can’t imagine the trauma I put her through.

Where will I start from?

How will I go about it?

God please help me,I have no idea ,what if something happened to her,I am going to kill myself for being a useless father to a sweet girl like my daughter


She rocked her legs to put the scared Special to sleep,who was lying on her laps.

“So you are calling off your wedding because of what?”

Her mother asked curiously.

“I didn’t call my marriage off,mom. kayode did”.

“He told me he only asked you to send the weird kid to an orphanage home,you stubbornly disagree,is that what I,  your mom taught you, disrespecting your husband to be?”

“Mom, how is it disrespectful? I agree Faith will be going to the orphanage home but not until she recovers,why won’t he respect my own decision. I pleaded,I cried,this girl is helpless,and needs our help…”

“What do you know about this girl? Nothing!!! So you are going to choose her over your marriage that took him 5 years to propose to you,are you bewitched, Angela!!”

“Mom no matter what anyone says or does, I am not going to let her go,you will never understand,but I was once like her, destroyed emotionally…(sobs)

You never gave me a listening ear,even when I told you I was raped by uncle Jude,your own youngest brother,you asked me not to say it out in public that it is abominable (breaks down)

You will never understand,I tell you!!So what is 5 years of relationship? I can’t survive,if he can’t love me enough to understand my feelings then I will let it go”.

She stood up and carried the now sleeping Special into the room.

Have you voted for my book?

 It’s my first ever competition. If I lose it will discourage my writing skill. If you think I have talent as a writer and you enjoy my stories please vote for me.

Download moboReader app, create an account with the app then come back and click on the link below in the comment. I will forever appreciate you.

Her mom was shocked and stared at her in disbelief.

Inside she was regretting it,for many years she taught her daughter’s heart as been healed from the rape incident but the pain is still there,and she thought

“Maybe I was the cause of this, if I had stood up and fight my brother for her,it would have made her feel better,instead I shut her up cus I was scared of I was people will say,she was left to Battle the feeling alone, ever since then,I noticed my daughter confidence reduced ,she lost her joyful self,after all that she gave love a chance and 5 years later she got engaged presently. it’s going to break her ,if kayode insists on calling off the wedding”.

She sighed deeply

“What will I do now?”


(4 months later)

Angela lost her marriage,and even her family sees her as that stubborn.

But the only thing that worried her is Special’s not responding to her drugs and treatment.

She goes to school with her and keeps a close eye on her ,to make sure she doesn’t hurt herself or the kids bully her for spacing out.

It created topics for gossip teachers in their school wondering who Special is, whether decent Angela is a single mother.

The Rev sister never showed up again,Angela was later informed that she was transferred to a missionary boarding school and now works there.

“Hey are you dumb can’t you speak?”

A kid was telling at Special.

The teachers were having a PTA meeting , while the kids were on break. Special walked slowly to the playground,and some bullies wanted to take a shot since the teacher Angela isn’t with her to guard her.

“Is she okay?”

Another kid asked.

The first one pushed her.Special cried loudly.

“I didn’t even push you hard,you want hard, then I will push you..”

He pushed her again,she slipped on a stone laying on her back and hit her head on the floor.

The sight was terrible that the kids had to go get Angela.

Even the kid that pushed her was crying ,he never intended it to be that much.

Angela and other teachers ran out of the principal’s office after the information.

She rushed to Special,yelling who pushed her?

She gave her a mouth to mouth respiration method.Special cried out loudly.

Relieved Angela,hugged her, ordering the whole students to kneel down as punishment.


She was stunned by the voice.It’s coming from Special.

Does this mean?

She stared at Special even the students and teachers too were surprised.

“Special, are you okay?”

“Please I want my daddy, please”.

Angela excitedly hugged her in joy.

She released the kids.

“The accident was a miracle in disguise,if any of you ever make fun of or bully her,I am going to flog you till you wee wee on your pants”.

She instructed.

She was given permission to take Special home.


I slept for hours after sleeping off while crying,the last thing I could remember is running away from the three men in the dark .

Suddenly I remembered my diary.

The door opened

I tightened up, scared and curious.


She said, smiling broadly with a tray of food.

“Your diary is on the table beside you”.

I looked over found it and picked it immediately, hugging it and staring curiously at her.

“I made your favorite,sorry I went through your diary”.

“I am Special not Faith. Who are you?”I asked.

“Oh Special is your name. I am aunty Angela my students call me that but you can call me just Angela”she said with a wink.

I am not interested in the introduction.

“Do you know where my daddy is?”

I asked in a sobby tone.

“Not yet but will soon”.

I looked at her with interest after that reply.

“I have this friend who is a realistic artist ,if you tell him about your father’s visual features,he can draw him and with his artistic picture,we can find him”.

It was hopeful I guess, a smile drew on my lips.

“So let’s eat first we will go visit him after”.


“I will be with you all the time,don’t be scared also he is not an, not every guy is bad”.

She understands me even without telling her i am scared of him.

I nodded slowly.

She offered to feed me. I accepted, and immediately, it all came back,as I stared at her ,each spoon she gave me and that smile.

I got flashes. This isn’t the first time she is feeding me.

All this time,I kicked and fought her,spilled out the food like a toddler.

I was terrible. I also remembered her argument with one uncle named Kayode.

Yes he is her fiance also her mom told her to get rid of me

I hugged her tightly in tears.

She chuckled.

“That was sudden ,what happened,are you scared? You don’t have to be dear”.

“Thanks Angela”.

I cried out loudly.

She pulled me out and smiled.

“Hey ,you don’t know how happy it made me to take care of you,it also helped me in a way”.

She pecked my forehead.

“It’s okay”.

She cleaned my wet cheeks and continued feeding me.

I asked to do the same for her.

She laughed out loud, she is so beautiful.

“No way”.

“Please…” I whined.


She covered her face.

She is shy,I thought only kids can get shy

I so much enjoyed her company, it reminded me of mummy Cynthia but the difference is that.

Have you voted for my book?

 It’s my first ever competition. If I lose it will discourage my writing skill. If you think I have talent as a writer and you enjoy my stories please vote for me.

Download moboReader app, create an account with the app then come back and click on the link below in the comment. I will forever appreciate you.

She acts like we are age mates , she understands me alot.


I have been searching,I went back to our old neighborhood,to the restaurant I worked before,everywhere I could think of to search for Special but all was useless.

I still can’t believe it,it’s worse than my past condition.

There’s two places I never searched her in

Sarah and Cynthia’s place.

I never wanted to see any of them again

But I have no choice.

I just pray she’s there,healthy and safe

I don’t care about any of them anymore, and I don’t think I will have a place in my heart for any of them or any woman again

All I have to do is find Special.

 No matter what it takes. I will get my daughter back to me.

“Oga we don reach the address”.

I looked out of the window and saw Cynthia’s place.

I sighed and paid the cab driver


We got to the place aunty Angela told me

She was serious about finding dad,it made me love her more.

“His eyebrows?”

“Thick and carved neatly, very handsome”.

“You always end your descriptions with very handsome”Angela teased with a giggle.

“Like she is describing her boyfriend”

The artist contributed.

“What’s a boyfriend,my daddy is a man”I frowned.

The two of them laughed.

“Alright, point at the type of brows in this sample?”

He gave me a picture of many eyebrows drawn.

I searched very carefully

“That one!”

I selected.

He nodded and drew it fast on the image he was working on.

“The finishing touches”

He said,”Hair cut?”

I selected the hairstyle.

“Are you sure this is your dad? He looked younger than I expected”.

He said and showed me the drawing

I cried loudly.

“Yes it is him but more handsome”.

“Alright that hurts”.

He chuckled.

He is a nice person by that impression.

“Sorry”I snapped realizing what I said was wrong,he drew daddy completely,he’s really talented.

I hugged Angela after he gave me the drawing.

“Thanks aunty!!” She smiled back.

“So how much?”

“A dinner, what about that? Special can be present if you don’t feel good about it,I hope this time you say yes”.

He talked like he had been asking her that for a long time.

“I told you I am enga…”

She stopped and suddenly turned pale.

She must be feeling bad about her breakup.

“Alright, I will think about it Chidi”.

She said, hiding her sadness with a slight grin.

“Glad to hear that”

Chidi replied warmly.

They will make a good couple,I guess.

We walked out of his office, she waved a cab and we entered.

“Let me see the drawing”

I happily gave her.

“Wow!!, nothing like I expected”

She chuckled.

I wondered what she meant by that.

She stared at the pic longer than I expected.

“He is really good looking”

She said and gave the picture back.

“You like him?”

“Yes..I mean no…I mean….Special !!! don’t ask that kind of questions”

She yelled nervously.

Her cheeks turned red,I giggled at that and hugged her tightly.

She wrapped her hand around me.

I can’t wait to meet dad too.



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Albert jnr
Albert jnr
1 year ago

Next pls 🙏🙏🙏

Alagoa Boye Joyous
Alagoa Boye Joyous
1 year ago

Why is there no indication of the next episode coming up?

Nnaji Chiziterem Gold Chistabel
Nnaji Chiziterem Gold Chistabel
1 year ago

Pls continue the story na pls

Nnaji Chiziterem Gold Chistabel
Nnaji Chiziterem Gold Chistabel
1 year ago

Please release the remaining story